Sept. 2, 2021


Earlier this week, we tackled our G-Habits now in todays MOJO Minutes,  let's tackle our G.B.O.M.B.S.  from Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Super Immunity:  A Breakthrough Program to Boost the Body's Defenses and Stay Healthy All Year Round  (affiliate link).

Key points:

  • What are G.B.O.M.B.S.?
  • Nutritional science has made phenominal strides in the last decade or so 
  • How we should our G-habit and our G.B.O.M.B.S. routine

Other resources:

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Hi, I’m David and welcome back to another MOJO Minute. 

In our last MOJO Minute, we talked about G habits and how more natural movement throughout our day is important than just a traditional exercise routine for 30 mins.

Today's let's talk about G-bombs.    That’s right G-bombs.   Lol

This phrase comes to us from Dr. Joel Fuhrman in his book the End for Health.  (Actually, he first introduces the concept in his widely read book Super Immunity which I will check out next, but for now, he explains the idea to us)

G-bombs stands for 




Mushrooms (cautionary note:  make sure your mushrooms are cooked thoroughly. Uncooked raw mushrooms can be a problem)



How cool!   That’s pretty easy to remember, isn't it?   G habits last time and G-bombs this time.   

Fuhrman tells us “this is the fountain of youth.  All The different types of nutrients are vital to achieving and maintaining superior nutrition and optimal health; however, phytochemicals hold a special elite place in the nutritional landscape. When consistently consumed in sufficient quantities and varieties phytochemicals become super nutrients in your body. They work together to detoxify cancer-causing compounds, deactivate free radicals, protect against radiation damage, and enable DNA repair mechanisms.  When altered or broken strands of DNA are repaired you are less likely to develop cancer later in life.

So in today's MOJO Minute, let's strive to begin to eat more nutritionally dense food.   It’s pretty easy to remember right?   G habits last time and G-bombs this time.   Ha!   

Let's improve our health, let's improve our nutrition and let's get our G’s on!