The power of example is often underestimated. Not so, in todays MM, where we watch a little league baseball player hug another competitor in an incredible show of compassion and sportsmanship. Key Points from the Episode: K...
In MM#118, lets chat about our smart phone use with the help of Catherine Price's remarkable book, How to Break Up with Your Phone: The 30 - Day Plan to Take Back Your Life. Key Points from the Episode: Are we Americans addi...
In MOJO Minute #96, we unpack the traditional virtues and vices that help create a persons character. We get some help from David Issacβs Character Building: A guide for parents and teachers. Key Points from the Episode: Why ...
In this episode , David checkouts the Grandfather of the personal development movement, John Maxwell and his book, Jump Start Your Growth: A 90-Day Improvement Plan. Key Points from the Episode: Why hope is not a plan? The Tw...
In this quick MOJO Minute we build on our last episode and explore Angela Duckworth's book on Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Key Points from the Episode: Why are high achievers special and what traits do they ...
In this episode, we check out Calvin Coolidge's, our 30th President of the United States, most famous quote from his presidency which Amity Shales in her biography of Coolidge helps us to unpack. Key Points from the Episode: ...
In this episode, we explore the virtue of humility Key points: quotes from Proverbs, Confucius, and the difficulty gaining and keeping the virtue of humility. the great example from Extreme Ownership of no ego leaders. how to...
In this episode, we explore George Weigel's Witness to Hope (affiliate link) Key points: The power of great leadership, great example and great forgiveness. Leo Clifford's wonderful preaching on forgiveness Great prayer at th...
In this episode, we discuss David Brooks, Road to Character (affiliate link) and a good definition of character. Want to leave a review? Click here and if we earned a five star review from you **high fives and knuckles bumps*...