FREE Nuggets of Wisdom

Dec. 1, 2022

MM#184--Rule #8

Following up on last weeks MM#181 --we continue to unpack 12 Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson to help us to prevent chaos in our lives. Today we tackle Rule #8, the most important rule from our reading of Jordan's book. Key...

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Nov. 29, 2022

MM#183--Acting Crazier Than The Crazies

In this MM, we review one of life's best teaching lessons most likely brought down through the generations by our mothers and to provide such as example we look to Ian O'Conner's book, Coach K which shares an embarrasing stor...

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Nov. 24, 2022

MM#182--Happy Thanksgiving

In this special Thanksgiving Episode, we take a trip back in our history to our first US President, George Washington and his Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1789 Key Points from the Episode: Please check out last years MM#65 ce...

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Nov. 22, 2022

MM#181--If We Live Properly...Order Is Formed From Chaos

When we live properly, we will find these 12 Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson to help us to prevent chaos in our lives. Key points: Human beings thrive under some sort of order A listing of the 12 rules Here's a simple how-t...

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Nov. 17, 2022

MM#180--Creating 'Hope Molecules'

Getting back to our fundamentals in leading a flourishing life, we tackle movement in this MOJO Minute. To help us along the journey, we enlist Kelly McGonigal and her book The Joy of Movement: How Exercise Helps Us Find H...

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Nov. 15, 2022

MM#179--A Cold Shower A Day...

One of the most requested books for us to review in the last six months has been Wim Hoff's, The Wim Hoff Method: Activate Your Full Human Potential Key points: Start with just 15 seconds of a cold shower after a warm showe...

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Nov. 15, 2022

LM#20--The Tammany Hall Two-Step

Today's Liberty Minute 🗽 tries to make sense out of the craziness of the last week by explaining the Tammany Hall two-step and what the GOP can do in the future to preserve the republic. Key Points from the Episode: Revolver'...

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Nov. 10, 2022

MM#178--Render Onto Caesar

No matter the election results from this week, todays MM reminds us of the most important things to human flourishing which is the right order of priorities. The Didache Bible from Ignatius Press helps us along the path. Key ...

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Nov. 8, 2022

MM#177--The Liberty Bell & Franklin's Reminder

Today is election day in this Constitutional Republic so be sure to exercise your citizens great responsibility to vote. In this MM, we look back at another 'critical juncture' in the nations history. With the help of William...

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Nov. 7, 2022

LM#19--A Great Republic Faces An Election

In this last Liberty Minute 🗽 before Tuesday’s mid-term elections, we review all of our past Liberty Minutes that began in July 2022! By doing so, we hope to give you a holistic view of all the issues in their depth affecti...

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Nov. 5, 2022

LM#18--American Marxism, It's Here

In this Liberty Minute 🗽 we take a long look at American Marxism in our culture. To do this, we look to the Great One, Mark Levin in his latest masterpiece, American Marxism. Key Points from the Episode: What's the appeal o...

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Nov. 3, 2022

MM#176--Get After It!

In our last MM, we shared Jocko Willinks fantastic new book, Discipline Equals Freedom: A Field Manual so let's pull another nugget of wisdom out of this great book. Key points: Is it effective for us to just act like librar...

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Nov. 1, 2022

MM#175--Discipline = Freedom

If we have acquired the habit of discipline, then we have acquired a wonderful habit. Lets talk about it on todays MM! To do so, we will call in our guide to help with discipline, Discipline Equals Freedom: A Field Manual by...

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Oct. 31, 2022

CC#15--Teachings for an Unbelieving World (Part 2)

Today's Catholic Corner episode, we continue to Part 2 of this great gift! 🎁 Thank you for this great gift brought to us by Ave Maria Press in this wonderful book, Teachings for an Unbelieving World: Newly Discovered Reflec...

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Oct. 30, 2022

LM#17--Justice Corrupted

Today's Liberty Minute 🗽 we see how justice is corrupted. Our guide will be the new book from the great senator from Texas, Ted Cruz and his book is Justice Corrupted: How the Left Weaponized Our Legal System Key Points from ...

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Oct. 27, 2022

MM#174--Another Superpower? = Action Action & Action

Today’s MOJO Minute, we look back to some previous MM’s to ensure we are not forgetting our fundamentals. But we are staying with our author in our previous MM, Daniel Coyle and his superb book, The Talent Code: Greatness i...

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Oct. 25, 2022

MM#173--The Magic of Myelin

In today’s MOJO Minute, we revisit the magic of Myelin with Daniel Coyle as our guide from his superb book, The Talent Code: Greatness isnt born. It’s Grown. Here’s How. Key points: This revolutionary scientific discovery ...

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Oct. 23, 2022

CC#14--Teachings for an Unbelieving World (Part 1)

Today's Catholic Corner episode, we discover a great gift! 🎁 This great gift is brought to us by Ave Maria Press in this wonderful book, Teachings for an Unbelieving World: Newly Discovered Reflections on Paul's Sermon at t...

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Oct. 23, 2022

LM#16--Paideia + The Virtuous Free Society = Human Flourishing

Today's Liberty Minute 🗽 is a celebration 🥳👏🎊 of sorts!! A celebration of Saint John Paul II and his life and extraordinary teachings, most especially because today is his feast day, October 22! Also, in this episode we will ...

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Oct. 20, 2022

MM#172--The Common Denominator

Todays MM is a return to the fundamentals, specifically our habits. To help with this, we enlist the help of Jack Hodge in his book, The Power of Habit Key points: Successful people have good habits and regular routines. What...

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Oct. 18, 2022

MM#171--Ideas Have Consequences

Let's get philosophical shall we? Todays MM introduces us to Richard Weaver's Ideas Have Consequences and then we pull apart this notion of the quest for ideas with the great-grandfather of personal development, Jim Rohn, in...

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Oct. 17, 2022

LM#15--Big Help With A Little Badmouth

Today's Liberty Minute 🗽sheds light on the corruption with China by our American Elites. Peter Schweizer has been at the forefront of investigating this corruption for over the last decade. His book, Red-Handed: How Americ...

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Oct. 13, 2022

MM#170--In The Darkest Moments, Be Your Very Best

In this episode, we appeal for you to be your best at the darkest times. Those darkest times might upon us now as a society.... To help you to be your very best, we share a very inspirational story from William McRaven's bo...

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Oct. 11, 2022

MM#169--The Questions From A Good Teacher

In this MM, we think about our childhood and who influenced us to be our better self? To do this, our lightening bolt of inspiration came to us while reading, Robin Sharma's insightful book, The Everyday Hero Manifesto: Acti...

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