June 8, 2021

MM#13--Thinking vs Doing

In this episode, Stephen Guise's How to be an Imperfectionist (affiliate link) helps us greatly on Thinking vs Doing

Key points:

  • Why action beats thinking every time.
  • why Theory 2 Action is our podcast name 
  • what's the tinest thing you can do today to get moving on  your next big project.  don't think about it.  Do something moving towards it.

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Unknown 0:07
Welcome to the theory to action podcast where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time to help you take action immediately, and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now, here's your host, David Kaiser.

David Kaiser 0:25
I'm David and welcome back to another Mojo minute. Let's begin with a long quote. There is even more direct evidence that the action for strategy is superior in regard to changing how we feel and increasing motivation. The Duke University journal study mentioned earlier, found that emotional change was almost twice as likely to be caused by actions. This study participants had taken as opposed to thoughts. Now we were talking about feeling and doing. And this study talks about thinking versus doing thinking is the standard way people try to change their feelings in the quote, get motivated strategy. They won't try action until they're in a mental and emotional state in which action is attractive to them. It's fortunate how popular this strategy is because it's much easier to generate motivation by acting first. The main point here is that action itself is the best starting point for more action while trying to think your way into more motivation is an unreliable and ineffective way to create for motivation. And that my friends is a great quote by mr stephen guys in the book How to be a perfectionist. Fantastic little book. And let me say that right when I read the title of the book it spoke to my heart because, unfortunately, I am truly a perfectionist. No seriously, I need some help. And I think God has truly motivated me to make these Mojo minutes to help increase my own humility and chip away at my perfectionist mindset, while also helping to serve others that want to better themselves. But I do think God has a secret plan with these Mojo minutes. And as I'm reading that I'm laughing more and more at myself. Okay, enough about me back to the book. Another great revelation has come to us, action Trump's doing, just like our mojo motto says turn theory into action. If we're not feeling motivated to do something we have to recall this information from Stephen, because trying to think your way into more motivation is an unreliable and ineffective way to create forward, motivation, It simply doesn't work. It simply does not help you. But what does action. Turn theory into action. Instead of doing. I'm sorry, instead of thinking just do. For most of us, including me this is a paradigm shift our culture constantly tells us, in fact, bombards us with thinking versus doing, what's the best way to get us unstuck from this culture of thinking is to do. Do the tiniest thing to get you started. Let me say that again, just do do the tiniest thing to get you started. Let's be clear thinking is not doing. So if it is exercise that you don't want to do just get started. What's the tiniest thing you can do to get started. Put on your athletic shoes, and start walking five minutes, boom, you are doing, that's movement. If you want to write a book. Don't think about it, just write the first paragraph, you can have 55 edits after that. If you want to get more sleep than set the alarm on your phone to remind you just started throttling down, 30 and 60 minutes before you should go to sleep. If you want to eat better than choose the next meal to be your healthy meal. Remember, don't try to think your way into motivation research just told us, it does not work. Take action. Again the research tells us action is twice as effective. So today's Mojo minute. Take action. Let's turn that theory into action, it will change the way you and I feel, and it leads to more and more action. And finally, will you take action today.

Unknown 5:15
Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast, be sure to check out our show page, AT T Mojo academy.com where we have everything we discussed in this podcast as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai