Oct. 14, 2021

MM#53--The 2 Minute Rule - GTD style

In this fun episode, we learn about productivity from David Allen's uber popular 2002 book, Getting Things Done

Key Points from the Episode:

  • What is Getting Things Done (GTD) and why is it so popular?
  • The 2 minute rule defined and explained
  • How can we employ the 2 min rule in our own lives to become more productive 

Other resources:

Getting Things done website

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Welcome to the theory to action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time to help you take action immediately, and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now, here's your host, David Kaiser.

Hello, I'm David, and welcome back to another Mojo minute. Do you know what the two minute rule is within the concept and methodology of getting things done, commonly known as G, T D. In fact, let me back up first and ask you Do you know what GTD is or getting things done? And the type of methodology it is? Now, I suspect some of you do. And probably maybe half of you have no idea what I'm talking about and what GTD is. 

So you're probably saying, David, give us a definition. So what is it? So getting things done is a productivity methodology to organize your life? Its theme helps you to transform the way you work, helping you to accomplish more in less times than less time. And there's great techniques within GTD as it's known to its followers, and millions of followers there are, there is a cult following, I would say, almost religious like. Now, David Allen is the author. And he wrote the book, getting things done in 2002. That launch launched this, this cult, this GTD cult. And while I was not a cult member, I did adopt it. I read the book roughly in about 2009, I think. And it is a fabulous book. And I highly recommend you dive if you want to dive deeper into David's work. He has a very good website. I'll put the website in the show notes, getting things done.com. 

But he is a true master of the art of productivity. And it was a game changer for me for sure. But as we do here at the Academy, and as always, let's go to the book. To get more details and a general overview of what we're talking about here. Quote, it's possible for a person to have an overwhelming number of things to do and still function productively, with a clear head and a positive sense of relaxed control. That's a great way to live and work at elevated levels of effectiveness and efficiency. It's also becoming a critical operational style required of successful and high performing professionals. You already know how to do everything necessary to achieve this high performance state. 

And if you're like most people, however, you need to apply these skills in a more timely, complete and systematic way. So you can get on top of it all instead of feeling buried. And so to recap, that paragraph it is possible. Number one, it is possible to have a ton of things to need to get done, and at the same time have a very clear head and a sense of control. That's sometimes incongruent with some folks. Once there's a lot of things on their plate, they feel like everything is a mess, and everything is out of control. With getting things done, you can have a ton of things to do, but have a very clear sense of control and a very clear head with the priorities of how to get those things done. 

And number two to recap, you already know how to do everything necessary to achieve this high performance state. Most competent individuals do know how to get things done. What GTD does, it helps you to apply a good set of habits and methodology to ensure that you are very effective and consistent each and every day. So let me share this brief story with you. To bring an example into fuller detail recently I was required to complete a health form and it was completing how form after I just had COVID. And when the form was sent to me digitally, it just to me seemed completely overwhelming. It was 12 questions, but within each question, it was quite involved. It was involving whole medical histories and all medications. And you know, the drill. So I shared this with a friend and he had a great reaction.

Because I was telling him that I was putting off completing this questionnaire just because it was, it seemed to me overwhelming. And he was an older gentleman, and he said, Oh, yes, you know, rolling his eyes. And he spoke like a veteran of these types of questionnaires. And he said, This is a funny phrase, he said, those medical questionnaires are like informational, informational colonoscopies. To which I responded with a very hearty laugh, I might add. So if you're listening out there, well played my friend well played. 

But I shared the story, because when I eventually sat down with my pre workout drink on a Saturday morning, to get through this 12 questions, and all the medical history and all the detail they wanted, when I sat down to get her done, guess how long it really took me. A meager 12 full minutes. Now, that's just terrible. 12 little minutes, I could have almost done it right then and there when they sent me the questionnaire. But 12 Simple minutes. Geez. Yeah, I'm sure in your mind, you're saying, Yep. David, you got it, not as long as you thought it would take. And that's the great nugget of wisdom today. That getting back to getting things done. And quickly, let's go back back to the book because GTD has this methodology. And there is such a thing as the two minute rule or the two minute tactic. 

And from the book, it says if an action will take less than two minutes, it should be done at the moment it is defined. So immediately, once it comes in, instead of putting that item or task on a list to try and get it done. You just do it right then and there. And the two minutes is arbitrary. You can make it a lot of people will talk about taking GTD and making it, you know, they they change all the tactics. So the two minute rule becomes a five minute rule for some people, some people it's a 10 minute rule. It's very, you can customize this. The beauty of GTD is you can customize this to what you want. Now you'll have the purists out there that are like you can't customize anything. You're breaking the GTD rule? Well, it's not a sin. So break it as you will make it your own if you're effective. So for me, if I would have just taken this questionnaire, and you know, completed it right then and there, I probably would have been done in 10 minutes, because I probably spent two minutes, agonizing over the thing. 

So again, don't get stuck on the number two minutes, five minutes, 10 minutes, whatever you want. Once you start digging into GTD, the point is whatever small amount of time it takes you to devote where you can clear out that virtual inbox of stuff. That's, you know, that's the number. But isn't it amazing when we project out how long a project or an event or conversation or medical questionnaire in this in this instance, how long it would take. And most times, it's never that big of a deal never takes that amount of time. And it shouldn't be overwhelming, but it is. So I'm eating my own dog food and I'm swallowing in my own advice. And I'm humbly learning to engage the two minute rule or some cases the five minute rule or 10 minute rule. But how about you? Have you had to learn or relearn this nugget of wisdom over and over? Do you put off things do you procrastinate just trying to get things done? And in the very end when you really put your nose to the grindstone it's never as bad as it once was. It never takes as long as we thought it would take. 

So in today's module minute let us employ the two minute rule G T D style. Always keeping in mind that most of our errands, are projects or events. It's our conversations. In fact, most items, though they seem overwhelming in the beginning, it's just a distraction from a how long they will take, actually, how long they will take. So be of good courage face to face that questionnaire
with squared shoulders, and you too will complete most of the items in your life and much quicker fashion with more discipline and things will get done more effectively. And most importantly, the end result will be you will be much more peaceful, well rested mind because your To Do lists will not be you know, some 235 items. It will be a smaller amount because you'll be getting things done. 

And so the next time a task floods in your mind and it requires less than two minutes will you procrastinate for 30 seconds on when and how to do that small task? Or will you be encouraged and inspired knowing it won't take that long. Remembering this Mojo minute you'll put theory into action and stop and get her done. G T D style. If that happens, then I will be high fiving you virtually and we'll be high fiving each other on to our next project. And our next task.

Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at T Mojo academy.com where we have everything we discussed in this podcast as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo on