Oct. 5, 2023

MM#273--Want to Change Your Life? Pick the Daily Habit To Change

Ready to unlock the secret to personal growth and prime yourself for meaningful change?

This episode is your golden ticket!

We're putting the spotlight back on John Maxwell, globally acclaimed leadership expert and author, whose books have inspired millions around the world and our feature author in the spotlight for September 2023 (check out that super inspiring episode here!!)

So with John as our guide,  our nugget of wisdom comes to us from Maxwell's book Jump Start Your Growth.

Get ready to explore the idea that changing your daily habits is the springboard to transforming your life.

 Are you ready to put Theory Into Action? Let's roll!

Key Points from the Episode:

  • You'll learn why Maxwell asserts, "You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily". 
  • We pull apart this nugget of wisdom, examining the critical role of habit and discipline in bridging the gap between goals and accomplishments. 
  • We consider the daily actions that might be holding you back and the habits that need to be undone. 
  • Packed with insights, this episode offers a practical guide on how to kickstart change in your life one daily habit at a time.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Theory to Action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time, to help you take action immediately and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now here's your host, david Kaiser Hello.

Speaker 2:

I am David and welcome back to another Mojo Minute. Last week we shared in the author Spotlight September's awardee, john Maxwell. Now John is one of the world's top leadership experts. He's written a bunch of books like we talked about in that author Spotlight, so be sure to check that out. He's sold over 25 million copies of them, and actually in 50 languages to boot. That's kind of cool. Now in the author Spotlight we featured a few of those books, including Jump Start your Growth, a 90 day improvement plan, the 360 degree leader, developing your influence from anywhere in the organization, and the complete 101 series collection. Now, as a part of the author Spotlight, I enjoyed going back and rereading the 15 invaluable laws of growth. Just a little side note here in FYI, jump Start your Growth was adapted from the book the 15 invaluable laws of growth, so they're almost the same book. Little tweak here and there, but by my reading they are almost the same. Now, it's a fantastic book and the main thesis of the book and its basic idea is if you want to reach your potential, you need to grow period. And you know how I like to say. A certain word or phrase often shows up in a book that perfectly captures the essence of the book. Well, here's that nugget of wisdom Quote you'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. In fact, let's go to the book on day 37, where I pulled this from, to get the full quote in context. When do you need to improve? First? The obvious answer right now, today. More important, you need today to be every day. You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. That means developing great habits. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments, and that bridge must be crossed every day. Over time, that daily crossing becomes a habit and ultimately, people do not decide their future, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future. What are you doing daily that needs to change? What needs doing? Maybe, more important, what needs undoing? Vice columnist Abigail Van Buren quipped a bad habit never goes away by itself. It's always an undo it yourself project. What are you willing to change, doing today in order to change what you will be doing tomorrow? There you go Our negative wisdom again. You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. Again, you'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. It's pretty obvious when you read it, isn't it. It jumps off the page at you, but it's pretty profound when you take a moment to ponder it. Of course we talk about this idea all the time. We gotta put theory into action every day. Let's deliver it. So in today's super short nugget of wisdom, it's just that Want to change your life? If no, we'll stay stagnant and don't grow, don't read, don't try to get better, don't do anything, just keep it on autopilot, just stay comfortable. But if your answer to that question want to change your life is yes, then you have to grow, you have to get uncomfortable, you have to figure out what's the daily habit you need to change. Just one will do so. Just pick one and then insert that answer in the blank spot in your journal and then get after it every day, starting today. Let's go Mojo.