Nov. 2, 2021

MM#58--Fatherlessness America

In this longer MOJO minute, David details the greatest social problem in America in 2021.
Inspired by Are Fathers Necessary?

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Why doesn't anyone talk about this?
  • Heart-breaking statistics around absent Fathers.
  • How can we help Fathers to stay and remain engaged in their children's lives?   If you say another government program, you're wrong!

Other resources:
National Fatherhood Initiative

October 2021 video--This is Why Fathers Are Necessary?

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Welcome to the theory to action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time, to help you take action immediately, and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now, here's your host, David Kaiser.

Hello, I am David and welcome back to another Mojo minute. There are many experts or so called experts in America, but few who can really put their fingers on the pulse, and the root cause of most of our social problems in the United States. Now, I'm no expert, just a concerned American citizen with a microphone. And what I think is the number one cause of most of our social problems is not the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, though they both suck. And it's most especially not racism in America. Or Orange Man bad. If someone is telling you, any of those four, they are lying to you. And they're lying to themselves. What's the number one problem in America? It is fatherlessness. It is fathers abandoning their children, period, full stop. And for some reason, no one talks about this issue. legacy media won't talk about it. Few religious groups talk about it. The Democrat Party wants government to substitute for fathers in the household. And we've tried that for over 50 years. And obviously, that is not working. And the Republican Party doesn't know what it thinks on this issue. So they are a wall. In fact, I finally found someone who would talk about it in alternative media. 

So thank you, Prager University for speaking up about this issue. Your June 2021 video is one of the few times someone with some intelligence has spoken up on this issue. And in fact, your five minute videos had been around for a long time since 2012. And you have begun to educate the masses on a different approach to life, government and many social issues, culminating in 2018 by reaching a billion views. So good on you. For this June 2021, video, I'm going to put a link in the show notes for everyone to view. 

So again, thank you for speaking up on the number one issue facing America, fathers abandoning their children. In fact, your video has 3.1 million views. So that's a good start. And in fact, even more important is you just released another video on this subject, praising fathers, because they're very necessary in our country. And it was the inspiration for this Mojo minute. And I'm going to link that in the video or in the show notes as well. So no matter how it happens from divorce or home violence or out of wedlock births, Father's not staying engaged with their children is the real epidemic, and the root cause of many of our social evils in America, and 2021. 

Now, you might disagree. In fact, I wouldn't encourage disagreement, but the data since the mid 1990s is staggering. And isn't getting any better. Some three generations later, in fact, it's getting worse, overwhelmingly worse. So let's take a look at some of these statistics just to see how bad it is. And these statistics come from Who is been on the frontlines of this issue for the last 50 while at least the last 25 to 30 years. And their their source for these statistics come from the US Census Bureau the 2020 the latest census bureau so let me find the one that just completely breaks my heart 92% of parents in prison, our fathers. Here's another fact compared to pregnant women without fathers support Pregnant women with Father support experience a lower prevalence see a pregnancy loss 22.2% Compared to 48.1%. Children raised in a father absent home are two times more likely to suffer from obesity.
father involvement in schools is associated with a likely with a higher likelihood of students getting mostly straight A's. Children raised in the father absent home are more likely to experience behavioral problems. adolescent boys with absent fathers are more likely to engage in delinquency than those with fathers who are present. Here's one I'll break your heart. Individuals from Father absent homes are 279% more likely to carry guns and do drugs than peers living with their fathers. 

Gosh, then that just break your heart the absence of a biological father contributes to increased risk of children maltreatment.
Children living in female headed homes with no spouse present have a poverty rate of a staggering 47.6% over four times the rate for children living in married couple families.
Mississippi has the highest number of children living in father apps and homes 36.2% followed by Louisiana 34.4 and Alabama 30.7.

Gosh, here's one I'll just crush you again. infant death within the first 28 days of life is four times higher for those with absent fathers than those with involved. Fathers. Boys have fewer problems, behavior problems and girls have fewer psychological problems when they have involved dads. Women with absent fathers are more likely to have children with absent fathers. 

So the generation just piles on the generation. Same thing with men. Men with absent fathers are more likely to to become absent fathers themselves. Children with imprisoned fathers are more likely to have depression Involved ads obviously reduce mom's parenting stress
you get the point. Just one will let me correct this one in four children live in a home without a dad. So those are extremely depressing. But if you are a father, stay engaged with your children no matter how difficult it is to interact with the ex wife, the ex spouse, just the mother of your child stay engaged no matter how difficult it is. 

And in today's Mojo minute, we always talk about how to live a flourishing life and why? Because when both you and I are living a flourishing life, that's when we begin to change our own worlds. And even more importantly, that's when we begin to change our wider world. When fathers live a life focused on the virtue and by being a good and present father. They are creating a good family. No matter if there's even divorce. They're still engaged. It creates a better family environment and even a better social order. And they're furthering a great civilization, the United States of America and when you aren't being a good and present father when you're not engaged. Well you know what that looks like? Because you just need to look around in America and 2021. 

So let's encourage each other to live a flourishing life and in doing so we will be setting the example and changing our culture for our children and our children. As children, and ultimately it will be those children, generations from now who will look back on their childhoods and will smile because of the roles their fathers played in their lives, and for everything they taught them when civilization and 2021 was breaking down all around them. And they'll be super proud of their dads for staying in the fight for not giving up for staying engaged. And isn't that something all fathers would want to have? To have very proud children of them? I know because I'm a very proud son of a father, who after his divorce, didn't abandon me.

Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at T Mojo where we have everything we discussed in this podcast as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo on