May 18, 2021

MM#6--The Virtue of Humility

In this episode, we explore the virtue of humility

Key points:

  • quotes from Proverbs, Confucius, and the difficulty gaining and keeping the virtue of humility. 
  • the great example from Extreme Ownership of no ego leaders.
  • how to exercise virtue of humility 

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Unknown 0:07
Welcome to the theory to action podcast where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time to help you take action immediately, and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now here's your host, David Kaiser.

David Kaiser 0:25
I'm David and welcome back to another Mojo minute. The virtue of humility is one of the most needed virtues. In our current culture, yet it is one of the most elusive virtues in all of human history. Let's check out some quotes about humility, down through the ages, from Proverbs, 11 two, we learn. When pride comes, Then comes disgrace. But with the humble. His wisdom from anonymous we learned, quote, pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right, unquote. And from Confucius we learned humility is the solid foundation of all the virtues, unquote. Isn't that fantastic. And so spot on. So based on those quotes we know Humility is a universal virtue, and we know, when people of goodwill press themselves in the service to help their fellow human beings, even though they know that they have shortcomings, it's transformative in their souls. And finally when their intention is to do good without the need of others recognition or hearing the applause of the crowds. That is a great disposition to have should not be our disposition to should not be our state of mind, to purify our intention in service to others without the need of recognition as a reward. One of our very own Mojo Academy book reviews on the fantastic book by former Navy SEALs Jocko Willink and Leif Babban that book's title is Extreme Ownership. We uncovered this great nugget of wisdom that helps us unpack, more about the virtue of humility, quote, for leaders the humility to admit, and own mistakes and develop a plan to overcome them, is essential to success, the best leaders are not driven by ego or personal agendas, they are assembly focused on the mission and how best to accomplish it. Now, back to you. Do you know your own shortcomings. Do you strive to improve upon them. Each and every day. Do you realize you're not perfect. And you can learn a lot from other people. As for me. Yes, I am not perfect. In fact, and sadly, none of us are perfect. But as for me, I have been trying to listen more carefully and patiently and avoid interrupting others, because that's one of my own shortcomings and one of my own prideful spots. And we know the vise of pride is the opposite of the virtue of humility. So in today's Mojo minute. Let us strive to exercise that virtue of humility, because it is only in serving others and knowing and admitting our own shortcomings that we reduce our egos and attain that greater good for all of those around us.

Unknown 3:49
Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast, be sure to check out our show page, AT T Mojo where we have everything we discussed in this podcast, as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo.

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