Aug. 27, 2024

MM#351--16 years of Abortion at the DNC and Slavery

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What if the Democratic Party's stance on abortion has undergone a seismic shift over the past 16 years?

On today's episode of Theory to Action, we unpack the dramatic transformation from Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's call for abortion to be "safe, legal, and rare" to the current full endorsement of reproductive rights, as showcased at the 2024 Democratic National Convention.

We bring you a close look at the unsettling prominence of Planned Parenthood's mobile clinic at the convention—a stark symbol of the party's radical evolution.

We contrast this with Ronald Reagan’s unwavering pro-life principles and his belief that the right to life is the cornerstone of all human freedoms, as articulated in Paul Kengor's "11 Principles of a Reagan Conservative."

Key Points from the Episode:

  • We invite you to reflect on the moral and ethical implications of this shift. 
  • Highlighting the increased need for advocacy, we discuss the importance of protecting the unborn and ensuring their fundamental rights to life and justice. 
  • As we examine the Democratic Party's move to the far left on abortion, we conclude with a powerful call to action, urging listeners to join the fight for the most basic of human freedoms. 

Don't miss the additional resources available on our show page for further exploration of this pressing issue.

Other resources:

The Democrats Radical Shift

NPR Planned Parenthood on Wheels

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00:07 - Democratic Party's Radical Evolution on Abortion

14:20 - The Democratic Party's Stance on Abortion


00:00:07.612 --> 00:00:20.807
Welcome to the Theory to Action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time, to help you take action immediately and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life.

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Now here's your host, david Kaiser flourishing life.

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Now here's your host, david Kaiser.

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Hello, I am David, and welcome back to another Mojo Minute.

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If you tuned in at any portion of the Democrat National Convention last week, you would have heard the radical notion that reproductive rights, aka abortion, aka the killing of babies is paramount to our constitutional republic.

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You would have heard it so loud and so often.

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You might have been confused if you were truly watching a major political party convention in 2024 or a Planned Parenthood rally.

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Now, why do I say that?

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Well, because it was just a short 16 years ago.

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The Democratic Party's messaging on abortion was very different, different, so different, in fact, that back in 2008, barack Obama said this statement while campaigning for the presidency.

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There is a moral dimension to abortion which I think that all too often those of us who are pro-choice have not talked about or tried to tamp down.

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Yes, barack Obama said that in 2008.

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And because of some very good reporting from the National Catholic Register last week, which I will put a link in the show notes for that article, we were reminded of how former Secretary of State Clinton, back in 2008 as well, said something very, very similar to then-candidate Obama.

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She said abortion should quote remain legal, but needs to be safe and rare, and by rare I mean rare End quote.

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You might also remember that her husband, back in the 1992 presidential campaign, said in fact the very same words Abortion should be safe, legal and rare.

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How far the Democratic Party has moved to the left on this issue is radical.

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Beyond radical, in fact Ghoulish, I believe, is probably the most appropriate word to describe where they stand today.

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As an example of how radical they've become, they allowed the largest abortion provider in the world, planned Parenthood, to park an oversized blue quote abortion van just outside the United Center where the DNC was hosting its convention.

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On the side of the van read the words healthcare, no matter where.

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That was so crazy of a news story last week that I had to double check it and I'll put a link into that story that I found from NPR.

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And how bizarre that even that story itself was written.

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So you can say, among the food trucks at the DNC last week you had a Planned Parenthood van Parked there handing out free abortion pills and free vasectomies.

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Now, according to the group, you can make reservations online and all the appointment times for the first two days were filled up Popular place, evidently.

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An estimated 25 abortions, sadly, were performed in the abortion van.

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How absolutely bizarre and radical.

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That is.

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So far down the rabbit hole that Alice in Wonderland would not know what is up and what is down.

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How far the Democratic Party has changed on this issue from just 16 years ago, from safe, legal and rare on abortion to a full-throated endorsement of this deadly practice.

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Of this deadly practice, it was mentioned every night, All four nights, each night at the Democratic National Convention.

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Democratic's, democrat Party's evolution on abortion Highlights just one radical example of how this political party has moved severely To the left, the very far left, in its policies.

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Now, if you tuned in, you heard a lot about bodily autonomy and reproductive justice every night.

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But let's talk about justice.

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Let's talk about cosmic justice and let us share some words of wisdom from our last great president and that is not Barack Obama, that would be from Ronald Reagan.

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So for our book of the day, let us turn to Paul Kengor's 11 Principles of a Reagan Conservative.

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What did Ronald Reagan believe about this type of justice?

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Let's go to the book.

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At the heart of the relationship between family and faith and freedom is the human person.

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The human person has God and has freedom and, by definition, exists.

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The person comes into existence through the union of a man and a woman, preferably a mother and a father.

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A person cannot become a person, of course, if life is denied.

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Moreover, without a right to life, there can be no individual freedom or other rights.

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The right to life is the first and most fundamental of all human freedoms, without which other human freedoms literally cannot exist.

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Do you see the clarity in that there is no other most more fundamental right than the right to life?

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It's the first and most fundamental of all the human freedoms, without which all the other human freedoms cannot literally exist.

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The other clarity of that statement alone blows away all the moral confusion that we have seen in our secular culture over the last 16 years, in fact the last 24 years, I would say.

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Let's go back to the book.

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For Reagan, the right to life began in the womb, it began at conception.

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As President Reagan supported a human life amendment to the US Constitution, which would have inserted into the Constitution these words to the US Constitution, which would have inserted into the Constitution, these words quote the paramount right to life is vested in each human being from the moment of fertilization, without regard to age, health or condition of dependency.

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End quote.

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He favored providing every human being at all stages of development protections as quote persons with a right to life under the 14th Amendment.

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So the right to life begins in the womb, it begins at conception, and President Reagan supported a human life amendment.

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And he also provided that every human being, at all stages of development were persons and that they had that right to life under the 14th amendment.

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Now let's move on to perhaps the most or the profoundest, the most profound way to think about all of this, especially when we just talked about justice and cosmic justice, and they want reproductive justice.

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Let's separate all of this out of our current secular world and let's put it in how our country and our history has been formed.

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This is perhaps the most profound nugget of wisdom on this issue I have ever heard Go on to the book.

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Reagan's concern for life was also an outgrowth of his faith.

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The right to life was an issue he found inseparable from the life of Christ.

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In a January 1984 speech to religious broadcasters he said now keep in mind as a sidebar here, this is January of 1984.

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He is running for re-election, he is speaking to the religious broadcasters and he is pulling no punches.

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Going back to the book, he said this, quote God's most blessed gift to his family is the gift of life.

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He sent us the Prince of Peace as a babe in the manger.

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Like 19th century clergy who led the movement to abolish slavery, reagan, as a Christian, saw himself as duty-bound to fight abortion, which he equated with slavery in terms of moral outrage and deprivation of human dignity.

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He made the analogy to the national religious broadcasters, quoting Jesus Christ in the process.

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Quote this nation fought a terrible war so that black Americans would be guaranteed their God-given rights.

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Abraham Lincoln recognized that we could not survive as a free land when some could decide whether others should be free or slaves.

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Well, today, another question begs to be asked how can we survive as a free nation when some decide that others are not fit to live and should be done away with?

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I believe no challenge is more important to the character of America than restoring the right to life to all human beings.

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Without that right, no other rights have meaning.

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Suffer the little children to come to me.

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Forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of God.

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End, quote, end, quote.

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Together, reagan assured the religious broadcasters he and they must convince their fellow countrymen that America should, can and will preserve God's greatest gift, the right to life.

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That was an evocative statement that did not escape criticism by pro-choice liberals in the media.

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In an editorial, the New York Times blasted Reagan for this analogy, insisting that the real modern bondage was the law's refusal to let women decide whether or not to bear a child until the Supreme Court read this basic liberty into the Constitution.

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Reagan did not care what the New York Times thought, especially given the gravity of the crime at hand.

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He was undeterred, raising the rhetoric higher still In an especially high-profile occasion his 1986 State of the Union address Reagan lamented Today there is a wound in our national conscience.

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America will never be whole as long as the right to life granted by our Creator is denied to the unborn.

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How powerful is that Today?

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There is a wound in our national conscience.

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America will never be whole as long as the right to life granted by our creator is denied to the unborn.

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Abortion in the 20th and 21st century is very analogous to slavery in the 19th and 18th centuries, and I hope we don't have to fight a civil war, a second US civil war, to overcome and eradicate abortion from our great land, as we had to do to rid slavery from our land.

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We lost some 650,000 countrymen in the US civil war.

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That's horrific, but we have lost some 63 million since Roe v Wade was made legal in 1973.

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63 million?

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Let that sink in.

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Ponder that 63 million.

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63 million, that's 1,235,294 abortions per year.

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On average, that's 3,384 abortions per day.

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For those of you that were around during 9-11, we lost 2,996 people that day.

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Dreadful day, horrific day, horrible day.

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We have lost more people every day in this country since 1973.

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We have had a 9-11 every single day in this country since 1973.

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Ponder that.

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To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln's words, I am naturally anti-abortion and if abortion is not wrong, nothing is wrong.

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We need to examine our country's attitude towards this gruesome and ghoulish practice.

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It is a moral stain to our national character, it is a grievous moral sin to our national soul.

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And justice will happen Not reproductive justice, but cosmic justice.

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So in today's Mojo Minute, the Democratic Party's far, radically far left shift from safely going rare just some 16 years ago to now almost abortion on demand on this most profound of political issues is grave and damning.

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We have to continue to fight the good fight to help save those who die each and every day in our country, let us protect the unborn and support their right to life, their right to justice, their right to cosmic justice.

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After all, it's the most fundamental of all the human freedoms.

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Thank you for joining us.

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We hope you enjoyed this Theory to Action podcast.

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Be sure to check out our show page at teammojoacademycom, where we have everything we discussed in this podcast, as well as other great resources.

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Until next time, keep getting your mojo on.

00:16:08.376 --> 00:16:09.096
Thank you.