Sept. 29, 2022

MM#166--Iron Lady 2.0?

Events in the UK, under their new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, caused us to look again to those folks across the pond and her new economic plan.

So we in this MM, we look back at Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady as she was known at the height of her popularity, and her greatness at Prime Minister from 1979--1990 with Claire Berlinkski in her magnificent book, There is No Alternative:  Why Margaret Thatcher Matters

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Liz Truss’s bold economic plan of Supply side growth to get the UK moving again
  • Could this be Thatcherism 2.0?  
    • We hope Ms. Truss adopts the Iron Lady modicum to not go “wobbly”
  • Thatcher smashed British socialism during our reign and that insidious political philosophy hasn’t come back in the British realm 

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