FREE Nuggets of Wisdom

Aug. 10, 2021

MM#32--Do the Work

In this MOJO Minute, we recap a Pittsburgh Steeler's Pro Football Hall of Fame speech and offer a unique observation about our culture, ultimately concluding with Steven Pressfield's wisdom in Do The Work (affiliate link) Co...

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Aug. 9, 2021

Catholic Corner #1--Saint Dominic--The Integrated Life

In this new segment episode titled the Catholic Corner, we touch on Saint Dominic and his integrated way of life. This new book, The Way of Life: A Path to Knowing and Loving God (affiliate link) by Patrick Mary Briscoe, OP ...

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Aug. 5, 2021

MM#31--Failure's New Name

In this episode, we explore Tony's Hortons great book of wisdom The Big Picture: 11 Laws That Will Change Your Life (affiliate link). Key points: How do we deal with failure? Do we react positively to it? Do we learn from o...

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Aug. 3, 2021

MM#30--Feelings, pt. 2--The Pole Position of LIfe

In part 2 of the exploring our feelings episode, we dig deep into one of the most powerful concepts I have uncovered in any of my readings. It comes to us from Eric Greitens’s Resilience (affiliate link) so be sure to liste...

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July 29, 2021

MM#29--Feelings pt. 1--Personal Cheerleader

In this episode, we explore our feelings and how they correlate to our decisions and choices. Along the way, we check out quotes from Eat that Frog and Learned Optimism finally concluding with Man's Search for Meaning (affi...

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July 28, 2021

SPECIAL--July 2021--Author Spotlight

In this SPECIAL episode, we launch our first ever, Author Spotlight! Key Points: We open with the preface from Brad's latest novel, Black Ice ! Check out our Author spotlight dedicated page Brad Thor's biography and his proli...

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July 27, 2021

MM#28--The Bear and The Travelers

In this MOJO Minute, we examine the state of friendship and its importance in our culture ending with Aesops Fable, the Bear and The Travelers. Key points: Results from the Survey Center on American Life C.S. Lewis and Ralph ...

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July 22, 2021

MM#27--Keeping Up with the Joneses

In this episode, we pivot to understand better our financial fitness in Dave Ramsey’s The Total Money Makeover (affiliate link). Key points: Whats the typical millionaire’s buying habits Those who are practicing financial fit...

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July 20, 2021

MM#26--Get To The Starting Line

In this episode, we discuss starting a weight loss project or any project and how sometimes those project never seem to happen. Then, Joe DeSena provides to us some great nuggets of wisdom in Spartan Fit (affiliate link) to h...

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July 15, 2021


In this episode, we unpack Stephen Guise's fantastic book, How to be an Imperfectionist (affiliate link). Key points: We name the top five areas of perfectionism Take a dive into each of the five and provide solutions. Thank...

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July 13, 2021

MM#24--Do you Hate Salads As Much As I Do?!

In this episode, we ask the ultimate question for everyone trying to tackle their nutrition and better their health, do you hate eating salads too? lol (seriously) Thank you Dr. Joel Fuhrman from The End of Dieting (affilia...

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July 8, 2021

MM#23--Mental Training

In this episode, we go back in the day--not really--but it feels like to the movie Karate Kid from the 1980's and we meet Danielson and Mr. Miyagi and explore the Art of Mental Training (affiliate link) by DC Gonzalez. Key po...

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July 6, 2021

MM#22--Gratitude works

In this episode, we hear the ancient sages reminds us that humility is required for a grateful heart and dive deeper in Gratitudes Works (affiliate link) by Robert Emmons. Key points: From Seneca on down we learn the chief ob...

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July 4, 2021

Happy Indepedence Day

In this episode, we celebrate our National birthday. Happy Independence Day America. Key points: John Kennedy at Independence Hall in 1962 Lincoln on the Verge review William F. Buckleys stirring words in 1979 about the nati...

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July 1, 2021

MM#20--Life Isn't Fair--Drive on!

In this episode, we hear an inspiring story from William McRaven's book, Make your Bed (affiliate link) about Moki Martin. Key points: The wonderful power in resiliency in the face of a trajedy. How to truely look at the worl...

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June 29, 2021

MM#19--The Value of Little Things

In this episode, we dig into the value of little things ending with a great lesson from William McRaven's book, Make your Bed: Little Things That Can Change your Life...and Maybe the World (affiliate link) Key points: The po...

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June 24, 2021

MM#18--Make it Stupid Small

In this episode, we uncover this remarkable nugget of wisdom in making things stupid small from Stephen Guise's book Mini Habits (affiliate link) Key points: How to breakdown any habit into doable practical solutions. Uncover...

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June 22, 2021

MM#17--We Got to Move it, Move it!

In this episode, we stay on the exercise theme and find out why exercise is super-important in the book, Move your DNA by Katy Bowman. (affiliate link) Key points: 15 to 70 trillion cells in our bodies All of our cells are ti...

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June 17, 2021

MM#16--Exercise + Habits = Keystone habit

In this episode, we come back to the book, Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg (affiliate link) Key points: what's your Keystone habit Why exercise influences everything else in our life how to create widespread change in your l...

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June 15, 2021

MM#15--Two Easies

In this episode, we learn from the grandfather of the personal development movement, Jim Rohn and his modern classic work, Leading an Inspired Life (affiliate link) Key points: what's easy to do is easy NOT to do what's the d...

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June 10, 2021

MM#14-Want to improve immediately? Measure!

In this episode, we check into Darren Hardy's The Compound Effect (affiliate link) Key points: How to improve immediately why measuring works The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson Want to leave a review? Click here and if we earned a...

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June 8, 2021

MM#13--Thinking vs Doing

In this episode, Stephen Guise's How to be an Imperfectionist (affiliate link) helps us greatly on Thinking vs Doing Key points: Why action beats thinking every time. why Theory 2 Action is our podcast name what's the tinest ...

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June 3, 2021

MM#12--How will you respond?

In this episode, we check out Urban Meyer's Above the Line (affiliate link) and some of its powerful points. Key points: E + R = O Events + Response = Outcome. How the response is most important. Excuses are meaningless w...

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June 1, 2021

MM#11--Victim vs Creator

In this episode, we explore David Emerald's The Power of Ted (affiliate link) *possible affiliate links below* Key points: Don't be a Victim, be a Creator perfect reframing of our lives. To live Above the Line Want to leave a...

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