July 9, 2023

MM#250--SPECIAL--Happy 2nd Anniversary & The Launch of the MOJO Academy 2.0

Are you excited to level up your learning experience?

Well, we're taking things a notch higher by unveiling the MOJO Academy 2.0!

Celebrate with us as we mark two delightful years of the Theory to Action podcast, during which we've shared golden nuggets of wisdom from a panoramic range of over 150  unique books.

So two years ago this past week, on  July 4th, I told my family and friends that I launched a podcast and today is our Second  Anniversary 🎂🗓  of that  SPECIAL MOJO Minute

One year ago, we had a great celebration where we rolled out and LAUNCHED The monthly Audio Book Review Summary membership program!  📚 + 🎙= 💡

We called it The Academy Review!

and so today we are celebrating our 2nd anniversary and we wish you to come celebrate with us!! 🥳🙌😀👊👏 ...and check out our latest features!  😍🥰

 Key points:

  • Product launch #1 = Beginning today, we're integrating a written version 📝 of each audio Academy review, chock-full of key ideas, evocative commentary, and the best quotes to further assist you in personal growth..ya know that "Flourishing thang".   We hope this will be a 💯% game-changer for you
  • Each written review will be like your personal insight guide, teeming with information on that particular book but in written form thereby helping you to learn and retain information at a greater rate.
  • Product launch #2= Reflection questions at the end of each written Academy Review.  Through a symphony of ideas approach, we believe flourishing happens when a string of ideas are connected building and overlapping with higher levels of wisdom.
  • Dive headfirst into a world of wisdom, tailored to help you flourish. 

So yea, we are very excited to keep bringing you more and deeper ways to give you more wisdom 📚 in less time and to ultimately  FLOURISH  💡in your life!

Be sure to listen to today & consider 👉 becoming a member today!👈

Other resources
check out our
Free written MOJO Academy Review

Want to leave a review? Click here, and if we earned a five-star review from you **high five and knuckle bumps**, we appreciate it greatly, thank you so much!

Because we care what you think about what we think and our website, please email David@teammojoacademy.com, or if you want to leave us a quick FREE, painless voicemail, we would appreciate that as well.


04:28 - MOJO Academy 2.0

08:16 - Symphony of Flourishing

10:46 - FAQ's

13:15 - The Secret Sauce of our Membership

23:05 - Conclusion--Become a member today

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Theory to Action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time, to help you take action immediately and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now here's your host, David Kaiser.

Speaker 2:

Hello, i am David and welcome back to another Mojo Minute And a very special, super special Mojo Minute it is. It's our second anniversary edition to the Theory to Action podcast and we're going to do some celebrating. First of all, let's go back in time to ensure we understand how far we have come in the last two years. So two years ago, in our inaugural launch of the Theory to Action podcast, our only goal was to create these small little nuggets of wisdom that we share every Tuesday and Thursday with each other, and the whole goal was to help you flourish in your life. These nuggets of wisdom would come from the books that we read and the books that we have reviewed. So, after what I think was some 150 episodes over the course of July 21, 2021, to July of 2022, we have covered some 107 unique books. We had accumulated over 180 nuggets of wisdom in those small, bite-sized little chunks. And then we fast forward to July of 2022. There was a certain demand from certain quarters quarters, rather if we could go a little bit deeper on these nuggets of wisdom. If we could do a deep dive, for example, into some books themselves not all the books, but some Perhaps we could create full book reviews say, just capturing five to seven key points for each review And voila, we created the Mojo Academy in July of 2022, one year ago Which is our unique membership package where you get two audio Academy reviews each and every month. Those reviews usually last anywhere from 35 to 60 minutes in length. Essentially, you have your own little private podcast feed that comes to your podcast player of choice, and that has been super successful. Everybody loved that innovation And our goal there was to just create a library of reviewed books And that our membership, we believe, would slowly increase and increase. It did, because the major goal again is to help you to flourish in your own life. And how can you flourish if, in some way or some fashion, we don't give you the ideas, by way of the books, to learn and put those ideas and nuggets of wisdom into place? That is how you get on the flourishing path, and so far our library has built up some 26 reviewed books, so that's pretty cool. You can see those library of books at teammojoacademycom and then click on the books section at the top of the page to see the full listing. Now, just to give you some breakdown of our books by category. For this past inaugural year we had three leadership books reviewed, nine personal development books, five history, two exercise, one habits, two productivity, one culture, two political and one religious. So there you can get a broad swath of the sense of the breakdown of the books we have reviewed. And again you can check out that list at teammojoacademycom click on the books link at the top. And again, our membership has slowly increased, so we're very proud of that And our library of reviewed books continually increases, naturally, and we are proud of that. But now, now we get to share some exciting news with you, because this tool, we believe, will really help you skyrocket, will really help you flourish in your life. Mr Producer, can I get that drumroll sound effect? we always do. Ah, thank you so much. Just love that sound, all right. So beginning This month actually beginning tomorrow We are launching the mojo Academy 2.0 and what that means now is, with each audio Academy review that we record, each member will now receive a written version of that Academy review with the quotes, with a commentary. This is something you guys have been asking for this Since we've launched the audio reviews last year and it took some time to get all together and there was a lot of machinations behind the scene, but now We're super excited. Now Let me stop and talk about this written Academy Review that's going to accompany each and every audio Academy review, because It's an important question that comes up Why do we need the written review? Well, for me personally, before we ever launched Emojo minutes, before you launched the Academy, before you launched Academy 2.0, when I was out traveling across five states for my job and I'm listening to an audio book for many years I Always thought there must be people like me that would enjoy Having someone take the notes of the most important and key points from each of these most popular books, whether it's personal development books or political books, or business books, religious books, cultural books, whatever. There has to be a group of people like me, like our current members, that Would like to listen to the full book But then have a leave behind series of notes, the key points, the good quotes, the nuggets of wisdom and truth, and, especially, have that in written book Format. And that is where this written Mojo Academy review comes into place and into focus. It is like we have listened, all along with you, to the book and now we have created this written PDF of key ideas, commentary in the best quotes for you to refer back to. In addition this is most important We have taken the time to make this written review, this PDF. It's going to be anywhere from five To six to seven to eight pages long. We want to make it very pleasing and make it a super easy reference So you can keep these documents digitally on your phone or your tablet or physically print them out, put them in a binder. Either way, we believe you will be pleased with how we have put this together physically, how it's pieced together In the formatting that's going to accompany your audio Academy reviews. I feel like we've taken the time and the care not to create a sloppy document or just a group of notes that you're not going to want to keep. We wanted it to be something of value to you so you could keep it for a long time. We hope in fact it's frankly our goal that over time, many members Will start to build their own libraries of the Mojo Academy reviews so you can reference back to them. Our, our, our decious goal is to build that library up to a hundred books Over the next two to three to four years and see how the membership likes that product and How we can continue to provide solutions to you. So that's our first product and we're releasing that tomorrow. But in addition to that there is more. Yes, in releasing the written Academy reviews, We are creating a Reflections Question area. That's our second product We're gonna launch today. It's our hope that by reading and reflecting on the book review and then three to four Questions for each review, that it will trigger, stimulate some contemplation of the key points of the direction offered from the book. It might cause you to want to read the full book. It might cause you to want to read another book review to connect those ideas. One of the key pillars, we believe, of building a flourishing life is to build and connect key idea to key idea. In fact, you could call it a Symphony of ideas, a symphony of flourishing. In fact, the analogy is you can hear a solo, beautiful trumpet playing, perhaps playing in isolation. You would say that's a beautiful sound. But when you hear it, the trumpet, playing along with flutes, oboes, clarinets and other horns, then you're on the march to a beautiful symphony. Then you could throw in some strings and then you're really on the march to something special, perhaps rising to a crescendo and perhaps rising to a symphony, perhaps Beethoven's Seven symphony, one of the greatest symphonies ever written and played and created. These ideas are the same. When you connect one idea after the other, you begin to build a Symphony, a cacophony of ideas, good ideas, flourishing ideas. We're gonna start calling that the symphony of flourishing. Now, there's no right answers to these questions, but they're there to stimulate you, to get your thoughts around how to better serve yourself, how to better serve your family, your community and your nation. So, reflection questions within the written Academy review. That's our second product We're launching today. Now, regarding our current members, let me talk about the nuts and bolts of how all this is going to happen and Actually, with with that, let's move to frequently asked questions, because I think we can anticipate, with the launch of the Academy 2.0, with the FAQs, we could probably get more of these explained. So let's go to FAQs real fast. All right, here we go First frequently asked question. I'm new here. What exactly is the mojo Academy 2.0? Freak question. Mojo Academy 2.0 is the upgraded podcast designed to enrich your reading and listening experience. We now offer written reviews to accompany the actual audio reviews that we put out each and every month, two per month Right now, we have a list of, or we have a library rather of 26 books that are in the academy that have been reviewed, and then, as we march forward with each uh two academy or audio reviews, you're going to get the written reviews to accompany that. It's going to be a great reference point and a tool to enhance your understanding of the books and those ideas and, most especially, to boost your personal growth journey, ultimately helping you to flourish in your life. Great question, though. Second question how can I benefit from the Mojo Academy 2.0? What we think you can take control of your learning experience with the written and the audio format. You don't have time to read, no problem. Listen to the the audio review. Need a quick reference because you've already listened to to the audio portion. Check out the written reviews, no matter your lifestyle or your learning preferences. The Mojo Academy 2.0 isa solution for you. How often? why receive these reviews? Good question You're going to continue to receive two reviews per month, both in audio and in written form, going forward to keep your learning uh journey fresh and exciting. This way, you can absorb the insights at your own pace. What kind of books does the Mojo Academy 2.0 review? Well, it's a good question. We offer a very wide range of books, uh, that can benefit the lifelong learners, from the CEO to the front desk workers. Our selection includes books on personal development, culture, business, science, politics, religion, but our overarching goal is to help you flourish, and then flourishing can only happen if it's tied to truth, objective truth. That's what we are always seeking here at the Academy, so I hope that answers your question. Next question How are the books chosen to be reviewed? Okay, i kind of think this is the same question, but let me answer it this way to try and give you more insight. We mostly listen to our listeners, our members, uh, the books we review are based on their interest, our needs of our readers, and we believe in fostering a community of lifelong learners, and so your input, the members input, is crucial in shaping our book selection. Now that all being said, let me make clear, as the, the owner of the Academy and the creator, that, in terms of the books chosen, we won't review books that are going against clear, objective truth. Meaning we at the Mojo Academy believe in a biblical worldview. We share that biblical worldview with 90% of our members. That's what attracts them to us. Now, it's kind of old school nowadays, i understand, but we still believe in objective truth. We believe in objective truth. Created in the form of God, we are his creatures, so we can't create our own truths. He is the creator, creator and we are his creatures. Now, in our postmodern world, that's Plaguing, in fact, our world. The world says you can create your own truths and I'm sorry, we are not the creator, we are the creatures, the creator's truth, but we can't invent new truths. As an example, the creator says there's two sexes, man and a woman. We are his creatures. Now we can't say I believe there's 42 different sexes. That's not objectively true And our current members greatly appreciate this biblical worldview and the very discernment on seeking the truth. Well, let me say this too that is the very reason, based on the feedback, that they seek us out for this very virtue. So that's a long way around the mountain to say we at the Mojo Academy were always seeking the truth. We will continue to seek the truth. It's going to be our paramount concern and our guiding principle, our North Star, so to speak, because by doing that you can't go wrong. There's actually 2000 years of human history of a Judeo-Christian worldview where people are pursuing the truth through science, through culture, through music, through beauty, through art, through the classics We're going to study a lot of the classics. The classics aren't read anymore. Why? Because people don't believe there's any objective truth in there, but rubbish. There's great nuggets of wisdom within the classics. That's why they are called the classics. So you can't go wrong by seeking the truth and we're going to keep reviewing the books that help us drive towards that. And also you can look back at what we've already reviewed in the last year. Like I said, our product or our book review categories are pretty self-explanatory Leadership we have three books. The personal development group we had nine, close to half of the 26 total. History we had five. Exercise books, two habits, developing habits one. Productivity two. Culture one We just had two political books and one religious book. So we're spread across the board. We just come at it from a Judeo-Christian biblical worldview And that is not always welcome in our postmodern society. Next question how can I suggest a book for review? Well, certainly you can suggest a book. We get many requests each and every month, but we love to hear what our readers want to engage with us about. If you have a book that you'd like us to review, send us an email or contact us through our website, or we can do that personally. I'm at David at TeamMojoAcademycom. David at TeamMojoAcademycom, we'll consider your suggestion for future reviews. We can't make any promises, but some of our best reviews have come from our member suggestions, so please keep those coming. We love them. Next question how can I access the reviews? Well, once you're subscribed as a member to the Mojo Academy, by clicking on the Become a Member button at the top of our website, teammojoacademycom, top right-hand corner, will guide you through the process. It takes about five minutes to get you set up. Then you'll have full access to the whole library of reviews. You can listen to the audio reviews or download the written reviews of each book in that beautiful PDF format. Now, in terms of the reflection question, how many are there and where will they show up? Okay, sorry if I didn't delineate that. They will show up at the end of each written review, usually three to four reflection questions. Next question how much does the subscription cost? Well, currently our membership price is $7.99 a month. That will go up beginning tomorrow to $11.99 per month with the launch of the Mojo Academy 2.0. However, as a special, we have limited slots to get the discount 25% off for the first two months. So if you would like to take advantage now and get that special, we have limited slots available to get 25% off that $11.99 price for the first two months. So be sure to sign up today before all those slots are taken. Can I share the reviews with my colleagues? Yes, you can. We encourage our readers to share the knowledge with others. However, we kindly kindly ask you to encourage your colleagues to subscribe to the Mojo Academy if they find the audio or written reviews helpful. Next question how will current members receive the written Mojo Academy reviews? Okay, so, as you know, when you're signed up as members, we partner with a wonderful platform called Supercast who handles our private podcast RSS feeds, and they have really just as special the ability to add attachments in the form of PDFs. So when you receive your monthly update release of the new audio Academy review, you will see within those show notes the PDF attachment link for the written accompanying review as well. And plus we believe this will help you to if you were to accidentally delete the written review or something like that you will have a copy within the show notes, so they're always housed within the actual audio portion of the of the Supercast. So you always have that, that PDF link in the show notes. So now I should qualify that, as long as you're paying member in good standing, you will have access to the complete library Of audio and written reviews. Good point, all right. Our next question is there a sample of a written Academy review that we can see for free for the non members? Yes, there is. You can click on the show notes for this episode, especially team mojoacademycom, but then you can also click on the right hand side and you will see the free mojo Academy review. Sign up Just under your name, your email address, and we will send you over a full written Academy review as a sample. By all means, please do that. We'd love to share a free sample with you. Next question regarding the past audio reviews will those audio reviews get a written review as well? Great, great question. Yes, it is our hope at the Academy that over the next nine to 12 months that we will work through that backlog and slowly populate our first year of audio reviews until we complete that whole process. Now the good news is, as of the end of this weekend, i'm happy to report that we have two of those back filled books already completed and will be in the library by tomorrow night And those two books are last month's book. Of both books, do the work by Steven Pressfield and Sitting Kills and Moving Heels by Dr Joan Veracos. So by tomorrow night you should be able to see those in your member library. You will see those links show up. You don't have to do anything. You don't have to redownload it or anything. Those just go to that show page and you will see the link for the download. written reviews And then over time, like I said, we're going to work slowly, deliberately, to populate and backfill those other books so we complete the library for the written reviews. Right now we're we're focusing on the launch today of the new books, but then we're going to slowly keep looking back and drip those previous written reviews back in so we can catch everything up. So, folks, we are very excited at the Mojo Academy. We're very excited to launch Mojo Academy 2.0. We hope you're excited. We are getting some early feedback that you are. It's exactly what you've been looking for And we understand the challenges in your life where you don't have enough time and the direct distractions of our modern culture. That's why we hope, with both product launches the written Academy review and a beautifully manicured PDF, very pleasing to see, easy to reference You want to hold on to it. You can put it on a digital format or your iPad or just print them out, like we talked about. And then the reflection questions, our second product, just a wonderful contempt of reflection questions to trigger some stimulation for you on how to better serve the people around you, to really begin to flourish at the top of your game. So, on behalf of the Team Mojo Academy and our new staff, we thank you very much for listening and tuning in each and every week And for those members that allow us to give you the best of the written word in the form of these book reviews. We hope you enjoy these new tools and they allow you to level up and get better and flourish more personally with your family and with your community and hopefully with our nation. And if you're not a current member, we hope you will consider joining us and go to team Mojo Academy dot com and the top right hand corner, click on members and get your limited spot 25% off for the next two months. Again, team Mojo Academy dot com top right, click on the member button. We want to help you flourish in your life. And finally, those that just want to check us out with a free written Academy review, please do so. Click on the show notes. You will see the link there to get your free full written review. We'd love to share our product with you And, as we close out this podcast, we thank you for listening. We are excited to share these tools with you And the launch special launch of Mojo Academy 2.0. Now, as always, let's go. Team Mojo.

Speaker 1:

We're on our show page at team Mojo Academy dot com, where we have everything we discussed in this podcast, as well as other great resources. And next time keep getting your Mojo on.