Dec. 2, 2021

MM#68--Dont Break, Just Replace

In MM#68,  we continue to examine habits but switch to how to break a bad habit with the inspiration coming from Jack Hodge's, The Power of Habit: Harnessing the Power to Establish Routines that Guarantee Success in Business and in Life

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Hows your habit installation going? 
  • David's #1 bad habit to break
  • How about your bad habits?  any need breaking or replacing?   Lets get on that!

Other resources:

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Welcome to the theory to action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time to help you take action immediately, and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now, here's your host, David Kaiser. 

Hello, I'm David and welcome back to another Mojo minute. And our last Mojo minute. We checked in the habits and how if we focus our habit, or if we focus rather our power to change just one habit, we will be more successful. So how's that going for you? Going good? You took action in the last two days?

Or have you started even changing that one habit? If so, super high fives to you. And if not, that's okay. If you haven't chosen or started with your one habit, let's get on that time as a wasting.

So now today's Mojo minute let's talk about breaking a bad habit.
And in staying with our infamous Jack Hodges powerful, but short book The Power of Habit. Let's hear Jack's nugget of wisdom on breaking a bad habit. Quote. After identifying which habits you wish to develop in which habits you wish to change, it's important to understand how changing a habit works. It's often said that habits are hard to break. This is an accurate statement. Habits aren't broken, they're replaced. And other words, you replace not erase bad habits. This is an important distinction because if we are to change a bad habit, we must carefully consider which habits we are to replace it with.  Another friend of mine had a bad habit of watching TV while in bed at night until he fell asleep. He purposefully replaced that habit with the habit of reading each night in bed until he was sleepy enough to fall asleep. Again, purposefully choosing new habits to replace old habits will greatly increase your chances of changing bad habits.Unquote.

And again, that's Jack Hodge in the power of habit. And what great wisdom there is in in, in understanding how to break a bad habit. It's not even that we break bad habits or bad habits are broken. We just learned that that's kind of a bad word choice, right?
It's bad habits are replaced.

And as for me, I've identified one of my bad habits.
When I had COVID, the only thing that tasted good most of the time was Frosted Flakes, cereal, folks.  Frosted Flakes, cereal. Now that's a bad habit to get into with all the sugar, especially for the last 45 days or so since getting over COVID. And you know, the funny thing is I kept telling myself, hey, I need to break that bad habit.  Over and over, I keep telling myself I need to break that bad habit that's about to happen. Every day that goes by it just keeps getting more and more deeper.

And now we know the science tells us it's not really quote breaking anything. It's just replacing.

So now back to you. Do you have a bad habit that needs breaking?
Check that Do you have a bad habit that needs replacing? I think we all do. Let's identify that habit and begin to focus that powerful of light on changing and replacing the one habit today. And in today's Mojo minute, let's remember that power of light focused earlier in the week, and then focus all of our energy on installing that one good habit.  And if we're changing a bad habit, Let's not break it. Let's replace it.

 Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at T Mojo where we have everything we discussed in this podcast as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo on