March 14, 2024

LM#46--What Happened To Our Country? pt 2

Is America entrenched in a cultural revolution, led by a party that some claim is steering the nation away from its foundational values?

Mark Levin's piercing narrative, "The Democrat Party Hates America," serves as the compass for our journey into the heart of these shifts.

Welcome to the second act of our stirring trilogy, where we dissect the intricate forces reshaping the United States. Our nation stands at the crossroads, with historical reverence and family structures under siege, and identity politics ascending to unprecedented heights.

I invite you to navigate the tumultuous waters of change with me, analyzing how the Democratic Party's actions may be more revolutionary than patriotic.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • As we sail further into this storm, we cast our gaze upon the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force and its ripple effects on policy-making within the Democratic Party.
  • Progressive titans like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Pramila Jayapal have stepped into the arena, advocating for reforms that are steering Joe Biden's future policy compass. 
  • We reflect on the echoes of FDR's New Deal within today's ambitions and discuss Bernie Sanders' recent nod to Biden for the 2024 elections—a clear signal of the progressive wave reshaping the Democratic landscape. 
  • This episode promises to be an enlightening expedition into the political evolution that is defining our times. 

Join us as we scrutinize the transformative currents and their implications for the America we know.

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00:00 - Cultural Revolution in United States

15:42 - Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Influence

Speaker 1:

If you're over the age of 35, you know this is not the country that you grew up in. An overwhelming number of Americans and citizens will consistently tell you that. They ask the question what happened to the country we grew up in? Let's talk about it on this Liberty Minute.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Theory to Action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time, to help you take action immediately and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now here's your host, David Kaiser.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I am David and welcome back to another Liberty Minute. This is part two of a three-part series where we will answer that proverbial question what happened to our country? Now? The short answer to that question is we are undergoing a cultural revolution. We're in the middle of it, brand spanking in the middle of it Now. Last time I talked about this being like a middle of a hurricane. It's hard to know if the hurricane will pass us shortly and things will go back to being calm, or if we're still in the outer bands of that so-called hurricane. And the worst is yet to come. Now.

Speaker 1:

In past Liberty Minutes we talked about the lack of good leadership that America and the world has been suffering from. It's been suffering from it for the last two decades, so that only exacerbates our issues, especially during this cultural revolution, and last time I shared this failed leadership is like a commander of a ship who just keeps circling throughout the hurricane. Instead of just pressing, do straight into the storm to get through it as quickly as possible and to help out his crew and passengers. Now, to help us get our bearings on how we got here, we have most likely one of the most critical, one of the most objective and one of the most robust histories of the Democratic Party ever done, and Mark Levin is its author. The book is titled the Democratic Party, I'm sorry, the Democrat Party Hates America, and that may sound harsh, might sound contentious After all, our culture is all about being nice but as we unpack these quotes, I think you'll find it's actually spot on if you're objective in your thinking. So with that, let's go to the book and dig in. This book is not intended to be provocative, but in the Democratic Party centric parts of our society, it undoubtedly will be. That said, it is not written for Democrat Party officials, politicians, media or sycophants, or the activists and surrogates. It is written for those patriotic Americans who fear for our country and its future.

Speaker 1:

America is unraveling. Our founding and history are under assault. Our families and faiths are being degraded. Individualism has been substituted for groupism. Keller blindness is now racist. Capitalism and prosperity are being devoured by economic socialism and climate change fanaticism. Classrooms have become indoctrination mills for racism, segregation, bigotry and sexual perversion, and teacher unions are hostile to parental involvement in critical decisions about the health and welfare of our children and America. Free speech and academic freedom are shrinking and the police state is growing, as is monitoring and spying on citizens. The government is banning and regulating more and more household products, from incandescent light bulbs to dishwashers, while creating shortages and driving up costs of others. Crime is out of control on our streets, public transportation and schools, while police budgets are being slashed and many prosecutors and judges coddle violent criminals On our borders. Our borders are wide open to millions of foreigners who seek entry into the country, as drug and criminal cartels ship killer drugs into our country by the tons and brutalized migrants by using them as indentured servants and sex slaves.

Speaker 1:

The list goes on. The Democrat Party is responsible for most of this and much more. It seeks to permanently control our government institutions, just as it dominates our cultural entities, from the media to academia, from entertainment to science. It seeks to delegitimize and eviscerate the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, the Electoral College, the Supreme Court, separation of powers, etc. Which obstructs its ideological designs. It abuses the rule of law by targeting its political opponents for harassment, investigation and prosecution and, in the end, it seeks to imprison them.

Speaker 1:

On October 30th 2008, when Barack Obama shouted to a crowd that we are quote, five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States, he was not kidding. On May 14th, when Michelle Obama pronounced, quote we are going to have to change our conversation. We're going to have to change our traditions, our history. We're going to have to move into a different place as a nation. She meant it. You can see from that quick list of what has been happening in the United States that we are indeed undergoing a cultural revolution. Everything is being changed, whereas the Obama's so stated, everything is being fundamentally transformed in our country.

Speaker 1:

But let's ask the question what's the history of the Democrat Party? Do they really hate the United States? Going back to the book, the Obamas are not alone among Democrat Party apparatchiks in their contempt for the country. In fact, it is rare. It is the rare top Democrat Party politician who regularly praises America and is sincere about it. They mostly trash talk the country and smear millions of its people. The examples are too numerous to even catalog here. But it is the party that is built on the demands and propaganda of revolutionaries, demagogues and malcontents, and has a horrifying history of supporting the most contemptible causes, including slavery, segregation, the Klu Klux Klan, eugenics and even lynchings. Indeed, almost from the start, the Democrat Party rejected the principles and values of the American experiment, and today it is the home of another anti-American movement, american Marxism, with its various ideological appendages. The Democrat Party, ruling class elites and activists are united in this revolution. As the title of this book declares, the Democrat Party hates America.

Speaker 1:

Indeed, if you want to fundamentally transform something, you clearly do not love it or even like it. As I've explained on my radio show, if someone says I wish to fundamentally transform my spouse, then you obviously don't love or like your spouse. But what if you do not want to fundamentally transform America and love our country, then it is important to speak the truth about those who seek to impose their will on the rest of us. When dealing with such dire threat to our freedom, society and way of life, we cannot dodge our responsibilities as citizens, especially in my case, when I have such a large platform to push back on. It can be difficult and unpleasant to speak out and write a book such as this, given the predictable outrage and anger that will surely result from numerous individuals and quarters. Nonetheless, the time is late and the cause too important to self-censor. So let us take a step back and examine what is taking place and the central role of the Democratic Party. Wow, if you are asking that question does the Democrat Party really hate the United States? I like Mark Levin's answer and the question that he poses to us because it captures quite well when you ask that fundamental question what is it Does he say? Here it is.

Speaker 1:

If someone says I wish I could fundamentally transform my spouse, then you obviously don't love or like your spouse. Just think about that for a moment. Imagine your spouse for all his or her qualities. Perhaps your wife is a, if your husband is a, strong in character and in the virtues. Perhaps if you're a wife and your husband has a very strong work ethic and provides well for the family, offers great protection and safety for you and the young ones growing up. Now imagine, say, of your wife if you are the husband. Hey, honey, I know you're quite a good mother, but I really wish you would be less caring and less nurturing. Those are good virtues and that I really don't want you to be as virtuous as when I met you. I think that's kind of giving a bad example, because there are some things that I fell in love with you about, but that's not one of them. Those are not some of the qualities that I really liked and I wanted to live with for the rest of my life. So I think you need to change. I think you need to fundamentally change. Can we talk about that? How do you think that's going to go over, Most especially if you say hey, honey, don't get mad. I just want to fundamentally transform who you are down to your roots. How grotesque, how disgusting, how extremely arrogant. Why then even get married? Perhaps people would say I mean, that's the most prominent question you have to ask yourself.

Speaker 1:

Beginning back to the big picture and about this book, how about the current leader of our country? Let's go back to the book to hear all about him and his history. Of course, it's necessary to expose the role of the Democratic Party's current leader, president Joe Biden, in undermining America. In a March 2023 speech to the Canadian Parliament, biden concluded his remarks aimed mostly at further government-to-government space exploration with the Canadian government, in which he proclaimed ladies and gentlemen, we are living in an age of possibilities. Xi Jinping asked me in the Tibetan Plateau could I define America? And I could have said the same thing if he asked about Canada, and I would say yes. One word and I mean it. That one word is possibilities. Nothing is beyond our capacity. We can do anything. We have to never forget, we must never doubt our capacity. Canada and the United States can do big things. We stand together, we do them together, we rise together and we are going to write the future together, I promise you.

Speaker 1:

Now Joe Biden rules as an autocrat. Biden has said that he wants his legacy to be as big or bigger than Franklin Roosevelt's, who did, in fact, radically change the nature of the federal government and its relationship to the citizen. And Biden is being urged to continue that transformation of America away from its founding ideals towards an Americanized Marxist model that I wrote about at length in American Marxism. Today, biden is a reckless, stubborn autocrat who has frequent temper tantrums and screams and curses at his staff. As an aside, did anybody see that absolutely dark, disastrous state of the Union speech, my Lord, has to be one of the worst in television history. Back to the book. He's also racked up a disastrous record, both domestically and internationally.

Speaker 1:

Some wonder how Biden moved from a relatively nondescript politician to a radical leftist. In fact, for most of his life Biden had been a political chameleon in an intellectual lightweight. When he entered the Senate, he immediately sided with the segregationist and the racist and actively opposed the integration of public schools. When law and order became an important issue in the mid 1990s, he co-sponsored a criminal justice bill that was tough on criminals. At one point, he was a fiscal centrist by Washington standards and also supported some limits on abortion. He also backed our border enforcement policies. None of that, none of that is true today. Yes, you can see, joe Biden was indeed an intellectual lightweight. He has no character. He has no guiding principles. He never has, ever since he came to Washington DC in the early 1970s. In fact, here's the real deal behind the scenes of who Joe Biden is and the people that are around him.

Speaker 1:

Going back to the book, although Biden campaigned in 2020 as a moderate Democrat and a uniter quote unquote that was all an illusionary propaganda. There were notable hints that Biden sold out his party to the most radical elements for their support. During the election In July of 2020, biden tweeted we're going to beat Donald Trump and when we do, we won't just rebuild this nation, we'll transform it Again. That word keeps coming up Transform Another Democrat preaching the fundamental transformation of America.

Speaker 1:

In fact, during the 2020 campaign, left-wing media outlet Vox noted former vice president Joe Biden and progressive Senator Bernie Sanders are teaming up to create a joint quote unity task force that will have a direct hand in shaping the democratic policy and the party's agenda in 2020 and beyond. The group of 48 lawmakers, labor leaders, economists, academics and activists signals what the democratic party platform might look like going forward. Each campaign selected representatives to serve on six policy specific committees climate change, criminal justice reform, education, the economy, healthcare and immigration. Sanders allies seemed encouraged by the names on the task force, which included vocal proponents for progressive policies like Medicare for all on the Green New Deal, like reps Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from New York and Pramila Jalapar from Washington state. Sanders former campaign manager, a FOD Shakir, who had been leading negotiations with the Biden campaign, told Vox the Biden's campaign has been very amenable and open to working with progressives throughout the process. Biden has some room to run in terms of building a more fleshed out policy agenda to campaign on. Shakir told Vox, because he hasn't fleshed it out deeply, as deeply as some of the other candidates over the course of the primary. That's an opportunity.

Speaker 1:

When the policy project was completed, david Harcani, writing for the national review, declared Biden's joint 110 page policy wish list for the democratic party was co-written with the nation's most famous collective list Castro Apologist, bernie Sanders. And here's the nuggets of wisdom. The document is jammed with policies that a moderate Senator Biden, would have never embraced. The goals of the task force were to move the buying campaign into a progressive, as progressive a direction as possible, and I think we did that. Sanders told NPR at the time, on issue after issue, whether it was the education policies, the economy, health care, climate, immigration, criminal justice I think we there was a significant movement on the part of the buying campaign mission accomplished. If I'm the nominee, I can tell you one thing I would very much want Bernie Sanders to be part of the journey Biden had noted, not as a vice presidential nominee, but just in engaging in all those things he's worked so hard to do, many of which I agree.

Speaker 1:

Biden was now surrounded by Obama and the Sanders extremist, among others, to ensure that there and now, his anti-America, marxist agenda would be instituted. So you can see, even though Joe Biden, in his inaugural address back in 2021, january of 2021, use the word unity and united and coming across the aisle, he used that word in those phrases more than any other president in the history of inaugural addresses, and yet none of it came true Right. When he left that stage, he was a radical and he had the personnel and the policies to implement that radical agenda. Now this cultural revolution has been going on before Joe Biden. Fact it goes all the way back to 2008 with Barack Obama.

Speaker 1:

As we learned, donald Trump just merely was a speed bump in the cultural transformation we are undergoing, and the one thing that we should mention is that Mark Levin's book is fantastic. Very thick book certainly can't cover it all, but here's once. Well, here's a group of nuggets of wisdom that I thought I would share with you, because this is the real insight of what's going on with his administration. Going back to the book, among those pushing Biden's radical agenda behind the scenes is a group of descendants of men and women who helped Franklin Roosevelt Institute is new deal, as reported by political. In 2021 at 6pm to Rose of elderly faces appeared on the screen staring into the camera June Hopkins, henry Scott Wallace, tomlin Perkins, conchell and James Roosevelt Jr. If their names sound vaguely familiar, it's because their relatives Harry Hopkins, henry Wallace, francis Perkins and Franklin Delano Roosevelt form the nucleus of one of the most famous and influential of all of us rosters in American history.

Speaker 1:

90 years later, these descendants of the FDR administration have reconstituted his cabinet and they have played their roles with a conscientious sense of purpose. This is a meeting, not a happy hour no one drinks and then begin on time in a city of interest groups. The descendants, as they refer to themselves in frequent press releases and op-eds, are among the more unusual. They are determined to polish the legacy of America's 32nd president by pushing the 46th president to embrace a legislative agenda as transformational as the new deal. They want Joe Biden to embrace the idea of an activist government. They want him to eliminate the filibuster. They spend hours parsing his words for echoes of the stirring language that helped defeat the Great Depression, and they devote their Wednesday night zoom meetings where they have met nearly every week since last June, plotting ways to keep the comparisons to FDR alive, as if repetition might somehow will Biden's late and progressivism to life Quote.

Speaker 1:

The sudden impulse to compare the two men or take issue with the impulse to compare the two men has become commonplace in Washington. You'll find the two men's names side by side in the headlines More than 175 of them already this year. You'll read about the way both men face the threat of authoritarianism. You will see new deal, illusions in the coverage of Biden's proposed infrastructure package. You'll forget there was ever a time when the president wasn't on the cusp of transformational the presidential candidate who ran for office on the promise that nothing would fundamentally change. This six term senator, who moved with rather than a head of his party from one decade to the next, is now maybe the next FDR end quote. And Bernie Sanders agrees having endorsed, having early on endorsed Joe Biden for reelection in 2024, comparing his radical record to the former presidents. And so we say all this to make the grand point that if you want to understand what has happened to the country, if you really want to get into the weeds, you have to understand the history of the Democrat Party. You have to understand its origins and why it hates America as much as it does. You also have to go back and understand how it was radicalized from the 1920s and 30s under FDR, even going back to Wilson a little bit. But by the time he gets the FDR, that snowball starts to roll downhill. And then it gets really radical in the 60s and 70s. And by the time of Barack Obama they are punching way above their weight and that's what our previous Liberty Minute was all about, but Mark Levin does a great service for us in this book because he digs in to how radical this party has been since the beginning of the country In fact, so much so. Mark Levin does wonderful research and I'm going to share that with you right now. Pay attention to this next quote In 2017, freedom House, founded in 1947, I'm sorry, 1941 released a substantial report on modern authoritarianism, used primarily, but not exclusively, on communist China and fast stick Russia.

Speaker 1:

Freedom House is a well intentioned nonprofit, but here's the but. It's a center left organization with a very important mission. It describes itself as a group founded on the core conviction that freedom flourishes in democratic nations where governments are accountable to their people, the rule of law prevails and freedoms of expression, association and belief, as well as respect for the rights of women, minority communities and historically marginalized groups are guaranteed. We speak out against the main threats to democracy and empower citizens to exercise their fundamental rights through a unique combination of analysis, advocacy and direct support to frontline defenders of freedom, especially those working in closed authoritarian societies, says their lead webpage. Huh, that sounds. That sounds fine, doesn't it? I mean, we want freedom to flourish. We want governments to be accountable to the people, the role of law to prevail, freedoms of expression, association and belief. We want the rights of minority communities and women, marginalized groups, to be guaranteed. All this sounds pretty good, even though it's a center left organization. Let's go back to the book, because it gets even more interesting what Freedom House says.

Speaker 1:

Although mostly focused on China and Russia, I believe in many significant respects the Freedom House document reflects what is occurring in the United States at the command of the Democrat Party and the implementation of its various extraconstitutional economic and political schemes. Moreover, since 2017, the situation in the United States has become significantly worse and even dire. And here's where Mark Levin is brilliant. When I apply in part many of the Democratic Party aims and actions to the Freedom House analysis on China and Russia, the similarities are stunning. As a general matter, freedom House declared that quote the 21st century has been marked by a resurgence of authoritarian role that has proved resilient Despite economic fragility and occasional popular resistance. Modern authoritarianism has succeeded where previous totalitarian systems failed due to refined and nuanced strategies of repression, the exploitation of open societies, in the spread of illiberal policies in democratic countries themselves.

Speaker 1:

The leaders of today's authoritarian systems listen up, devote full-time attention to the challenge of crippling the opposition without annihilating it, the flaunting the rule of law, while maintaining a plausible veneer of order and legitimacy and prosperity. Frankly, I can think of no better description of the Democrat Party in Democrat Party role. For example, the Democrat Party seeks to eliminate the Senate filibuster role in order to pass legislation that would fundamentally alter innumerable aspects of our culture and society. They want to add four more Democrat senators to the Senate to prevent the Republican Party from ever winning a majority in the Senate. They want to add justices to the Supreme Court in order to control the ideological makeup of the court for decades to come and change the rules and process and outcomes of the popular vote throughout the nation to make it impossible for the Republican Party to win the presidency and majorities in Congress. The goal is to quote cripple the opposition, the GOP, without annihilating it, to empower the Democrat Party into the distant future. And, of course, the Democrat Party's use of the Department of Justice, fbi, IRS, etc. Against political opponents. Is this stuff of police state, state autocracies.

Speaker 1:

Now we could go on and on and on about the comparisons from this Freedom House document to our own internal Democrat Party and what they're doing. The similarities are striking, astonishingly, astonishingly, just overwhelming. It's hard to believe it because it can't be a coincidence. These people are absolute progressive radicals. So in today's Liberty Minute I would urge you to check out the book. It's a thick book, I understand it can be intimidating, but Mark Levin has done a great service. A robust history at the Democrat Party and if there is a more robust history, if there's a more deeper history of the Democrat Party I don't know where it's at. I have not found that book. This book is astonishingly good. Again, he's Levin's just done a great, a great job for the country, put it in print to shine a light on all these radical, radical policies for the history of the country or for the history of the party, going all the way back to the founding of the founding of our country.

Speaker 1:

So, to answer that overarching question, we've been trying to answer what happened to our country. Well, to sum up, democrat radicals have taken over the party and the country and they're governing it accordingly. We are in the middle of a cultural revolution. Who knew and who knows if we'll be able to come out the other end intact? They are wanting to transform the country into something completely different than what most Americans have ever wanted and ever knew of. Now let's just end with one last quote to sum all this up.

Speaker 1:

From what we have learned today, the Democrat Party has become the political and operational organism through which American Marxism functions, just as earlier in our history it was the party of the Confederacy and slavery, of segregation in the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow. In more recent times, it has adapted and tailored its Marxist ideology to American governance and politics, and in doing so, the Democrat Party has adopted what some call a passive or quiet revolutionary approach. That is, as the late Italian communist Attaneo Gramsci argued, the long march through the institutions. So in summary of all this, if we were to give examples, richard Nixon was forced to resign for doing far less than what Franklin Roosevelt did, or John Kennedy or Lyndon Johnson of their weaponizing the IRS, the FBI and later the CIA. Now, levin writes, ronald Reagan was pursued over the so-called Iran Contra matter, which was nothing compared to what Barack Obama did on a $1.7 billion cash payment and nuclear deal with the Iranian regime. And, of course, the endless political and criminal pursuits of Donald Trump by the Democrat Party is unprecedented. So, in this and virtually all else it does, the Democrat Party's loathing of America is limitless, completely limitless. So we are watching a cultural revolution up close happen in the United States.

Speaker 1:

Now I ask you to come back next week for our final part, part three of this series of what happened to our country, and next week we will tackle this question with another good book to help us look at it from a different perspective and from a different author. Our first author, kevin Slag, did a wonderful job in the war on the American Republic. He gave us a deep dive in the history. Mark Levin has given us a wonderful, robust and deep, equally deep history of the Democrat Party, and next week we will have a newcomer to the conservative writing genre and I'm excited to share him with you. So until then, let's keep fighting the good fight and let's keep hope alive, because that's what Americans do.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this Theory to Action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at teammojoacademycom, where we have everything we discussed in this podcast, as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo on.