Nov. 16, 2021

MM#62--The Two Misconceptions of Personal Growth

In this episode , David checkouts the Grandfather of the personal development movement, John Maxwell and his book, Jump Start Your Growth: A 90-Day Improvement Plan.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Why hope is not a plan?
  • The Two Misconceptions of Personal Growth.
  • Who do you want to be?   A great question tying in Eric Greitens book Resilience from MOJO Minute #30.

Other resources:

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Welcome to the theory to action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time, to help you take action immediately, and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now, here's your host, David Kaiser.

Hello, I am David and welcome back to another Mojo minute. When I was younger, I was asked by one of my mentors, how are you growing as a person? To which I replied, I'm not sure. I'm just working hard. So I'm sure it will all work out of which my mentor replied, you can work hard and still be going in the wrong direction. And as the old famous saying, goes, hope is not a plan. Hope in my working hard was not a good plan certainly wasn't a good plan that everything was going to work out for the best. Which brings to mind the great biblical saying, from the Holy Gospel, according to Luke, for which of you desiring to build a tower does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he had enough to complete it. Otherwise, when he had laid a foundation and is not able to finish? All who see it begin to mock him saying, This man began to build and was not able to finish, unquote. 

So back to my plan of hoping that just by working hard, everything would work out. Did you ever think about this concept that sinners as well as the righteous can both work hard? For after all, we know the sun rises on the evil and the good. And the rain falls on the just and the unjust. All this brings me to our nugget of wisdom and today's Mojo minute, the two misconceptions of personal growth. And as always, let's go to our book of the day. And to the grandfather of personal development. Mr. John Maxwell, the widely acclaimed Mr. John Maxwell, and we're going to go to his book jumpstart your growth, quote, misconceptions about growth, such as thinking that by simply working hard, that we will automatically grow will hold you back from being as intentional as you need to be. Or we assume that although we really don't know how to grow someone in our world, will have a plan for improving us. Unquote. So Misconception Number one is just working hard. And this vague sense is not having a plan. It's a good start, but it lacks direction and intentions. Okay, so we got that, we need to have direction and we need to have intention first. And then we can actually create a personal growth plan. 

Now let's go back to the book for Misconception Number two, quote another misconception gap that may be keeping you from growing and reaching your potentials that you think you need to feel inspired to learn and grow. When I realized I needed to be intentional about growing, I didn't have the time, the money or the experience to do it, I only had the hope that it would make a difference. That didn't feel inspired. But I started anyway, quote unquote. So to feel inspired, is a trap that most people fall into. Because most people don't feel inspired day after day. In fact, most people most days, don't feel inspired or motivated at all. And all of that is one big trap. They are depending on their feelings to motivate them. And in fact, we covered this in Mojo minute number 30 which is one of my most treasured nuggets of wisdom and allow me to repeat it here. Here's the quote, I told you that I was less interested in how you feel, and more interested in who you want to be. I asked you to write down those same words in the opposite direction. It's the direction that holds the most promise for your life. The order is identity Action, feelings again. Identity first, then action, then feelings. You begin by asking Who am I going to be?

You decided to be courageous again. So what's next, act that way, act with courage. And here comes the part that's so simple, it's easy to miss. The way you act will shape the way you feel. You act with courage and immediately your fears start to shrink, and you begin to grow. If you want to feel differently, act differently. This isn't complicated, my friend, but it's amazing how many people get it so wrong, for so long, unquote. 

And that, my friends, is Eric Greitens. And one of my most favorite books, resilience. So back to you. Have you fallen into personal growth and motivation traps and believed these misconceptions yourself? If so, how can you break free of them? In your thinking? How can you put theory into action and become more intentional with your growth plan? How can you not let feelings get in the way? How can you ask yourself the question, Who am I going to be? And then act that way. 

And finally, in today's Mojo minute, let us be aware of these two misconceptions of personal growth and guide ourselves down the path with a plan. While not looking for any motivation to come to us. Let's have that expectation right out the gate. But surely, by placing one foot in front of the other, and having confidence in the proverb, the heart of man plans his way. But the Lord established his steps.

Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at T Mojo where we have everything we discussed in this podcast as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo on