May 8, 2022

MM#120--SPECIAL--So God Made A Mother

Happy Mother's Day

Inspired by Paul Harvey's 1978 'So God Made a Farmer Speech' - Dodge Ram Trucks Super Bowl commercial in 2013.

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Welcome to the theory to action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time to help you take action immediately, and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now, here's your host, David Kaiser. 

Hello, I am David and Happy Mother's Day. It's not often in our 21st century culture with its corporate boardrooms and major media fascinations that they can celebrate those bonds of Americana that an overwhelming majority of us feel each and every day.
But in 2013, one such Super Bowl commercial did just that.

And so we are going to celebrate that today. That Super Bowl commercial was sponsored by Dodge Ram trucks, and it featured the late great radio inspiration with that most recognized voices, the rough in strewn voice of Paul Harvey, the American broadcaster, in 1978, at a FFA, convention, Future Farmers of America, he gave a speech entitled, so God made a farmer.
It was a wonderfully celebrated speech and has since inspired many other different versions to thank this or that position in our culture, well, this being Mother's Day 2022. 

And since we should, and in fact, we must thank our mothers for everything they do, and have done. I believe it's fitting that we recite that poem today, inspired by the late great Paul Harvey, and revisited in that 2013, the RAM, truck Superbowl commercial.

I'm not sure who wrote this poem. I tried to find out through a lot of research, but I kept coming up with various versions, and no names being attributed to it. Nevertheless, God knows who wrote it and God knows, obviously what he created to. 

So on behalf of the Mojo Academy in the theory to action podcast,

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers including my own

Happy Mother's Day, Mom.

And on the sixth day,

God looked down on Adam in his plan to paradise and said, I need a nurturer.

So God made a mother.

God said I need someone who feels deeply and loves fiercely, whose tears flow just as abundantly as their laughter whose heart is as warm as their ability to guide and set limits is strong. I need someone whose influence on those that they nurture nurture is eternal. 

So God made a mother.

God said I need someone who can hear a sneeze through closed doors in the middle of the night three bedrooms away. While daddy snores next to her who could kiss the booboos scare away the monsters under the bed, clean up the middle of the night accidents and live off of four hours of interrupted sleep. 

So God made a mother. 

God said I need someone who can ride the roller coaster of anxiety, hope, fear and pride with an outward appearance of calm assurance as she sends her child off to his first day of school. I need someone who will buy the school supplies drive for the field trips. Help study for the History test. Fill out the permission forms clap from the back row of the spring musical and help coach a sport she's never played. I need someone to teach a child to tire shoes, make new friends handled disappointments, shop for a prom dress and drive a stick shift. And when that child is 18 I need someone to ride that roller coaster of anxiety, hope fear and pride again as she sends her child away to college with that same calm confident outside exterior. 

So God made a mother. 

God said I need someone who is willing to jump in a car and drive children to school soccer games and piano lessons on a daily basis. I need someone who can run to the grocery store twice a day because someone forgot to add something to the list. I need someone who can take the animals to the vet. Drop off the dry cleaning and pick up the prescriptions and still make sure Dinner is on the table for The family to eat. 

So God made a mother, 

someone who realizes that children need to be allowed to grow cane, gain confidence in themselves and be encouraged to be independent individuals and accept the path they choose. Someone who realizes that their job is one where they are better are, the more surely they won't be needed. In the long run. Someone whose breath will be taken away when they visit their first newborn grandchild in the hospital, and our daughter looks at them with loving eyes and says, I hope I can be the kind of mom you are, mom.

So God made a mother

thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at T Mojo where we have everything we discussed in this podcast as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo on