Feb. 21, 2023

MM#208--Know Thyself

Welcome to MM#208 of the Theory to Action podcast, where we're exploring the concept of "Know Thyself" as the fundamental first rule of Willpower.

We have a terrific guide today—Kelly McGonigal, author of The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It. Let's dive in and learn more about the power of self-knowledge and how it can help each of us become better versions of ourselves!

Key Points from the Episode:

  • The famous Greek Oracle at Delphi had the message "Know Thyself" inscribed on its entrance. This maxim reminds us that self-awareness is essential for success and growth.
  • In today's world, we are often bombarded with more food choices than ever before. Knowing ourselves can help us make healthier eating decisions.
  • Recognition is the first step towards understanding who we are and how we can flourish in life.

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