Aug. 7, 2022

LM#5--The Seeds Of Liberty Are Being Planted

Folks this Liberty 🗽 Minute is SPECIAL!   

We are super excited to share some exciting news with everyone!

In our book of the day, we cover two of Alex Epstein's books, first The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels and second,Fossil Future:  Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal and Natural Gas--Not Less.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Hillsdale's fascinating Supply Side Economic course coming August 23rd.
  • Why the poorest people in the world deserve Fossil Fuels and the moral case (and facts!) behind them.
  • How to view the Experts in any field to spot the frauds among them

Other resources:
Hillsdale's Supply Side Course ∣ Official Trailer

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More Goodness:

FREE DOWNLOAD:   Get our top book recommendations list

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