Oct. 26, 2021

MM#56--Schedule Scaffolding

In MOJO minute number 56, David uncovers that he has missed one of his favorite books of all-time, The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • The Miracle Morning Super S.A.V.E.R.S
  • Schedule Scaffolding
  • How to reschedule your day by making it too small to fail

Other resources:

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Welcome to the theory to action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time to help you take action immediately, and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now, here's your host, David Kaiser.

Hello, I'm David and welcome back to another Mojo minute. I find it hard to believe that we have completed some 50 or so of these Mojo minutes. And I have yet to talk about one of my favorite books of all time, The Miracle Morning by how Elrod. But sure enough, over the weekend, I look back and did some quick research. And lo and behold, nothing crickets, I could not believe it. Well, shame on me. And because the Miracle Morning is such a fantastic book, and yet a super practical book. 

Let me today share some of the goodness from the Miracle Morning. And we will combine it with some other goodness to make a super recipe of some simple practical wisdom. So first in the Miracle Morning, how teaches us to break down our morning into segments or super savers as he calls them. And when I mean savers, let's break down what that actually means. Going from the Miracle Morning book, S is for silence. A is for affirmations, V is for visualization, E is for exercise, R is for reading, and S is for scribing. So that acronym, the first letter of each one of those words, gives you the word savers as the acronym. So you break down the premise of the book is you break down your morning into the segments, and you do them every day. And that gives you a ton of information motivation, inspiration, every morning, and that is the foundation of the Miracle Morning. It's why it can change your life. And it's really been foundational to my personal growth and my development. 

But anyhow, getting back to how it applies for this Mojo minute. And you can check out the details of of all of those different segments are super savers. In the academy review, we touch on each of them, we break each of them down. But then second picture in your mind. Your day isn't going right. Let's say for example, you couldn't sleep you had a lot on your mind. And then you woke up late, and you slept through your alarm, and you're running some 45 minutes late. And then you start ruminating about you wouldn't you won't be able to complete your scheduled Miracle Morning, which let's say for the last, I don't know seven days, you've been crushing it and it's, it's really been fulfilling for you, you really look forward to that time in the morning, we can spend it on yourself before you have to go to a job or wake the kids up and provide for the family. 

So now you're feeling unfulfilled, you're running 45 minutes late, and those commitments you made to yourself, you're not able to keep them. And here comes the beauty of the Miracle Morning. You can revise your schedule in the Miracle Morning. And for example, some of those segments like like my example, I read for 30 minutes a day in the morning. Well, each of those segments have an allotted time. He gives you some prescriptions and some suggestions. But usually over time, everybody devotes certain segments with more time than others. But here's the beauty at the very end of the Miracle Morning. subconsciously you should still keep your schedule and your commitment to those super savers.

So check this out. If you This is actually one of the most requested and often asked questions to how Elrod is what happens when our when our schedules doesn't work. So you can segment down each of those super savers silence affirmations, reading Exercise, you know the deal, you can segment them down to one minute. 

So let's say you woke up 45 minutes late. And you only have 15 minutes to squeeze all those Miracle Morning, super savers or segments into that 15 minutes. You can keep yourself to your own commitments and not break your habits. You simply just cut down the time you exercise, I might not be able to get to the gym and spend an hour going through my whole workout. But I do have one minute. And maybe I do jumping jacks for a whole minute. You've kept your commitment. It's not ideal. We get that, but you're still keeping your commitment. You don't know how many times that I have something happened in my schedule was all messed up. And I literally only read for one minute or I wrote for one minute or I just prayed for one minute, but just keeping that commitment. Because you can do all the super savers in in about six minutes, seven minutes. By doing that, and, and subconsciously keeping yourself to that one minute. It is it is just super helpful. You can't imagine the when you get to the end of your day, and you look back, you're so glad you kept the one minute. It wasn't ideal. But you're like, hey, that I did the very best I could in the situation I was presented with. 

Now you might object and say David, you know, reading or writing for just one minute that doesn't do anything. That's just a waste of time. And like I said, you'd be surprised for just keeping that one. That one minute commitment in your brain subconsciously makes a big difference doesn't know you the whole day that you didn't keep the commitment. And that gives me that brings me to the larger point that what I've what I have termed this, as is schedule scaffolding. Sketch schedule scaffolding is when you're able to reduce your day into keeping your commitments but still still making do with whatever time you're presented. We all have crazy schedules. We all get off track meetings run long conversations over the phone, run long traffic, all these things kids, kids, you know can mess up the whole schedule. But if you think of it like a skyscraper you know as you build a skyscraper, and you build that scaffolding up the skyscraper. 

That way, if things happen, you have the scaffolding. So you're not falling all the way down and crashing and burning. So if you think of that picture, that's that super highest skyscraper, you're building that scaffolding up the skyscraper to make sure that no matter what happens, you're going to be able to you might fall down four or five storeys, but you're not going to fall down all the way to the bottom. So how about you? Have you ever gotten off track and didn't know how to get back on track as easily? If so, think about scheduled scaffolding, as a way to help you to reconstruct your schedule so that you can keep all your commitments subconsciously, to yourselves. 

And as a little bonus Mojo minute, you might remember, this nugget of wisdom from our mojo minute number 18, where Steven guys helps us to helps us in the in the trick of creating mini habits that truly work. You might remember we talked about being too small to fail. And he says many habits are just a pretty simple brain trick at the core, but also a life philosophy that values starting and letting action precede motivation and believing the small steps can accumulate into a giant leap forward. So be sure to check out that episode if you haven't already. And you can make rescheduling and restructuring your commitments to yourself
a mini habit and making too small to fail. You can reschedule that for one minute for two minutes. Be able to keep your your commitments to yourself no matter if they're in the Miracle Morning. Or if they're in your business life or your personal life or your no matter where it's at. You can use Schedule scaffolding your spiritual life even you can use Schedule scaffolding across your life. And it's so vital and it's a little mini hack, little mini trick. 

So in today's Mojo minute when the things are aren't going right and your schedule is completely messed up. Try using schedule scaffolding to keep your commitments wit to yourself. This trick and this workaround has helped me many times as I've tried to lead a flourishing life and I know it will work for you, too. So here's to creating your own schedule scaffolding for those days when it just doesn't go right.

Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at T Mojo academy.com where we have everything we discussed in this podcast as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo on