Sept. 12, 2024

MM#353--The ABC News Ambush and the American Thing to DO

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Was the 2024 presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris rigged from the start?

Join us on the Theory to Action podcast as we unearth the undeniable bias and lack of professionalism displayed by ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis. Despite our personal reservations about Trump, the overt unfairness has driven us and many others to rally behind him in the upcoming election.
This episode is more than just commentary—it's a call to action for holding media accountable and upholding the principles of fairness and objectivity in political journalism.

Let's fight against biased reporting and advocate for the truth together!

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Hear what notable figures like Megyn Kelly and Patrick Bet-David have to say about this glaring partiality and how it could backfire, igniting the American public's strong sense of justice.
  • We'll also dive into Kayleigh McEnany's sharp critique of Kamala Harris's evasive maneuvers on pressing issues like grocery bills, housing prices, and border security. 
  • Our discussion doesn't hold back on ABC News, accusing them of orchestrating a political ambush rather than conducting a fair journalistic enterprise.

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00:07 - The ABC News Ambush

12:53 - Political Commentary on ABC News


00:00:07.612 --> 00:00:20.807
Welcome to the Theory to Action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time, to help you take action immediately and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life.

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Now here's your host, david Kaiser.

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Hello, I am David and welcome back to another Mojo Minute.

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If you caught the one and only as of right now, 2024 presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris on Tuesday night, you saw what I'm going to call the 2024 ABC News ambush.

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The ambush was held by David Muir and Lindsay Davis To accomplish liberals and journalism in support of their radical California liberal, kamala Harris, one of the candidates Kamala Harris one of the candidates.

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And the ambush was so patently unfair and biased and out in the open and happened in real time that I'm surprised they in fact did it all out in the open because we all have a video record of it.

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It was as if and this is what I texted friends after the debate it was as if that night was the culmination of 10 years of lying by the press and a complete failure to see reality by over half of the American public.

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It's like kids on a playground and one just keeps shoving the other kid and then standing behind the teacher laughing, and everyone else on the playground knows that's wrong, intuitively, viscerally, in their gut.

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Natural law says it's wrong.

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Natural law says it's wrong.

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And then last night, or debate night on Tuesday night, the kid was shoving the other kid down on the ground and then spitting in his face and everyone's turning to see the reaction of the teacher and the teacher saw everything and you think the game's up now we're going to have justice and the teacher says nothing.

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And then the teacher laughs with the kid who is doing the shoving and then she laughs in that smug kamala cackle laugh.

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It was that disgusting.

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It was that in your face.

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It was that unfair.

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The GOP needs to know they are in a cold civil war.

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The kid just keeps shoving you down.

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You can't keep going to the playground thinking everything is fine and happy days are here again.

00:03:10.903 --> 00:03:18.801
The GOP needs to never, ever take questions from ABC News again.

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The GOP needs to have their own staffers, video every press gaggle and every interaction with all the press.

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Every GOP candidate needs to be prepared to be shoved down on the ground and not have it accurately reported in the future.

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Every GOP candidate needs to take only questions from the press who give their names and their news outlets they serve and and have the candidates' own staff, the GOP candidates' own staff, film everything to independently confirm everything that is happening.

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Because again, the GOP is in a cold civil war and will never, ever get a fair shake.

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That's the only way to try and even get a fair shake.

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When the teacher is laughing with the kid doing the shoving, you know you can't win.

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Can't get off the playground, but you can't win.

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And here's the funny thing Anybody, and everybody who knows me, knows I don't like Trump.

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I've never liked Trump.

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Didn't vote for Trump in 2016.

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Voted for him in 2020 because of his economic record.

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He got the economy moving.

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I don't think he can put two sentences together, but you bet your bottom dollar I'm going to vote for him as soon as early voting opens up this year because of the lawfare and the unfairness of everything that has happened.

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So I don't like Trump.

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And even I could watch that debate on Tuesday night and just kept getting spun up because what I was watching in real time was so, and just kept getting spun up because what I was watching in real time was so completely unfair.

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It was like a third world country debate and that was the ABC ambush.

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They should be ashamed of themselves.

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Completely unprofessional, absolutely no self-awareness.

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Now, before we close out this quick mojo minute, I'm scrapping the rest of the show.

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We will talk later about the Trump Democrats supporting him.

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That's worthy of a show.

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We'll talk about the overvote in the polling from 16 to 20.

00:05:44.797 --> 00:05:47.180
That's worth talking about.

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But Tuesday night Tuesday night needs to be addressed completely and wholeheartedly with its own show.

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We'll talk about the other stuff later.

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Now, before we close out the show, I want to share just three different reactions to what we saw on Tuesday night.

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And if you didn't see it, I would not recommend going and watching it, because if you have any sense of fairness, if you have any sense of justice, you're no matter who you're, for if you have a sense of justice and fairness, as 85 to 90% of Americans do, you will vomit in your mouth.

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I'm just warning you Now.

00:06:34.547 --> 00:06:40.430
The first of the reactions come from Megyn Kelly, her podcast, which is one of the top podcasts in the world.

00:06:40.430 --> 00:06:48.444
She's getting more views than many other news outlets, even the big one, the network news guys, which is absolutely refreshing.

00:06:48.444 --> 00:06:51.475
High five, megan, great job, keep crushing it.

00:06:51.475 --> 00:07:02.495
That's absolutely refreshing because now the major networks can no longer get away with lying year after year, presidential election after presidential election, with lying year after year, presidential election after presidential election.

00:07:03.216 --> 00:07:19.574
But Megan's number one reaction last night, after all that debate, was all of this will backfire and she agreed with me or maybe I agreed with her that Americans wholeheartedly they do not like cheating.

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They do not like unfairness.

00:07:21.471 --> 00:07:25.175
Americans do not like unfairness in sports.

00:07:25.175 --> 00:07:29.656
They don't like unfairness in American Idol and anything they do.

00:07:29.656 --> 00:07:36.418
Americans 85 to 90% of them are decent and good people.

00:07:36.418 --> 00:07:44.697
They absolutely hate unfairness and they saw unfairness directly in their faces on Tuesday night.

00:07:44.697 --> 00:07:48.473
Megan says that unfairness will backfire on them.

00:07:48.473 --> 00:07:52.392
Them being ABC news.

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We hope she's right.

00:07:54.310 --> 00:08:01.213
We will see if Trump's poll numbers jump, much like they did when they tried to persecute him over four different.

00:08:01.213 --> 00:08:14.307
Much like they did when they tried to persecute him over four different unfair lawfare type drag him in court cases.

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Now the second reaction from a guy that I absolutely respect, patrick Bett David, the owner and creator of Valuetainment.

00:08:21.052 --> 00:08:28.519
He also has an impressive podcast he wrote last night as the debate ended on X.

00:08:28.519 --> 00:08:31.060
This is long, so stay with me here.

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I thought it was a good summary.

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I disagree with some of his stuff, but I thought this was pretty good.

00:08:43.347 --> 00:08:47.972
Here it is Thoughts on tonight's debate During the Biden-Trump.

00:08:47.972 --> 00:08:49.554
Again, this is Patrick Bet David.

00:08:50.434 --> 00:08:56.120
During the Biden-Trump debate, jake Tapper and Dana Bash interrupted or corrected Trump not a single time.

00:08:56.120 --> 00:08:59.427
Not one single time Tonight.

00:08:59.427 --> 00:09:04.765
Abc moderators David Muir, lindsay Davis interrupted or corrected Trump 11 times.

00:09:04.765 --> 00:09:12.820
Tonight was three to one, meaning three against one, two moderators and Kamala Harris.

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Kamala Harris did her best to agitate and try to get under Trump's skin by bringing up certain lies.

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I agree, and I think Trump allowed her to do that.

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So shame on Trump.

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Number one project 2025.

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Number two she claimed he would terminate the constitution.

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Number three misusing bloodbath.

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Number four Charlottesville.

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Number five January 6th.

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Number six he wants to be a dictator on day one.

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Number seven Donald Trump left us the worst unemployment and the worst pandemic in the last century.

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Trump followed through to try and get under her skin with 11 points.

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They left the tariffs.

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Trump left on China for three and a half years.

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She hates Israel.

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She doesn't have a plan.

00:09:59.514 --> 00:10:00.730
It's like four sentences.

00:10:00.730 --> 00:10:05.653
Number four I was going to send her a MAGA hat.

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Number five her father is a Marxist.

00:10:08.462 --> 00:10:09.024
He taught her.

00:10:09.024 --> 00:10:11.279
Well, actually, he is a Marxist.

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Her father is a Marxist, but she hasn't talked to her father in some 25, 30 years.

00:10:16.967 --> 00:10:18.059
But he is a Marxist.

00:10:18.059 --> 00:10:21.440
She's just as well as a Marxist.

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Just because she doesn't talk to him doesn't mean anything.

00:10:24.246 --> 00:10:29.879
Number six her vice president pick abortion in the ninth month Absolutely horrific.

00:10:29.879 --> 00:10:31.701
Number seven her boss.

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He spends most of his time at the beach.

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Number eight they didn't fire anyone.

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Number nine I'm sorry I'm talking now, that was a pretty good one.

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And number 10, she's Joe Biden, and this is crooked.

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Patrick says her highlight of the evening was the abortion topic.

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She was able to articulate that very well and her downfall was the economy.

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You could tell she doesn't know much about the economy.

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She seemed very nervous.

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Trump's downfall barking or eating dogs, rather the Springfield Ohio reference.

00:11:04.827 --> 00:11:09.144
And the biggest marketing mistake of the night.

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Kamala thought it was a good idea to say I invite you to go to one of Trump's rallies.

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People leave the rally early.

00:11:15.241 --> 00:11:19.686
Terrible idea when you have zero moral authority on not doing any rallies.

00:11:19.686 --> 00:11:27.389
Trump's marketing team can and will easily use that clip to drive people to his rallies.

00:11:28.596 --> 00:11:33.619
Last observation about tonight's debate debate kamala kept looking at him, mocking him when he was speaking.

00:11:33.619 --> 00:11:36.365
Trump did not look at her while he was speaking.

00:11:36.365 --> 00:11:40.503
Uh, thought on the moderators once it was done.

00:11:40.503 --> 00:11:43.509
This is where I disagreed vehemently with patrick.

00:11:43.509 --> 00:11:50.886
But he said when they asked if kamala has met putin, why did they not follow up on that question.

00:11:50.886 --> 00:11:55.380
The people have never got an answer, even though they interrupted Trump consistently.

00:11:55.380 --> 00:11:57.807
They did better than expected, not true?

00:11:57.807 --> 00:12:01.585
David Muir did his best to be fair to both candidates.

00:12:01.585 --> 00:12:03.402
I give him an eight out of 10.

00:12:03.402 --> 00:12:05.421
Patrick, what are you thinking?

00:12:06.174 --> 00:12:11.125
Lindsay Davis asked one of the toughest questions of the night of Kamala, even though you could tell she didn't like Trump.

00:12:11.125 --> 00:12:12.128
I give her a seven.

00:12:12.128 --> 00:12:21.966
Not not sure what you were watching, man, have a lot of respect for you, but completely disagree on that one.

00:12:21.966 --> 00:12:29.808
And the last point for whatever reason, it seemed like Lindsay Davis went 20 to 30 minutes without asking a question.

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Not sure if ABC was behind it or if it was pre-planned, not sure, but it was a bit weird.

00:12:35.227 --> 00:12:44.524
Then he ends with this Kamala sounded like a condescending aunt lecturing kids and Trump sounded like an angry Patriot defending his nation.

00:12:44.524 --> 00:12:47.876
Either way, this was a better debate than Biden Trump.

00:12:47.876 --> 00:12:53.780
So that is the second reaction.

00:12:53.860 --> 00:12:57.783
And the third reaction came from Kaylee McEnany.

00:12:57.783 --> 00:13:03.488
I thought she had the most objective and complete tweet about the whole night.

00:13:03.488 --> 00:13:16.525
It came with 10 minutes to go in the debate when most people have already tuned out and moved on, preferring to watch something better, most likely seeing the dumpster fire that ABC News had created.

00:13:16.525 --> 00:13:19.360
Here's what she said, kayleigh McEnany's tweet.

00:13:20.696 --> 00:13:34.764
If you tuned in to this debate wanting to know how will Kamala lower grocery bills, how will Kamala fix the sky high housing prices and how will Kamala secure the border, you are still left with your questions.

00:13:34.764 --> 00:13:39.746
Her strategy was to focus on the superfluous, not the substantive.

00:13:39.746 --> 00:13:42.080
Completely agree.

00:13:42.080 --> 00:13:50.101
So in today's Mojo Minute, this nugget of wisdom, political wisdom, is.

00:13:50.101 --> 00:13:59.274
On Tuesday, september 10th 2024, abc News conducted one of the most disgusting displays of news journalism in the history of the modern presidency.

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It was an absolute political ambush of one candidate in their preference for another, and, as an American, I think most Americans don't like to see that unfairness, and so we should all nail them on it, because that's the American thing to do.

00:14:19.043 --> 00:14:28.384
As always, keep fighting the good fight and shake the dust from your feet Of ABC News' Evil Ways.

00:14:52.475 --> 00:14:57.263
Thank you for joining us, of ABC News' Evil Ways, as well as other great resources.

00:14:57.263 --> 00:15:06.275
Until next time, keep getting your mojo on.