Aug. 5, 2021

MM#31--Failure's New Name

In this episode, we explore Tony's Hortons great book of wisdom The Big Picture:  11 Laws That Will Change Your Life (affiliate link).

Key points:

  • How do we deal with failure?  
  • Do we react positively to it?  Do we learn from our failures?  
  • Do we embrace failure to achieve success?

Other resources:

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Hi, I’m David and welcome back to another MOJO Minute. 

The creator of the super popular workout program P90X, Tony Horton, tells us that failure needs a new name.  

Huh!!?   What?   Failure needs a new name?

Here’s the quote, “There’s nothing wrong with failing.  In fact, failure needs a new name.  “Failure” should be renamed “awesome.”  Everyone loves awesome...Most folks think of failure as the opposite of success, but I beg to differ.

It’s like what Winston Churchill said; “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”   Failure and success as Siamese twins; they don't exist without each other.  There’s no way around it.  The problem with the word “failure” is that it connotes that you are a loser—and losers don’t succeed or win or get the girl (or guy or pie or pot of gold or what it is you want to get).  As a result, many people would rather play it safe, not take chances, not explore, and never, ever stick their neck out to try.”

This quote comes to us from his book, the Big Picture.  

This reminds me of John Maxwell's excellent book, Failing forward (check out the Academy Review for that book of goodness and excellence at the MOJO Academy)

Here’s a quote from it “If we look long enough for what we want in life we are almost sure to find it. Success is in the journey, the continual process. And no matter how hard you work, you will not create the perfect plan or execute it without error. You will never get to the point that you no longer make mistakes, that you no longer fail.”

So today's MOJO Minute, how do you deal with failure?  Do you react positively to it?  Do you learn from your failures?  Do you embrace failure to achieve success?

Let us close with the great words of John Maxwell “Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward.”