Aug. 3, 2021

MM#30--Feelings, pt. 2--The Pole Position of LIfe

In part 2 of the exploring our feelings episode, we dig deep into one of the most powerful concepts I have uncovered in any of my readings.   It comes to us from Eric Greitens’s Resilience (affiliate link) so be sure to listen to this incredible MOJO minute.

Key points:

  • The relationship from actions to feelings
  • To ask yourself, the important question of “who do I want to be?”
  • Get the order right between feelings, indentity, action to live a flourishing life.

Other resources:

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Hello I’m David and welcome back to another MOJO minute.

In our last MOJO Minute we talked about feelings.

*Singing feelings, lets talk about feelings…..*


Ok, ok,  there will be NO singing in the MOJO minutes.

We explored Brian Tracy telling us to be our own cheerleader and feelings cant affect how we coach ourselves into positivity.

Then we talked about Martin Seligman and Viktor Frankl helping us to understand that we can change our thinking and those habits are not etched in stone and finally we learned we can choose our own attitudes no matter how bad the situation can be.

So now with that foundation, let us turn to Eric Greitens in his masterful work titled, Resilience for a great nugget of wisdom.

Here’s the quote, ““I told you that I was less interested in how you feel and more interested in who you want to be... 

I asked you to write down those same three words in the opposite direction. It’s the direction that holds the most promise for your life:




You begin by asking, “Who am I going to be?” You decided to be courageous again. 

So what’s next? Act that way. Act with courage. And here comes the part that’s so simple it’s easy to miss: the way you act will shape the way you feel. You act with courage and immediately your fears start to shrink and you begin to grow. 

If you want to feel differently, act differently. 

This ain’t complicated, my friend. But it’s amazing how many people get it so wrong for so long.” 

OH MY.   

OH, thats good.

OH, that super powerful folks!

Did you catch that?

Let me repeat it.

“If you want to feel differently, act differently.”

This is the order of priority that most of live in when we are in what i call default mode:




And Eric is turning that on its head.

He tells wait, wait,  you are getting this wrong.   So wrong folks.

This should be your order




First ask who do i want to be.

Take action pursuing that person.  Your best version of yourself.

And guess what after all that is done, your feelings will come in line with who you want to become.   

Super powerful stuff.   

I cant emphasize any more than that.

So it todays MOJO minute, If you want to live a flourishing life.   Get your priorities right and put feelings third in order of priority with identity being first and action being second.

And let us ALL put theory into action and leave our feelings in their right place.   The third spot in the pole position of life.