Aug. 16, 2021

MM#34--Leadership week #1--How Do We Grade Leadership?

In this special MOJO minute, we kick off Leadership week at the MOJO Academy by defining how to grade Leadership best?

We utilize, Extreme Ownership (affiliate link) as the resource to unpack this brilliant definition of Leadership!

Key points:

  • We conduct a thought experiment about how to grade Leadership with General George Patton from WWII and the Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin.
  • Then, we uncover the best definition of how to grade Leadership?
  • We challenge ourselves in growing in our various roles in our many leadership capacities.

Other resources:

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Hello I’m David and welcome back to another MOJO Minute.

This week is leadership week, here at the MOJO Academy.    

This whole week we are breaking down some nuggets of wisdom surrounding the concept of leadership.  

You know, those top principles, ideas, and tactics to help you become a better leader no matter what position you are in life.   

Just a quick administrative announcement Normally in a regular week, we release two podcast episodes on Tuesday and Thursday.   

This week, as you may have notice, since we just published todays episode on Monday, we are going to be releasing an episode every day this week through Friday.   

The topics will be All about leadership.  

And we might have some bonus material for you at the end.   

So with all that said.      

I have to ask a Quick question!!

What is the best way to evaluate leadership of any type?

I have pondered this question for over a decade.

It is a tough question.

Do you simply go by what the employees or subordinates say?

If so, General George Patton in WWII, for example, wouldn’t have been a great leader because he wasnt well liked and most of his soldiers, didnt love old blood and guts.    In addition he didnt get along with any of his peers.   He was always snipping at other commanders around him US and otherwise.    


And a big BUT, here, 

Can we go by the results no matter what?

He did get the job done winning many battles across Europe, namely, the invasion of Sicily and the breakthrough at the Battle of the Bulge on his way to Berlin to defeat the Nazi empire.

So is it fair and right to evaluate and grade leadership by another measure?  

Or do we simply go by results.  

Ya know thats what the higher ups love.   Just the bottom line.  Right?!


That also, doesnt seem to understand the complexities and nuances of leadership.

I mean as another example lets consider my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers football team and their head coach Mike Tomlin as compared to the previous coach Bill Cowher.  

Most Steeler players love to play for coach Tomlin and coach Cowher equally.   

So then we turn to results as a measure.  

Based on the results Mike Tomlin is on pace to have a coaching career just like Bill Cowher, the previous head coach for the Steelers and who was just inducted into the Pro football hall of fame.   

Bill Cowher coached 15 Seasons with a record of 149 wins 90 loses with a winning percentage of 62.3%

Mike Tomlin is heading into his 15th Season as head coach.  His record is 145 wins and 78 loses with a winning percentage of 65%

Then because in Pittsburgh its all about going to the playoffs every year.   

Cowher amassed a 12 and 9 record in the playoffs with one super bowl victory.   The incredible run in 2005 as a 6th seed.  

Mike Tomlin so far as playoff record of 8 and 8 with one Super Bowl under his name in 2008

Now Steeler fans will tell you with extreme passion that Tomlins lack of playoff wins in the last four years is a HUGE deal and if he doesnt win this year, he is all but gone.

Lol.   But but

This isnt an Steeler insider podcast this is the MOJO academy and we are talking about leadership.   

So i hope with both of those examples and theorizing it sheds light on how do you answer the question, whats the best way to grade leadership?

That is a difficult question to answer but  it  brings me to one of the best books I have ever read on leadership and


Truly one of the very best definitions to help evaluate leadership of any type

Let me start with the quote

“Among the legions of leadership books in publication, we found most focus on individual practices and personal character traits. We also observed that many corporate leadership training programs and management consulting firms do the same. But without a team—a group of individuals working to accomplish a mission—there can be no leadership. The only meaningful measure for a leader is whether the team succeeds or fails. For all the definitions, descriptions, and characterizations of leaders, there are only two that matter: effective and ineffective. Effective leaders lead successful teams that accomplish their mission and win. Ineffective leaders do not. The principles and concepts described in this book, when properly understood and implemented, enable any leader to become effective and dominate his or her battlefield.“

That great quote comes to us from Extreme Ownership by fmr Navy Seals Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.

And that my MOJO friends is the very best definition of how to evaluate leadership.   

Whether in business, sports, the military or in your own parenting skills or leading your neighborhood watch group meetings.

The simplicity of answering the question of effective and ineffective, encompasses all the other nuances.

Most human beings understand leadership is hard.  

Leading human beings is hard.

There are the personalities.

There are the egos

There are the human dramas and dynamics within teams and within interpersonal relationships.   

But thats why i love this definition.

Leadership is either Effective or ineffective?!  

Because it gets to the core of mission of the leader.   

So in todays MOJO Minute, no matter where you are at in life, everyone is a leader.    

Let us grade ourselves on how effective are we in our roles as leaders?

As a parent, you are leader.

How effective are you as being a parent?  

Are you the helper and shaper of your children’s character?   

At your place of employment, as a leader, what is your effectiveness?   

Can you do things a little better in area or another area?  

Can you communicate a little more clearer?  Can you train a little better with a little more enthusiasm.

To be a good leader you have to be a good follower, can you ask better questions of your leader to fully understand the complete mission to then past that information down the chain of command.  

This in particular is an area I have some work to do.

We all have areas in our leadership journey we have to get squared away.  

Lets face those with courage and humility.

So in todays MOJO’s minute, let us strive to be good leaders along the journey to becoming better leaders.   And let us understand leading with todays clear definition of success.

Leadership is always either Effective or ineffective.

And lets close with one last quote from Extreme Ownership

“The best leaders are not driven by ego or personal agendas.  They are simply focused on the mission and how best to accomplish it.”

Well said!

Let us lead well today!

And be sure to come back tomorrow for another MOJO minute about leadership.   

Lets go MOJO!