June 22, 2021

MM#17--We Got to Move it, Move it!

In this episode, we stay on the exercise theme and find out why exercise is super-important in the book, Move your DNA by Katy Bowman. (affiliate link)

Key points:

  • 15 to 70 trillion cells in our bodies
  • All of our cells are tied and vitally connected to our movement
  • No matter how great your nutrition, your sleep and how clean you keep your house, if you are not moving, your body is not at an optimal level.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the theory to action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books and less time to help you take action immediately and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now here's your host, David Kaiser ,

Speaker 2:

I'm David. And welcome back to another mojo minute. Did you know that you have 15 to 70 trillion cells in your body and they are all tied to your movement. Katy Bowman in the great book, move your DNA tells us this how fascinating. This is more validation from the science that our bodies were made to move again. Think about that. 15 to 70 trillion cells. They all have your genetic code implanted in them, and they are tied to your movement. They respond to movement and they are all vitally interconnected. If you move your body, your cells thrive. If you don't move your body, those cells die. We need to move our DNA. And here's a powerful quote from the book with that same title, quote, it is my professional opinion. As a bio mechanist , that movement is what most humans are missing more than any other factor in the bulk of the scientific community has dropped the ball on quote, wow, that is some powerful science there. She finishes this quote and we'll go back to the book. Quote, you can eat the perfect diet. You can sleep eight hours a night, use only baking soda and vinegar to clean your house. But without the loads created by natural movement, all of these worthy efforts are thorough at the cellular level and your optimal wellness level remains elusive on quote. And again, that comes to us from Katie Bauman in her powerful book, move your DNA. So in today's mojo minute , you know it, this begs the question, how is your movement going? Do you exercise 30 minutes a day, then sit on your butt. The rest of the day to conclude with a three hour lounge on the couch while binge watching your favorite Netflix shows I'm guilty too. Don't worry. Nothing against Netflix or binge watching, but seriously, we know this intuitively our bodies were made to move all 15 trillion cells are waiting for us to so let us today begin to move our DNA. How about it?

Speaker 1:

Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast. Be sure to check out our showPage@tmojoacademy.com , where we have everything we discussed in this podcast, as well as other great resources until next time, keep getting your mojo on.