Sept. 7, 2023

MM#265--The War on Ivermectin

Today, we continue our journey through the COVID19 trilogy with part 2 and book 2, The War on Ivermectin:  The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended The Pandemic by Dr. Pierre Kory.

Can we agree that COVID 19 and its aftermath has to be studied throughly to discover the truths and chart a correct pathway forward so we don't make the same mistakes again?  Can we also agree that some drugs and medicines have proven much better in treating COVID19 than the Vaccines?

Let's unearth the truth about Ivermectin - a miraculous discovery by Japanese microbiologist Satoshi Ōmura and American parasitical specialist William Campbell that has transformed global health since the late 70s.

This episode takes you through the journey of Ivermectin, from winning a Nobel Prize in Medicine (see the link below) to being embroiled in a heated debate on COVID-19 treatment.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Sit in on Dr Pierre Corey's groundbreaking Senate testimony before Ron Johnson's Senate Committee on COVID-19 and Ivermectin, shedding light on the controversial fact-checking debates and the lack of recognition Ivermectin has received.
  • Feel the tension as we unravel the harmful smear campaign against Ivermectin, highlighting the conduct of Senator Gary Peters at the hearing and the New York Times' sensationalized opinion piece. 
  • Listen to Dr Pierre Kory's firsthand account of testifying and the almost total suppression of Ivermectin and other treatments he has experienced. 
  • Despite facing stark opposition, Dr Kory continues to champion truth and patient care in the face of a corrupt health system. 

Finally, we will come back on Saturday with Dr Robert Malone's book to complete this COVID trilogy of discovering what happened during the last three years with our medical experts and establishment.   

Join us for this eye-opening episode that dares to challenge the status quo and confront the reality behind the headlines.

Other resources: 

The 2015 Nobel Prize for Medicine link

COVID Trilogy part 1 and book 1, 

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00:07 - The Impact of Ivermectin

11:38 - The Damaging Propaganda Campaign Against Ivermectin

21:51 - Recommendations for Controversial Books, Topics

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Theory to Action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time, to help you take action immediately and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now here's your host, david Kaiser.

Speaker 2:

Hello, I am David and welcome back to another Mojo Minute, keeping with our custom that we had started some time ago. Let's go to our first pull quote. Numerous studies have consistently reported large magnitudes of benefits in all the diseases phases, but with the most significant public health impact in the prevention of transmission. On this compelling evidence, we recommend Iver Mectin's administration for both prophylaxis in all high-risk patients as well as in the early and late phases of the disease. If this were to occur nationally and globally, we predict that, like in many regions shown above, the pandemic will end, the economy can reopen, social interactions and activity can resume and life can normalize. The expected impact will allow our nation to grow and focus on the multitude of all other pressing problems facing our society. And that is a quote lifted from the written statement that summarized Dr Pierre Corey's Senate testimony in front of Ron Johnson's, the Senate Chairman's Committee, on COVID-19 and Iver Mectin. And this all comes to us from a book called the War on Iver Mectin the medicine that saved millions and could have ended the pandemic by Dr Pierre Corey, with Jenna McCarthy Now. This book is one of the best well-written books, all about COVID-19 and about this wonder drug of Iver Mectin and I thought the best way to tackle this review because we're not going to be able to do this book justice. I would urge you to go out and get the book yourself. It's that good, but I thought the best way we could tackle this topic today is just to answer some basic, simple questions. Just let's answer with the help of this book what is the drug, ivermectin, and where did it come from? Before we dig any deeper into the war trenches, I wanted to give you a quick yes, quick history of the defamed drug that is at the heart of this book. Most people probably don't only know ivermectin as the most maligned and controversial treatment in the history of medicine, which is a shame because it has a remarkable story of origin and impact. In the late 1970s, japanese microbiologist Satasha Amora of the Kasato Institute in Tokyo was studying various microorganisms in the hopes of identifying promising medicinal compounds. He and his team collected thousands of soil samples from around Japan and screened them for a therapeutic potential. It was on one of these excursions, while visiting a golf course near the coast of Honshu, that Amora unearthed an unusual and I'm not going to try and pronounce that bacterium. We'll keep going Anyhow. He unearthed an unusual bacteria. Amora sent the sample to an American veterinary scientist and parasitical specialist, william Campbell at the Merck Research Laboratories in the US. Campbell found that the bacterial culture contained active compounds which could cure mice infected with parasitic worms. They named these active compounds avermectins. Ultimately, the team developed the compound into a safer, more tolerable and more effective drug ivermectin, that wards off parasites in animals and humans. What I found, what I find fascinating, is that, despite decades of research around the world, the Japanese strain of this bacteria remains the only source of avermectin, ivermectin's precursor ever found. Had Professor Amora been born anywhere else in the world or decided to sample the soil from a baseball field instead of that golf course, ivermectin would likely never have been discovered. Ivermectin has been called a wonder drug for decades due to its effectiveness and safety in treating a range of infections in humans and animals, and because it has nearly rid the world of two of its most disfiguring and devastating diseases river blindness and elephantitis. What's more, in 1987, merca and Company partnered with the World Health Organization to establish the Meccanine Donation Program, which pledged to donate ivermectin for as long as was needed to control river blindness and eliminate the disease. This was clearly before pharma had gone harma. This program provided more than 57 million treatments in the first 20 years alone and prevented untold suffering and countless deaths around the world. These actions were exactly in line with the vision of George W Merck, the son of the company's original founder. Speaking to the Medical College of Virginia at Richmond in 1950, the junior Merck declared we try to remember that medicine is for the patient. We try never to forget that medicine is for people. It is not for the profits. The profits follow, and if we have remembered that, then they will never have failed to appear. Although such sentiments must seem absurd to the modern age, apparently they meant something back then. Ivermectin's tremendous global impact solidified its spot on the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines and earned the Campbell and Amira the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015 for its discovery. Can you win a Nobel Prize twice for the same find? Asking for a friend? All of this is why, one month after I posted my Ivermectin paper on the pre-print server, I testified for the second time in the Homeland Security Committee hearing for Senator Ron Johnson. This time, the topic was the efficacy of Ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19. So yes, indeed, ivermectin won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015. And you can actually read that report on their website, the Nobel Prize website. Yet you will see. If you Google right now, you will see fact-checkers that say, no, it did not win the Nobel Prize. It's on the website. I'm not sure how much more out of reality. Some of these fact-checkers get their information Bizarre. So now let's keep going with this book, because what you're going to find out is Dr Peter Corey, the author. I'm sorry, not Peter. Dr Pierre Corey, the author, is not some wacko conservative that a lot of these mainstream media types want you to think. Actually, he's a far left-wing doctor and he's going to tell us about it. Going back to the book, recall that, as a lifelong disciple of the New York Times, I had been indoctrinated to despise Senator Johnson. That baseless hatred had turned into a profound respect within minutes of our first phone call back in May, and his continued advocacy for the truth and integrity have only deepened my admiration. I would not hesitate to call him a hero, as I believe that his outspokenness and efforts have saved countless lives around the world. Senator Johnson gathered a group of COVID dissident All-Stars on Zoom for a series of hearings, including the tenacious, unshakable Dr Peter McCalla. That's the author that we heard from on Tuesday and the extraordinary Dr George Fareed, who by that time, along with Dr Brian Tyson, had treated several thousand COVID patients with nary, a hospitalization and not a single death. We discussed strategy around who would testify and for how long, and on what. I would have described that meeting as electric raw on. Senator Johnson called it like herding cats. The first hearing featured a fired up lineup including McCalla, rich and Fareed, who presented immense data on how our regulatory agencies and academia had gotten HQ, hydro, clarks, the chloroquine wrong. That's what we covered on Tuesday. You can go back and listen to that show. Although their marshaling and presentation of the supportive data for HQ was expert and erudite, it ignited a media firestorm, attacking both of them and Senator Johnson, while predictably celebrating the response of the willfully ignorant, odious and servile academic from Brown University, asha Jaha. Jaha played the classical evidence based manic trafficking in a pseudo science by declaring the supportive evidence as quote low quality, insufficient or conflicting. Note this trick is standard, as only those in authority get to determine what sufficient evidence is. As one would expect, jaha fall followed those bogus claims by proclaiming the fraudulent trials of HQ in the high impact journals to be high quality and rigorous. It was the very same narrative that went in golf. I've ever back to know over the next two years. The highlight this is crucial. The highlight of the whole hearing came when Senator Johnson asked Jaha have you ever treated a COVID patient? Jaha answer was a sheepish and reluctant no. It was a mic drop moment and a definitive win for Senator Johnson and the dissidents, which would be an epic name for a band. Incidentally, jaha was later rewarded with his disinformation efforts with a position as the White House Corona Response Coordinator. He would become most famous in this role for one particularly asinine statement. I really believe this is why God gave us two arms. Jaha prattled during the White House press briefing in September 2022. One for the flu shot and the other for the COVID shot. These are our medical experts. This is the guy that is the White House Corona Virus Response Coordinator. Unbelievable. Let's keep going with the book. That first hearing triggered a widespread smear campaign against Senator Johnson HQ and me and my fellow expert panel members. The New York Times imagine that ran a disgraceful campaign against the White House Corona Response Coordinator. They ran a disgraceful opinion piece calling Johnson one of the snake oil salesmen of the Senate. It sounded like a headline not written by a journalist but by a PR propagandist with a clear agenda to discredit any dissenting voices. Wonder if he was on the payroll of Dr Anthony Fauci. Not sure I'm being known to those of us testifying. We were stepping onto a battlefield that would lead to the loss of our academic careers. I can assure you. Even make that, especially knowing that we, what we know now, any one of us would do it again on a heartbeat. The second hearing was two weeks later. I was up and hindsight it's clear to me that I did not fully understand how threatening the ivermectin testimonies would be to pharma and the covid establishment, who were poised to roll out their beloved vaccines and had their own lineup of worthless antivirals like paxilovid and malapavar named brand named wady, in the wings. Now, prior to my testimony, I was asked to submit a written statement summarizing my position and qualifications, which was entered into the congressional record. In it I was already calling out the illogical censorship, the inexplicable inaction of our quote health agencies and the damaging medical directives that were wholly divorced from science. Looking back, I nailed it, even though I was just beginning my journey of discovery into the shocking and near total corruption of our health system. Now I can see all clearly and simply as one of the most damaging and coordinated propaganda campaigns in history. Let that sink in. One of the most damaging and coordinated propaganda campaigns in history. That's coming from a medical doctor with tons of experience and up until that this time had a lot of experience in the wisconsin er. One of the most damaging and coordinated propaganda campaigns in history. Should we have allowed that to happen? Should we continue to allow it to happen Now that we're starting to see more reports of a lot of variety of variants of covid coming back? Are we going to lock down again? Are we not going to have ivermectin again? Are they going to damage and coordinate some propaganda campaign against us again? I say no Picking up the book again to finish out this chapter Ranking committee member, senator Gary Peters. This would be. The democrat opened the hearing with a statement that accused Chairman Ron Johnson in our entire panel of expert witnesses of quote playing politics with public health and promoting unproven therapeutics. And then that spineless shill, the only democrat committee member who even bothered to show up, walked out of the hearing. The ignorance and disrespect was shocking. I was so enraged I could not even think. Luckily, I didn't testify for another hour or so, but I was still fired up with my turncane and my spoken testimony. I could only cover a portion of what I included in my written response Even in that extended time Senator Johnson granted me. But believe me, I'd let it rip. It wasn't just the childish and salting walkout that had whipped me into an emotional frenzy. I had spent the previous hour thinking about the daily horrors of the past two years of watching colleagues and experts in health systems health systems make insanely stupid decisions. Of witnessing relentless under treatment and needless death. Of working so many hours not only running ICU's but building the FLCCC and researching and publishing my insights into COVID. To be accused of, of all things, being a political actor, it was more than I could take. It was probably the lone case in my life where my supposed justifiable anger actually led to something good. My testimony, my testimony, literally went viral. I actually watched it right after it happened. And I say literally because the definition of a viral video is one that exceeds 40,000 views in four hours and or exceeds a million views in total. Apparently, my tape testimony surpassed both benchmarks, so much so that I got a text from my FLCCC team telling me that Fox News wanted to interview me while I was still in the hearing room. That video put both Ivor Mectin and the FLCCC on a much larger global map. Since that testimony, every one of us at the FLCCC this is the frontline COVID critical care doctor team that they had created, along with every treatment provider on the planet using HCQ and Ivor Mectin has had our credibility attacked. No matter how many thousands of patients we treat with near perfect results, our successes are ignored, maligned and outright dismissed. The evidence I presented in that testimony was, in my mind, both enormous and irrefutable. It would take more, a few more months for me to accept the reality that no amount of incontrovertible rock solid science would ever be considered sufficient as long as it was inconvenient to big farmers, plans or profitability. And there you have it Incontrovertible rock solid science that would never be considered because it was inconvenient to big farmers, plans or their profitability. How disgusting that is. We live in a country where we cannot have critically thinking doctors and medical experts that look past profits and plans and just do not want to treat the patients. How disgusting is that when we have medical evidence to say that's irrefutable. Now again, I would highly encourage you to get this book the War on Ivermectin the medicine that saved millions and could have ended the pandemic by Dr Pierre Corey. I want to thank Dr Corey for his hard work. He will end up having lost three jobs and his credibility will be having the it's been completely maligned, attacked. But you know what, dr Corey, if you're listening, you have character, you stood up for truth and you kept seeking out the truth. So good on you. The truth will always come out. I said this in the last show and I'll continue to say it. We've had doctors that had the courage to face COVID head on. They did the work that very good doctors do. They had the character to stand up and tell the truth, no matter how much they were maligned. And, yes, they did not have the best spokesman in President Trump. I understand that, but still, we have to have critical thinking adults as part of our medical experts and part of our medical establishment, because we're battling a bio pharmaceutical complex that is just overwhelming and they are not after good medical results. They're after profits and their own plans and that's not always for the good of patients and, as you know, I was one of those patients. Last year or two years ago I had COVID-19 and I asked my primary care doctor I'd heard a lot about ivermectin and hydrochloroquine and my primary care doctor said no, that's not part of our protocol, absolutely dismissed it. I asked for the medical evidence of why she could not recommend that she did not have any. She couldn't provide any. So clearly the word came from on high that they are not going to use any of these proven drugs and we had endless deaths all over the around the world and it's just disgusting. There has to be an accounting, there has to be a reckoning and I understand some of these doctors. You know even my childhood pharmacist, or my childhood friend that is a pharmacist. He works for a major brand. I understand he probably could not excuse me. I know he could probably not buck the system. I'm not blaming them, but you could have certainly spoken up and said, hey, here's what they're telling us. And if you said that then I would know. You know the gig is up. This is not what I want you to do, this is not what I want to tell you, but here's what they're telling us. Meaning this might not be the truth or I don't really believe what I'm about to tell you and I would have took it at that. That's not what either one of my primary care doctor or my childhood friend told me. So we have to have a reckoning and this book is well on its way to starting to tell that story. Now come back on Saturday because we're going to share another great book, because we're creating this COVID trilogy and we're going to keep finding the books all around COVID that tell the true story. A lot of people have recommended after the first show to check out Robert F Kennedy Jr's book. I know he's done a lot of great work and I read a biography about his dad earlier this summer. So not a big fan of the Kennedys, I think they did some bad things in the 60s but that should not dissuade me from looking into Robert Kennedy's book. All about COVID-19 and the vaccines, which are absolutely horrible. But next, this coming Saturday's show is going to be all about Dr Robert Malone, another great pioneer that was fighting for the truth, and his book is the Lies that my Government Told Me, and it will be another shocking episode, all about the shameful and disgusting and repeated lies by our medical establishment and our medical experts. I've come back here on Saturday to hear what the real truth is.