May 25, 2021

MM#8--Whats your Kryptonite?

In this episode, we go back in the day discussing the carton Superfriends, Superman and his Kryptonite and how it applies to our lives.

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Key points:

  • Whats your kryptonite?
  • encouraging seeking out professional addiction services if needed.  (no shame there)
  • describe how all addictions do not like to see the light of day because then they lose their effectiveness.  

Other resources:

check out the 1973 full episode of the cartoon, SuperfriendsPretty cool!

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Unknown 0:08
Welcome to the theory to action podcast where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time to help you take action immediately, and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now here's your host, David Kaiser.

David Kaiser 0:27
Hello, I'm David and welcome back to another Mojo minute. Back in the day when I was growing up Saturday mornings were reserved for cartoons. Superman and his Superfriends would be the cartoon, I couldn't wait to see, but yet I had to wait, and wait a whole week to watch the cartoon I wanted to watch. Imagine that. Now kids, Search, YouTube and get every episode of any cartoon they want to watch immediately waiting around or anything for them. I digress. Lex Luthor was the arch enemy of my favorite and I think every kid's favorite cartoon character Superman. Superman was after all the strongest and most powerful the Superfriends, you could always count on Superman to come through in the end, to save the day when all hope was lost, Superman would come to the rescue doing good and defeating evil. You remember that tagline to Superman don't you described as faster than a speeding bullet could leap tall buildings in a single bound and more powerful than a locomotive. After all, he was the man of steel, he could do anything. And he had no weaknesses except. Oh yeah, one kryptonite Kryptonite was that green radioactive material from Superman's home planet Krypton kryptonite would cripple Superman in any time Lex Luthor and his god forsaken Legion of doom wanted to shut down Superman strength. They would devise a way to get Superman to be close to this harmful substance. It was Superman's Achilles heel. The one weakness that would stop the good being done by Superman. So back to you. And back to us, frankly, what's our kryptonite. Do you have severe addictions, those addictions that are crippling your life, possibly alcohol, possibly pornography drugs procrastination, the fear of failure. Let us today take a hard look at our lives and begin to catalog those kryptonite like items. Those big items that we need to stop doing. And you know, there are significant items that are causing you problems causing you from stopping yourself from flourishing in your life. Here's the little secret about fighting against those items. Every one of them. Everybody has them. Everyone has their own kryptonite. Everyone has something they are struggling with. There's only one been one perfect person that has walked the face of the earth. That was perfect. And you and I guess what, we're not that person. So everyone has something they're struggling with. And you'd be surprised when we bring awareness to these bad behaviors or bad habits how quickly they can be regulated, and over the long haul. They can be overcome if not just managed very well at the least. And here's another little secret. These bad behaviors, hate to be seen. They hate to be identified, that's part of their strength. They love, not to have you concentrating on them. They love for you not to bring awareness to them, they love to run on autopilot in the background, out of sight, they know that's their strength. So in today's Mojo minute start to catalogue and take stock of what your addictions are, what your kryptonite, the big ones and the small ones. The big ones you obviously want to tackle first, if they are jeopardizing your work, your family, your relationships, your marriage, your friendships you may want to seek professional help. And you know, if these are life destroying habits. They just need to go. And let's be honest with ourselves. Let's not be ashamed about these, Don't be ashamed about seeking professional help. That takes courage, and good on you. If you identify these and you're stepping up and you're seeking that professional help. That's a good thing, too many people way too many people disregard that don't. The professional addiction services provide invaluable services to our country. And frankly to our world. And if you're tackling their small kryptonite, those. Then what's the one thing you can do today to start a habit of doing good and avoiding this kryptonite. Yes, I know they're not easy to overcome, but in today's Mojo minute let's choose more effective behaviors to combat these small addictions. By bringing awareness to them. And hopefully crushing them, and here's to bringing out your inner Superman and controlling and overcoming your kryptonite. Let's get our mojo on and let's live a flourishing life avoiding that kryptonite.

Unknown 5:49
Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast, be sure to check out our show page, AT T Mojo where we have everything we discussed in this podcast, as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo.

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