March 31, 2022

MM#108--Mr. Pareto's High Fives & Knuckle Bumps

In this short MM, we have fun with the Pareto Principle while gaining some wisdom!

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Vilfredo Pareto created the principle in Italy about 20th century English wealth
  • 20% of beer drinkers drink 80% of the worlds beer
  • 20% of our actions should be producing 80% of the results.   lets do more of them

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Welcome to the theory to action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time to help you take action immediately, and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing lives. Now, here's your host, David Kaiser.

Hello, I'm David and welcome back to another Mojo minute. Last week, we talked about the 8020 Pareto principle. And some folks gave me feedback that they had never heard of this principle before. Hmm. That's kind of crazy. I'm not sure how that could be. But nevertheless, we here at the Mojo Academy, and especially on this theory to action podcast, we will flush everything out to hopefully offer more clarity, more guidance, and certainly to help you flourish better in your lives. So let's discuss the 8020 Pareto Principle. What is it? Well, the Italian economist, Bill Fredo Vilfredo, Pareto discovered that 80% of the wealth of the 20th century England was in the hands of 20% of the Nobel class. And so he came up with this theory, the Pareto Principle, which actually has been extrapolated to many other markets, such as business politics, sales, marketing, and you name it, I'm sure somebody has invoked the Pareto principle. In fact, so much so that Did you know that 20% of beer drinkers drank 80% of the beer drunk, and all the world. 

Now, that's hard to believe. But I think at one point, when I was in college, I was part of that 20% attempting to drink 80% of the world's beer. I do think I was part of that 20%. Now, that's no longer me. That certainly was not when I was striving to live a flourishing life. And yes, I know what you're thinking my liver, does thank me every day, for not striving to reach that goal. But also, did you know 20% of married people account for 80% of all divorces? Furthermore, did you know that 20% of the roads have 80% of the traffic? And finally, did you know that 20% of your clothes, you were 80% of the time, but you didn't guess that one? So the next time your wife or your husband says to you, hey, I need a new suit, or I need a new dress. You can invoke the Pareto principle and tell them Did you know that 20% that they were 20% of their clothes 80% of the time. 

Actually, well on second thought you better not mentioned that to them. We don't want to increase the percentage of married people getting a divorce any more than the current trends. So let's strike that from the record. And let's, let's not invoke the Pareto Principle, when our spouse asks for a new suit or a new dress, but in today's Mojo minute, actually today's very, very short Mojo minute. Let's be self aware that 20% of our activity is leading to roughly 80% 80% of our results. No matter how we split up the day, whether we are measuring for sales and profits or health and well being or productivity and efficiency, whatever it is, whatever is the number one takeaway. From this Mojo, man, we need to make sure that we are not wasting a lot of energy and time on stuff that does not matter, or that is not providing value to us to in creating a flourishing life. Let us jot down those 20% of actions that are producing 80% of the results. And let's do more of them and less of the other stuff. AKA social media. And doing so we will be putting theory into action. And guess what Mr. Parade Joe will be high fiving us and throwing in a couple of knuckle bumps to

thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at T Mojo where we have everything we discussed in this podcast as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo on