Jan. 1, 2022

MM#78--Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

In this first MOJO Minute of 2022,  we kick off the new year with a new theme!

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Consistency beats Intensity
  • Do the Work per Steven Pressfield
  • Make it stupid small per our friend Stephen Guise

Other resources:

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Welcome to the theory to action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time to help you take action immediately, and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now, here's your host, David Kaiser.

Hello, I'm David and Happy New Year to you. It's 2022. And time is marching on. And as my dad used to tell me, and still does to this day, David, with a very serious look on his face. Don't ever get old. It's one of those Yogi Berra like sayings that I think all dads with wisdom tell their kids when they're young, and it keeps them captivated for five or 10 years thinking and meditating about this worldly wisdom, saying, So, back to our topic at hand. Because indeed, time is marching on. And we are getting older, all of us are. So for today's quick nugget of wisdom, if there is one thing I can share with you, I learned over this past year it is this no matter what you do, or what goal you're trying to achieve in this new year, just be consistent and going after it. The main role, just like an exercise is consistency. Beats intensity. 

Now I will say I forget this lesson about every two and a half days. No, seriously, like every two and a half days. I'm terrible. I am certainly trying to be better at it myself in remembering this role. And it's certainly a shortcoming. It's a blind spot for sure. But I will say in producing over 75 of these Mojo minutes. Well, what Mojo minute? Are we recording today? Let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Wait for it. Wait for it. Okay, I guess number 78? Yes, it is 78 Mojo minute. 78. So in producing the 78th Mojo minute in this past year, and throwing in my getting sick and coming down with COVID in September. Then the very best lesson and nugget of wisdom that I can pass on is again, consistency beats intensity, all day, every day. So no matter what your goals are this coming year strive for one thing. You guessed it, consistency. Because as I look back over my year, and especially these Mojo magnets, here's some questions I asked myself. Hey, you've done a pretty good job at posting regularly these Mojo minutes. 

What's your secret? There is no secret. It's just consistency. But did I always want to record another Mojo minute? Nope. That I sometimes sit in front of my iPad not sure of what nugget of wisdom to share. Yep. Did I show up every day I could and put myself out there to record another episode, whether I got good feedback or bad feedback yeppers and that is the nugget of wisdom. Don't overthink it. Just show up and do the work. As the great Steven Pressfield taught us in the academy review of his wonderful little book do the work, which I highly recommend. And you can check it out on Mojo minute 32 We covered it. Just do the work. 

And as the great Tony Horton, creator of that one social phenom workout. p90x reminds us in his excellent book, the big picture. Quote, consistency may not be sexy, or exciting, but there's no cons inconsistency. Just pros. In fact, we should rename the word processed and see someone get no Webster on the phone. Improvement and growth occur when you do things repeatedly. And often. stopping and starting sporadically kills the momentum you need to succeed. Consistency keeps you in the game. He goes on to say I love it when people discover my fitness per grams and hit them going 100 miles per hour. I don't love it. However, when they crash and burn out and quit, I'd rather they take their time, ease into the exercise regime, even if it means starting smaller, done consistency done consistently moderate forms of exercise provide far better results than the occasional full body pummeling, unquote.

Thank you, Mr. Horton. Because that's spot on. And if you do feel daunted by one of the goals you've been thinking about and you wrote down for this coming year, perhaps you just jotted it down this morning all fired up. Please consult Mojo minute 18 where we talked about breaking down all goals into micro mini habits with the help of Stephen guys in his book mini habits. A quick recap of this one is make these habits so small that you can't fail in them. In fact, the phrase that Stephen comes up is make them stupid small. Do you want to exercise? Do one pushup? Do you want to write a 3000 word essay? Write 50 words? Do you want to pray for 10 minutes, then start with 10 seconds? Well, actually better yet start with 30 seconds because you can certainly say in our father prayer, and just under 30 seconds, even if you're reciting it very slowly. The point is not how many pushups or how many words you're writing or how long you're even praying. The point is, you're doing the action. You are putting theory to action. 

As our pockets podcast name is and you're doing the deed your words to yourself and others are becoming the deed. You are keeping the commitment to yourself. Just keep showing up because again, consistency beats intensity. Every time trust me 78 Mojo minutes into this thing. That's the one great nugget of wisdom I can take away. So the theme of 2022 for us here at the Mojo Academy is consistency beats intensity. Consistency beats intensity. Remember this one for the whole year? Consistency beats intensity. It will help you reach your goals. Let's go Mojo and Happy New Year.

Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at T Mojo academy.com where we have everything we discussed in this podcast as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo our