July 20, 2021

MM#26--Get To The Starting Line

In this episode, we discuss starting a weight loss project or any project and how sometimes those project never seem to happen. Then, Joe DeSena provides to us some great nuggets of wisdom in Spartan Fit (affiliate link) to help us “get to our starting lines.”

Key points:

  • how to reach your innate potential and commit to grit?
  • whats the first step in any long project?
  • whats the first step in our morning routine to kick off the day correctly?

Other resources:

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Hello I’m David and welcome back to another MOJO Minute!

quick question:

have you ever tried to start a project and for the life of everything, you couldnt get it started.  No matter what happened, no matter the priority you had given it, obstacles got in the way and you felt like this project will never ever get started.    Lol. UGHHH

I’m laughing as i write this and thinking of the old Charlie Brown comic strip where Charlie is always frustrated.   Throwing his head back and yelling at the top of his lungs.   UGHHH!

Ok ok that was a long winded question with some commentary at the end of it

Back to our project that can never get started.   

Most often times weight loss is such a project.

The dreaded diet word can be and most often times is a project that never gets fully off the ground.   

I know, i have been on that roller coaster.   In fact.   I’m battling right now in that project.  

But i came across these wonderful words of wisdom in my reading today!

“What I’m asking you to do here is to wake up.

Turn on the lights.   Get off the couch.  Put down the French fries.

The old normal of inactivity, of processed food and of limits to your potential is over.  A new normal is about to begin.  It consists of constant improvement, of crushing your goals, and of robust living built on the most human of principles.”

Right on!  Right on!   Hubba hubba!   

Lets continue!

“This guide is for anyone who wants to break through their limits and achieve what they thought was physically impossible.  For some, that might be running a marathon.  For others, it might be a walk to the grocery store.  I’m not here to tell you that you’re fat.  I’m not here to make you into a fitness nut.  I’m here to make you into a life nut, to remind you of who you are and highlight your innate potential.”

Alright this is good stuff here

lets conclude “Like I said, I never question whether I’ll finish a race--even though there are some I didnt finish.   And by the time you’re Spartan Fit, you wont question your potential either.   Training will take you to a point where doubt and fears of failure dont prevent you from embarking on a new challenge.  Instead, you will see your victory with a sense of certainty and even inevitability.


*and heres the lesson and great nugget of wisdom in todays MOJO Minute*

“...But first things first:  get to the starting line.”

Get to the starting line.  

Ponder that for a minute.   

It’s ok I will wait!  

*Insert uncomfortable silence here*


Get to the starting line!

That big quote obviously comes to us from Joe DeSena in his wonderful kick butt book titled Spartan Fit

With the equally great subtitle 

30 days.  Transform your Mind.  Transform Your Body.  Commit to Grit.

As you might know, Joe DeSena is the founder and creator of Spartan Race, the incredible *figure out a way to describe Spartan races 

Back to our nugget of wisdom.

Get to the starting line.

The point is of course, we need to take responsibility to get to the starting line.   Every day is a race.  Day in and day out.  

Year in and year out.   Every day we need to understand the race we are in.

Which leads us to think of how do we start our mornings?  How do we get to the starting line correctly?

*think about our Academy review on Miracle Morning that has some great tips in it*

But Joe helps out here because he has interviewed tons and tons of people on his podcast **name of podcast insert here**

“One of the most common themes has been to start every day on the right foot.  It’s important to find a routine--a set of rituals--that allows you to set a positive and productive mindset for each day.   The key part is finding actions that you can control, rather than becoming dependent on external factors, such as the news, that can throw your day into a tailspin if they dont happen according to plan.”

And there you go!

Great advice to help us to get to the starting line.

So back to you, whats your starting line?   Whats the big project you have been wanting to tackle?   And whats your starting line for that project?   

So in todays MOJO Minute, remember, every day is race.   Understand the race you are in.   Lets get to our starting line every day.   

*Here’s to meeting you at the starting line, every day with a high five and a knuckle bump*