Jan. 18, 2022

MM#83--Superpower pt 3, The Holy Grail

In MOJO Minute #83, we finalize our deep dive into the Deep Work habit offered by Cal Newport in his book, Deep Work!

Key Points from the Episode:

  • How do start a Deep Work session?
  • What are its characteristics?

Other resources:

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Welcome to the theory to action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time to help you take action immediately, and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing lives. Now, here's your host, David Kaiser.

Hello, I am David and welcome back to another Mojo minute. So for our last two Mojo minutes, we chatted about deep work, and why it what it is and why it is important. And Cal Newport, the author of this highly recommended book helped us to understand it is becoming more rare these days to acquire and practice this habit. And thus, paradoxically, it's becoming more valuable, because knowledge workers in the 21st century just have to cultivate this habit. So, in today's Mojo minute, let's tackle that exact question. How do we cultivate this deep work habit, because after all, into getting the how to have things, that's how we practically get after it. In addition, this is the theory to action podcast after also, we have to figure out how to get to the practical sense of stuff. 

So let's dive deep. Cow in his book outlines this very equation, quote, high quality work produced equals time spent times intensity of focus. Let me repeat that high quality work produced equals time spent times intensity of focus. Now let me say, when I see an equation, like a math equation, or chemical equation, I start to recline to my chair, I start to get the shakes, fear starts to grow rapidly in my mind. And I think this all goes back to my high school days, I hated math. And I certainly hated balancing chemical equations, and high school chemistry class. But let me say, Mr. Thomas, God bless you, wherever you're at. My high school chemistry teacher suffered through my eight gazillion, yes, eight gazillion questions to finally understand, or helped me understand the basics of how to balance those dang equations. Needless to say, that's why I graduated in political science in history. Okay, that was enough of a segue back to our task, how to cultivate deep work. And back to our equation, high quality work produced equals time spent times intensity of focus. 

So based on that equation, if we want to dive into deep work, we have to ramp up the intensity of focus. Okay, got it. And so in effect, that means we also have to block off time to do nothing, but deep work, if we're gonna get it right. And here's a little bit about how I go into deep work. I scheduled the time I block off the time, just like we talked about, my phone goes to silent or is turned off. All notifications on the work computer are silenced. For me, I dedicate anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half in a block of time. And then you simply just get after it. You allow yourself to go deep dig into the problem or the situation. Whether if you're writing or reading, or God forbid, if you're Kim about trying to balance chemical equations. Well good luck on that. I hope deep work really is fulfilling for you. whatever subject you need to do some deep work on focus intensely on that subject alone. And I'll say in the beginning, you will want to feel like you're succeeding. But then there is a poll, there's a poll to want to check your email, there will be a pull to one to go and fulfill that distraction and check your social media feeds. You will feel the uncomfortability of simply just concentrating on a special task for a long period of time. Don't worry, I felt the same way. This is the process to building that habit, and time after time, deep work block, after deep work block, repeating this perhaps twice a day. If you're really, really good, you can perhaps do it three times a day. But then day after day again and again and again, you will understand that there is magic happening, you're going from the shallow end of the pool to the deep end, and you're doing the deep work that cow so covets. And as a result, better insights will come into your brain, I was very surprised. You end up sharing better ideas with your boss, with your spouse on particular projects, you'll have better insights. 

Like I said, it's almost a mystical experience, but not really. I think it's just focusing your time without any distractions. And if we really take a step back and just recognize, you know, 40-50 years ago, our parents and grandparents used to get into the state of being and thanking, you know, just quite easily. But for us in this super distracted world, it seems like a very high mountain to climb. Nevertheless, I encourage you to keep climbing that mountain, keep climbing it day by day. It's after all, it's the superpower of the 21st century. And let me just share one other point. Let's go back to the book for this quote. The scientist increasingly believe the answer includes myelin, a layer of fatty tissue that grows around neurons, acting like an insulator that allows the cells to fire faster and cleaner. And to understand the role of myelin in improvement. Keep in mind that skills, be they intellectual or physical, eventually reduced down to brain circuits. This new science of performance argues you get better at a skill as you develop more myelin around the relevant neurons, allowing the corresponding circuit to fire more effortlessly, effortlessly and effectively. To be great at something is to be well myelinated, unquote. So we need to get more myelinated ha. Cha cow goes on. 

Let's go back to the book for for a final quote. This understanding is important because it provides a neurological foundation on why deliberate practice works. By focusing by focusing intensely on a specific skill, you're forcing the specific relevant circuit to fire again and again, in isolation. This repetitive use of a specific circuit triggers cells called and I'll butcher this word, so I apologize to all the scientists out there. Allah go dendrites to begin wrapping layers of myelin around the neurons in the circuits, which is effectively see manning the skill. The reason therefore, why it's important to focus intensely on the task at hand while avoiding distraction is because this is the only way to isolate the relevant neural circuit enough to trigger useful myelination. Unquote. So there we go, the science behind why it's important to number one, build this deep work habit, but also what is happening in the biological sense, when we do when we do this intense physical workout for our brains when we go deep. And frankly, folks, that's the holy grail of why we should develop this deep work habit. By executing this deep work habit of an hour, an hour and a half of deep, intense focus at the work at hand without any distractions is essentially Yeah, it's a it's a tough, mindful workout for your brain. With all these brain circuits firing, and the circuit triggers that are beginning to wrap layers of myelin around the neurons.

Like we read, that's just helping the scene met this skill each and every time we do it. And how very cool is that? Now, PS the key takeaway here is The work needs to be distraction free. Can't be looking at our phones, we can't be checking social media. We can't stop every five to 10 minutes and allow a distraction to break our concentration. Remember our equation, high quality work produced equals time spent or times or time spent times intensity of focus. Again, let me clean that up high quality work produced equals time spent times intensity of focus. 

So in today's Mojo minute, let's begin to schedule our time in the deep work habits segments, perhaps 60 minutes of intense focus. eliminate those distractions, close the door. Ask your co workers to give you the space because you're going to go deep. And then after 60 minutes is up, come up for air, take a walk around the office around the block, get some fresh air give yourself a 15 minute break. And Cowell talks about in his book How brakes are important to the brakes are just as important as going deep. Nevertheless, by beginning your deep work habit, your so called Mind workouts, you will be on the road to excellent productivity and deeper and reach richer insights. And you'll be cultivating the 21st century superpower and that will help you to lead a flourishing life. And I guarantee it.

Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at T Mojo academy.com where we have everything we discussed in this podcast as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo on