FREE Nuggets of Wisdom

Dec. 28, 2021

MM#76--The Christmas Miracle of 1776

In this MOJO Minute, we look back in American History to that first miracle of Christmas 1776 and read from Thomas Paine in the American Crisis Correction: the painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware resides in the West ...

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Oct. 6, 2021

MM#50--The Dying Citizen

Today, we celebrate MOJO minute #50 and we do so with fanfare and great analysis by Victor Davis Hanson on America's ailments in the 21st century in his latest book, The Dying Citizen: How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and ...

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July 4, 2021

Happy Indepedence Day

In this episode, we celebrate our National birthday. Happy Independence Day America. Key points: John Kennedy at Independence Hall in 1962 Lincoln on the Verge review William F. Buckleys stirring words in 1979 about the nati...

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May 31, 2021

MM-special- Happy Memorial Day

In this episode, we thank all those who gave their lives defending our country. Key points: America is an exceptional country we are uniquely special as a country to have an all volunteer military stepping up to defending our...

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