Nov. 8, 2022

MM#177--The Liberty Bell & Franklin's Reminder

Today is election day in this Constitutional Republic so be sure to exercise your citizens great responsibility to vote.

In this MM, we look back at another 'critical juncture' in the nations history.

With the help of William Bennett's and John T.E. Cribb's wonderful reminder of  150 Great American Events: Essence of American History.

Key points:

  • The Liberty Bell's wonderful inscription, "Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the inhabitants thereof."  (Lev 25:19 KJV)
  • Ben Franklin's prayerful reminder, "have we forgotten that powerful Friend?"
  • An old poem which captures American's attachment to this venerable icon

The old Bell new is silent,
And hushed its iron tongue,
But the Spirit it awakened,
still lives--forever young.

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