March 24, 2022

MM#104--Marketing Plans & the 64/4 Principle = Flourishing Bliss

In this MOJO Minute, we continue our study with small businesses and with our MOJO book the day,  The 1-Page Marketing Plan:  Get New Customers, Make More Money, and Stand Out From The Crowd  by Allan Dib.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Why are marketing plans important
  • What is the 64/4 leverage principle and how does it apply in our lives and businesses?
  • Are you a small business owner, do you have a marketing plan?  if not, why not?

Other resources:

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Welcome to the theory to action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time to help you take action immediately, and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now, here's your host, David Kaiser.

Hello, I am David and welcome back to another Mojo minute. So in our last Mojo minute, we talked about small businesses, and if they don't have the correct business systems, and placed are never going to grow. And the reason being is, it's very hard for the owner or that all star sales rep or insert any great member of that small business team. And that's the important part. They cannot be pulling the levers all the time. For example, if that said person, if they have to pull those levers to make the whole business go every time, then there is no real business growth. Now, I'm sure you could grow marginally. But the real exponential growth that frankly, won't be coming. And certainly that makes sense. The automation of business systems allows everything to be consistent, and most especially important that allows for that important word scale ability. And that, like I said, is the most important point. Scalability allows you to gain leverage, and have that ability, ability to expand greatly. And finally, in summary, we learned that McDonald's, that famous Golden Arches fast food restaurant was the poster child for business systems. In fact, so much so that Alan dib, our author of choice and our last Mojo minute, he likened McNaught McDonald's to, quote, a complex worldwide multibillion dollar business that was essentially run by a Pimply teenagers who can't even be trusted to make their beds, unquote.

It's a pretty cool quote, and quite revealing too. So with that quick review, and in today's Mojo minute, we're going to stay with Mr. Allen dip in his fantastic little book, the one page marketing plan, get new customers make more money and stand out from the crowd. And in doing so, we're going to start with two of the most often asked questions, most often asked questions by small business owners. First, why is it important to have a marketing plan? Because as many owners say, I don't have a lot of time. Second, don't most marketing plans take three to four hours? By the time you gather all the information, and how much do they really pay off? So to answer both of those questions, we're going to go to our book of the day. Again, it's the one page marketing plan, get new customers make more money and stand out from the crowd by Mr. Alan Dib. 

Quote, so again, laziness becomes the mother of invention, I needed a way to take the core essence of the marketing planning process, and make it simple, practical and useful to small business owners. The one page marketing plan was born. The one page, the one page marketing plan, is the 4% of effort that generates 64% or more of the result in your business. It's the 64 four roll applied to business planning. Using this process, we can boil down hundreds of pages and 1000s of hours of traditional business planning into a single page that can take as little as 30 minutes to think about it and fill it in. Now, let's stop real quick here. We have found out the one page marketing plan was created out of laziness, and then it can be completed in roughly about 30 minutes. Even more. So we found out about this 64 Four rule, which we're going to have to unpack and discover a little bit more about. So, so far, we've answered one of our questions can take roughly about 30 minutes once we get going But let's go back to the book. Even more exciting is that it becomes a living document in your business, one that you can stick on the wall of your office or refer to and refine over time. Most of all, it's practical. There's no management speak, or jargon to understand, you don't need an MBA to create it or understand. The one page marketing plan has been a marketing implementation breakthrough. I've seen compliance rates among coaching clients significantly improve small business owners who would have had the time, money or know how to create a tree or would not have the time money or know how to create a traditional marketing plan now have one. And as a result, they've reaped the massive best benefits that have come from having clarity around their marketing, unquote. 

So that is some very good stuff right there. And if you're a small business owner, and you know, you have to get dialed in on a marketing plan, this is a great book to walk you through the steps to do just that. And pretty quickly, I might add, just because we touched on this 64 Four roll that we're gonna have to run down. What exactly that is before we leave each other today. Now, Alan discusses in his book, The 8020 rule, or what is most commonly called The Pareto principle. And that rule states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. And if you translate that to the business world, that is 80% of the company's profits will be driven by 20%. of its customers. Now, Alan expands on that role. By explaining, if you take 80% of AD, and 20% of 20, you end up with 64. And for this 64, four roll, he explains is the real leverage. So much so that here's a quick poll quote from the book.

Quote, struggling business owners will spend time to save money, where successful business owners will spend money to save time. Why is that an important distinction, because you can always get more money, but you can never get more time. And so here is the most important part of the 64. Four role. So you need to ensure the stuff you are spending the time on makes the most significant impact. That is called leverage and leverage is the best kept secret of the rich, unquote. 

So in today's Mojo minute, we have two quick questions. If you're a small business owner, do you have a marketing plan or right now in place? And if not, why not? This book can help you get there quickly. If you don't, second. If you're not a small business owner, how does the 64 by four rule? Leverage rule? How does that apply to you? Are you working towards owning your own business? If so, what's the number one thing you can do today to get closer to that goal? Furthermore, if you're not working towards owning your own business, but perhaps your goal is to get fit and lose weight, how does the 64 by four role apply to you? Here's a quick hint. Are you really are you working out really, really hard and not watching your nutrition? Because we at the Mojo Academy know, that violates the 64 by four leverage rule. Because 75% of losing weight boils down to nutrition. And that's a fact. So we should do the right things and do the things that matter. We should follow the 64 by roll that 64 by four leverage rule throughout our whole life. And remember, Allen's great points spend time on the stuff that is going to make the most significant impact in your business and in your lives. 

So let's apply the 64 by four Roll and principle to our entire lives no matter if we're pursuing a small business or not. And if we do? Well, here's my promise to you. If we do apply that 64 by four leverage rule to our whole life. When we do spend that time on the most important things, well, then you guessed it, you will be living a flourishing life. And guess what? If you own a business, you will be living a flourishing life with a flourishing business. Now, let's go out and get after it.

Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at T Mojo where we have everything we discussed in this podcast as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo on