July 29, 2021

MM#29--Feelings pt. 1--Personal Cheerleader

In this episode, we explore our feelings and how they correlate to our decisions and choices.   Along the way, we check out quotes from Eat that Frog  and Learned Optimism  finally concluding with Man's Search for Meaning (affiliate links)

Key points:

  • Brian Tracy explains why we need a personal cheerleader
  • Martin Seligman helps to understand the choice we have in choosing our feelings
  • Victor Frankl distills all this knowledge into a powerful nugget of wisdom--No matter how bad our circumstances-- we still have a choice

Other resources:

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I’m David and welcome back to another MOJO Minute

In the classic productivity book, Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy encourages us with this quote

“To perform your best you must become your own personal cheerleader.  You must develop a routine of coaching yourself and encouraging yourself to play at the top of your game.”

Ok very good.  Our first little nugget of wisdom.  

We must become our personal cheerleader.   

AND.  And here’s the important part of what Brian just told us, you must develop a ROUTINE of coaching and encouraging yourself.

Ahhh…a ROUTINE is important too.

So you are saying we cant do it 1 day…and then take 4 days off?

Your saying that doesnt work?

Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.   LOL

Ok got it.

Back to the book, 

“Most of your emotions, positive or negative, are determined by how you talk to yourself on a minute to minute basis.   It is not what happens to you but the way you interpret the things that are happening to you that determines how you feel.”

And this quote goes on but check our MOJO Academy review for more greatest in this book.

In that last quote, is what i wanted to capture for todays MOJO Minute 

here’s the ending of the quote again, “it is not what happens to you but the way you interpret the things that are happening to you that determines how you feel.”

Interesting huh?

So based on that quote, Brian is telling us, feelings dont matter about how we talk to ourselves.

I know, I know you are saying to yourself but David, feelings DO matter.   Our whole world is all about feelings.  

I feel offended at this or that.

I dont feel like going to work today so you dont 

Feelings are super important David.  

Well actually feelings are important.

Emotions have their rightful place within human psychology but what Brian is saying is that they shouldn’t control your thinking.

And actually Martin Seligman echos these words in Learned Optimism (check out that MOJO Academy review at the website too)

He says, “habits of thinking need not be forever.  One of the most significant findings in psychology in the last twenty years is that individuals can choose the way they think.”

Ahhh. Good stuff right there.

We can choose the way we think.  It doesn’t have to negative.  It can be positive minute to minute to minute.

Moment to moment to moment.

And you dont believe him, how about our good friend Viktor Frankl from Man’s search for Meaning, “the last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”

Another great nugget of wisdom.

And keep in mind, Viktor was a former Nazi concentration camp survivor so he certainly had a difficult set of circumstances presented to him.   I’m sure he was keeping in check his feelings and emotions as tragedy was happening all around him.   

So in todays MOJO Minute, lets us strive to understand that our feelings ought not to control how we think positively or negatively.   We choose how we think no matter our feelings. 

P.S. in next MOJO Minute we will explore more about feelings and how action effects our feelings, so be sure to tune in.  Really good stuff there.