May 11, 2021

MM#4--The Power of Forgiveness and Example

In this episode, we explore George Weigel's Witness to Hope (affiliate link)

Key points:

  • The power of great leadership, great example and great forgiveness.
  • Leo Clifford's wonderful preaching on forgiveness
  • Great prayer at the end in hopes that it finds an echo in your heart today

Other resources (possible affiliate links)

Reflections  by Fr. Leo Clifford

Great video on Forgiveness by Fr. Leo Clifford

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Welcome to the theory to action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books and less time to help you take action immediately and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now gear's your host, David Kaiser.

Hello, I'm David. And welcome back. Mojo minute

standing behind the first row of pilgrims at one of the wooden railings.  Mohammad Ali OCHA had just fired two shots at the Pope from the Browning nine millimeter semiautomatic pistol. John Paul was struck in the abdomen and fell backwards in the arms of his secretary, Monsignor GB. The image of the inert Pope flashed around the world later that day, and instantly reminded millions of people, of artistic renderings of Christ being taken from the cross sister, Amelia Ehrlich in the square for the audience, remembered a line from what was last poem, Stannis law, as the about to be martyred, Bishop of Krakow confirm his assassin.

If the word did not convert blood would convert unquote. And that quote comes to us from George Weigel in his great papal biography of John Paul. The second called a witness to hope. This is a brief paragraph of a larger story surrounding the assassination attempt of John Paul. The second on May 3rd, 1981.

The Assassin's name again was my mat Ali AKA. He was Turkish. He had been running with the wrong crowds in and out of terrorism cells all over the middle east for at least a decade. Prior to this incident, the reasons for the attempted murder were complex eventually on July 22nd, 1981, a moment, Allie ARCA was found guilty and sentence to life in prison.

Let's pick up the story from John Paul. The second side, going back to the book, witnessed a hope quote. Guess target had no interest in a documented answer. The night before he was shot. John Paul read a beef brief passage from the new Testament as part of complying the church's nighttime prayer quote, be sober.

Be watched. Your adversary, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour unquote first Peter five, eight. That brief text was all the answer. John Paul required to the question of why he was shot. There is evil in the world. Its name is Legion and then acts through human agents. No further explanation was necessary and none in fact would be more interesting or enlightening.

Unquote is where today's mojo minute will take us on December 27th, 1983, John Paul, the second does something extraordinary, even heroic. He visits my mat, Ali Alianca and Rome. Ravina prison, just two and a half short years later, John Paul, the second visits, his would be assess in prison. Let's go back to the book on December 27th, 1983, John Paul, the second game.

A personal witness to the imperative of reconciliation by celebrating mass at the rib behavior prison and visiting his would be assassin a moment Alianca and his cell photos of their encounter showed the two men sitting on black plastic chairs with OCA dressed in blue jeans and running shoes.

Listening intensely to John Paul whose left hand was open and slightly raised in a characteristic. Gesture of explanation or instruction speculation immediately surface that AHCA had made some sort of confession. What in fact had happened was that the superstitious Turk had told John Paul of his fears that our lady of Fatima was going to re vengeance on.

The assassination attempt in AKA his escape had been playing so perfectly that AHCA was astounded to find himself in prison. And that come to attribute to Pope survival and his imprisonment to a supernatural power.

He had read in prison that the assassination attempt had taken place on the anniversary of the apparition, the fatter, and that concluded that the quote goddess of Fatima who had saved the Pope was now going to do away with.

John Paul patiently explained that Mary who many Muslims venerated was the mother of God and that she loved all people and that OCHA shouldn't be afraid. Unquote,

In today's mojo minute in light of John Paul, the second's actions that day. I asked you to think about the power of forgiveness. The forgiveness, perhaps you wish to ask from someone else and perhaps the forgiveness you can show to someone else, then think about putting yourself in Pope, John Paul, the second shoes.

Think about going to meet your attempted murderer. Then think about him telling you he is worried about his own life and the supernatural justice that might happen as a result. Just like OCHA was telling John Paul the second in visiting and listening to Matt Ali, Africa, John Paul, the second demonstrated for all of us, how to forgive in that power of forgiveness.

He demonstrated the power of Jesus Christ exhibits Each time someone's forgive somebody else. He showed the world a great power of example, and more importantly, the great power of forgiveness. So as I celebrate my forty seventh birthday with you today,  I'm inspired by one of my heroes St. John Paul, the second, and his power of forgiveness, perhaps you will indulge me one other quote from another great man of the cloth, father, Leo, Clifford, who taught me.

With his videos when I was a young Catholic, just growing in the faith, all about the virtues most especially about forgiveness father Leo tells us quote,

"my dear friends, if you and I, as a child of God are destined on this earth to show forth his forgiveness, his love, his compassion, his mercy to the human beings around us.

Then we must go on striving every day to meet his standards. And live by his ideals. And surely this is a prayer that finds an echo in our hearts.

Oh Lord, please teach me to forgive. As I come out of my darkness and my loneliness and my selfishness help me to share with others and never grow weary of sharing that forgiveness and the love that you are forever giving to me.

Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action pod. Be sure to check out our, where we have everything we discussed in this podcast, as well as other great resources until next time, keep getting your mojo on .