Nov. 21, 2023

MM#284--Where Will You Be At 6:20 A.M. On A Wednesday In 2024?

Ever wondered where you'll be at 6.20 am on a Wednesday in 2024?

The answer to this thought-provoking question lies in the ageless wisdom of Scott Adams' book, "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big," which we're revisiting for the third time.

This discussion isn't just a reading—it's a deep dive into the paradox of choice and the power of routine. You'll discover how the certainty found in reliable systems and routines can shield you from the exhaustion of attractive alternatives and lead to a fulfilling life.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • We'll dissect how Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip, knew exactly where he would be at 6.20 am on a Saturday morning in 2017. 
  • You'll gain a fresh perspective on how to create and lead a flourishing life with the help of wisdom nuggets from great books. 
  • Drink from this well of wisdom and you'll find yourself not only enriched but also ready to tackle life's challenges with newfound insight.

Our exploration promises more than just an intellectual feast. It's a hearty meal!

To live a flourishing life requires systems to be in place!  

Other resources:

MM#79--Goals are for Losers!

MM#80--Deciding vs Wishing

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Theory to Action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time, to help you take action immediately and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now here's your host, David Kaiser.

Speaker 2:

Hello, I am David and welcome back to another Mojo Minute. Where will you be at 6.20 AM on a Wednesday in 2024? That is the question. The inspiration for that question comes to us from one of our old favorites one of our old favorite authors, scott Adams and his marvelous book how to Fail at Almost Everything and Still when Big Kind of the story of my life. It was written back in 2013, some 10 years ago, but that wisdom is still producing great fruit. We've actually covered two nuggets of wisdom from this book Mojo Minutes 79 and 80. We'll put them in the show links to make it easy for you. We check those out back in the start of 2022. Those titles were goals are for losers yeah, baby, goals are for losers. And deciding versus wishing. Both of those gems are still aging well in our nugget of wisdom museum. Be sure to incorporate both of those lessons into your life. I promise they will help you to go far. But today's nugget of wisdom is freshly plucked from that fruit tree, still ripe, still ready to be eaten, and so, with that, let's go to the book to hear this wisdom in total. Barry Schwartz, the author of the paradox of choice, tells us that people become unhappy if they have too many options in life. The problem with options is that choosing any path can leave you plagued with self-doubt. You quite rationally think one of the paths not chosen might have worked out better. That can eat you. Choosing among attractive alternatives can also be exhausting. You want to feel as if you researched and consider all of your options. That's why I find great comfort in routine. If you asked me today where I'll be at 6.20 on a Saturday morning in the year 2017, I'll tell you I'll be at my desk finishing the artwork on some comics I drew earlier in the week. That's what I was doing last Saturday at that time and what I plan to do this Saturday as well. I can't recall the last time I woke up and looked at my options for what to do first. It's always the same, at least for the first few hours of my day Flat out, incredible, Just incredible. When I read it, I stopped and I looked back on my 2.5 years of creating. Every Tuesday and Thursday. These mojo minutes would be sprinkled into your day. We throw in some several Liberty minutes because the country is going drastically in the wrong direction, and we even threw in a shaker two or three of Catholic corners into that whole bucket as well. You have a wonderful symphony of incredibly mind nuggets of wisdom from these great books and we have a huge archive to go back to. In fact, we have 364 of these suckers, 364 of these episodes. That just renders me incredibly humble and incredibly grateful For you, the listener. I actually stopped writing this makeshift script to offer up heartfelt prayers for this podcast and for you. Now back to our nugget of wisdom. That's one of the biggest so far. Scott told us. If you asked me today where I'll be at 6.20 am on a Saturday morning in the year 2017, I'll tell you. I'll be at my desk finishing the artwork on some comics I drew earlier in the week. In case you didn't know, scott Adams, the author of this book, was the creator and the artist for the comic strip Dilbert, one of the longest running comics in the history of comics. So imagine that. Imagine having a system that worked for you so well, so good, that you knew it would not fail. And as an aside, just to help you to understand how flabbergastingly good not sure if that's a word flabbergastingly good this nugget of wisdom is. Scott wrote this book in 2013. And over the next four years he was predicting. He knew where he was going to be at 6.20 am on a Saturday. So imagine again you knew that for the next few years you would be there and of course, of course, god willing. Or what do they say down on the farm, god willing in the creek, don't rise. But just imagine that you knew for the next few years where you would be on a random Saturday at 6.20 am. And how did Scott know that? Because Scott's system was operating at full strength and he had that much clarity. I just find that absolutely awesome. I mean, can we get a holy smokes?

Speaker 1:

Holy smokes.

Speaker 2:

All right, thank you, thank you. So I offer this question to you when will you be at 6.20 am on a random Wednesday in 2024? I'll be right here at my desk working on a mojo minute, god willing, of course. But where will you be at 6.20 on a Wednesday in 2024? Do you have your systems dialed in? Do you know where you're going to be? Do you have that routine perfected? Can you answer that question confidently? If not, let's get on that. And to paraphrase mojo minute 79, goals are for losers. So to live a flourishing life, let's create systems now. So when 2024 comes, we turn the page on 2023, we are not, like the rest of society, writing down goals, or actually what most of society does is they just keep the goal in their head. They never write it down. Studies show that. If you want to write your goal down, great. But in the meantime, let's build the systems. Once we have systems built in place that are working for us, because we work the system. So in today's mojo minute, how do we fail at almost everything and still win big? We create systems, and so so, craddock style, let me ask you that question again when will you be at 620 AM on a Wednesday in 2024?

Speaker 1:

Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at team mojoacademycom, where we have everything we discussed in this podcast, as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo on.