May 6, 2021

MM#2--What is Character? and How to Get Some?

In this episode, we discuss David Brooks, Road to Character (affiliate link) and a good definition of character.

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Hello!  I'm David. And welcome back to another Mojo Minute. 

And our last mojo minute, we talked about striving to our potential. Today. Let us explore our first step, which is developing our character. What is character? David Brooks in his book titled the road to character describes character as a quote set of dispositions, desires, and habits that are slowly engraved during the struggle against your own weakness.

Character is built in the course of your inner confrontation. You become more disciplined, considerate, and loving through a thousand small acts of self-control sharing service, friendship, and refined enjoyment. So from that quote, we know character is built in small and subtle ways. All of those insignificant habits, whether they are good or bad help to develop our character into a person of substance, to be counted on, you know, that good person of character or a person of bad character, someone who's not dependable and makes consistent bad decisions and has many, bad habits! 

so in Todays MOJO minute,   let's begin the process of self-awareness. What habits do I engage in every day? Do they bring me closer to the person I want to become? Or are they taking me away from that ideal self that I want that person I want to become? Or perhaps there could be a third way if you lack self-awareness and have never, ever.

About the person you want to become perhaps today is that day. What's your ideal vision of you? What's your ideal vision of yourself to develop into that person of good character? It will require some effort on your part. Most bad characters are never intentionally built. They come about because that person lacked attention to the bad habits they have built into their lives.

And usually bad habits catch up to you sooner or later. So back to our intention, no matter where you're at today, I asked you the question, what kind of person do you want to be in one year in five years or 10 years from now, reflect on that today. Meditate on that today. Pray about that today. Jot down some notes on a piece of paper or in your phone, on the person you want to become.

And then. The very first small step you can take to begin that process today.