Aug. 13, 2023

LM#35--The Most Radical Revolution In Over 160 Years

Are you ready to confront the truth of the massive revolution that has gripped the US in the early 21st century?

In this Liberty Minute, brace yourself for an insightful journey through the shift that has echoes from the era leading up to the Civil War.

Our guide? None other than the hardest working and most insightful historian in the world, Victor Davis Hansen, whose words shed light on this "Remaking of America" article from the wonderful website American Greatness. 

I hope you will join us for this deep exploration of this most critical era in American history and the worst fissures since the breaking up of the country over 160 years ago.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • We use Victor's article as our outline regarding this most radical of revolutions our country has faced since the Civil War
  • Victor highlights 10 upheavals that the Left has successfully wrought on our country.
  • We remember the indomitable spirit of the late Rush Limbaugh, a giant in the realm of modern conservative talk radio, and his early recognition of the American Greatness website from which now Victor Davis Hanson is writing for.  
  • We dive deep into the Censorship as we explore the left's successful attempts to weaponize justice and suppress dissenting voices. 
  • Finally, we address the destruction of common law and the erosion of the military under the current revolution. We see once prosperous cities becoming unsavory territories after dark as left-wing policies defund the police and support district attorney candidates. 
  • We wrap up with our thoughts on the radical revolution's implications for 2024, emphasizing the need for victory. 

Other resources:

Catholic Corner--The End of Christendom, What's Next?

MM#137--Saving Nine

LM#12--San Fransicko:  Why Progressive Ruin Cities

MM#129--Debunking the Lies of History

Prager U videos

  1. Russian Hoax and the Death of Journalism
  2. The Bankrupting of America
  3. What was revolutionary about the American Revolution

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00:01 - The Radical Revolution in American History

07:58 - The Revolution in America

25:53 - Destruction of Law, Erosion of Military

33:14 - Progressive Left Revolution Upheavals

48:45 - No Substitute for Victory in America

Speaker 1:

Listen, those are the drums of liberty. We are living through one of the most radical revolutions in American history since perhaps the 1850s or 1860s. Let's talk about it on this Liberty Minute.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Theory to Action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time, to help you take action immediately and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now here's your host, David Kaiser.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I am David and welcome back to this Liberty Minute. We believe. For the next 30 to 40 minutes, we will give you a comprehensive view of the United States in the early 21st century and in the last eight years, the American people have undergone what can only be regarded as one of the most radical revolutions in American history. And it's not because of Donald Trump. He was a symptom of the revolution. And before you start throwing tomatoes at me through your cell phone because you believe Donald Trump is the root of all evil in America, please allow me to explain. Please take a breath, just take a breath. I know that is something that doesn't happen anymore in America and I know once you hear the offending statement, you reach and grab for those verbal tomatoes without a second thought. But please, as we go on this quest together to become informed citizens, take a breath. The knee-jerk reactions don't work well in this revolutionary times, because we are indeed living through one of the most tumultuous times in our country's history. As I said before, this has not been seen since the lead up to the US Civil War some 160 years ago. But to set the stage for all of this and to kick off our episode, let me go to our first poll quote from a very well-known author, an author that we're going to study in the coming weeks, an author who doesn't react to every skirmish in the culture wars, but an author none of us that has studied the classics, that is taught and, most importantly, listens listens to his fellow Americans from all over the country. So he gives us a unique perspective and he's well worth reading. So with that, let's go to our first poll quote. We are in the midst of one of the most radical revolutions in American history. It is as far reaching and dangerous as the turbulent years of the 1850s and 1860s or the 1930s. Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault, including the very processes by which we govern ourselves and the manner in which we live. The revolution began under the Obama administration, sought to divide Americans into oppressed and oppressors, and then substitute race for class victimization. It was empowered by the bicoastal wealth accrued from globalization and honed during the COVID lockdown, quarantine-fed economic downturn and the George Floyd riots and their aftermath. The revolution was both boosted by fanatic opposition to the presidency of Donald Trump, and the result is an America that is unrecognizable from what it was a mere decade ago, and this quote comes to us from one of the most brilliant writers and military historians to ever have produced ever been produced by these United States and that gentleman's name is Victor Davis Hansen. And yes, that is saying something, but I will back up my words in subsequent mojo minutes coming later this week. But for now, let's consider Hansen's words on their merit. And before we consider them, just to note that this piece was written for the website American Greatness, and many conservative talk shows and pundits never refer to any of the pieces from American greatness anymore, but it was one of the greatest conservative radio hosts to who resurrected the talk radio AM format and literally saved it from going bankrupt. And that gentleman was the late great Rush Limbaugh. So for this Liberty Minute we're going to dedicate this episode to Rush, who could always articulate what most of the American people were feeling, and this was one of Rush's favorite websites before he passed on to the good Lord. So today we're pulling this article from American greatness. And now let's go back and consider Hansen's words on their own merit. The first question has every aspect of American life and culture been under assault for the last decade? Yes For sure. Traditional values are Judeo, christian heritage, free speech at its core, attacks on the Supreme Court, on our election systems, on the Congress. I could go on and on. Let's consider the second point of Hansen's opening to paragraphs. Did this revolution begin under the Obama administration? At the time I didn't think so. Looking back on it now, it's hard not to see that the words of revolution were spoken then, but they were spoken with a mild indignation to the American people. Now, if you read enough history books, especially of the Civil War era, you will find many people saying the very same thing about their own times and about their own times in which they lived. Things kind of started out with just a spark, a smoldering fire. It was not a prairie fire, it was not a raging fire. Things started out very small, a tweak here, a tweak there. Many writers cite folks in those history books saying along the lines of something like this as an example. I didn't think so at the time, but the events leading up to the Civil War had swept me up too. And then I was looking back at the Dred Scott case. That was an example of a terrible decision, but at the time I thought it's just one of many. Why single that one out, or they would say something like this the fact that many congressmen were being assaulted in Congress seemed pretty tame with what was going on out in the country, as an example in bleeding Kansas, that territory where there were so many reports of just wholesale riots going on all over the issue of slavery. So contemporaries at the time, looking back, said boy, that was sure a harbinger of things to come. Looking back to our questions in this article, the third and final question is America unrecognizable from where it lay a decade ago? Well, emphatically, we have to answer yes, there is no question. It's completely unrecognizable from just some 10 years ago. Look back at 2013 compared to 2023. We are in a state of a revolution Now. Are we in a revolution that is wanting to change the very nature of America and remake it into something that the American people want it to be? Well, to answer that question, let's walk, with Victor Davis Hansen as our guide, down this path and take a look for ourselves. Going back to the article, here are 10 upheavals that the left has successfully wrought. Number one free expression. In large swaths of American society, particularly the corporation, the media, the government, the public, schools and the university, it is suddenly dangerous to speak freely At a DEI workshop. Politely object that whiteness does not account for all the challenges of marginalized peoples and you will become either ostracized, reprimanded or perhaps fired. Suggest to a class that may have made climate change in the state Remedies for it are still under debate and your career and livelihood are endangered. In 2020, state that COVID lockdowns would do more eventual damage than the virus in your career was through. Expressed out that there are more than two biological sexes and if an athlete or a high school principal, you will be shunned and rendered professionally inert. The government in a league with social media censors, the news Liberal universities often first require McCarthy-era type diversity statements for one to be hired. Commissars review syllabi to spot incorrect or improper speech or insufficient DEI zeal. The left now seeks to modify the First Amendment and its empowerment of quote hate speech defined as most anything impeding the progressive project. The state and the universities properly issue word list of approved though tabularies. The old ACLU or Senator Church committees would now probably be deemed right wing. Their methodologies are, I'm sorry, the methodologies of Joseph McCarthy and Jay Egger Hoover are the preferred models once they were rebooted to the right cause. I have no argument with anything Victor Davis Hansen wrote there. The fact that gender is now in question is just incredible. Stop and think about that. The fact that male and female are now controversial. It's truly out of a George Orwell novel and it truly truly confirms that Christendom has been dead for some 50 years. Reference our Catholic corner by the same name just one week ago. I'll put a link in the show notes to make it easy for you. Going back to the article the weaponization of justice Administrations and their efforts to stock the Justice Department with supporters come and go, but in the last decade the left has viewed the Department of Justice as a political extension of the party, whose unchecked power must properly be directed to hurt enemies and help friends. No merely wonder Eric Holder described himself as Obama's wingman and became the first Attorney General to be held in contempt for ignoring a congressional subpoena. Never in US history has the Department of Justice and sympathetic state and local prosecutors indicted a leading opposition candidate and likely nominee of one of the two major political parties, and at the beginning of a presidential campaign. Donald Trump is currently charged with nearly 100 felonies by at least two prosecutors. He eventually he's likely eventually will be hit with another more than 500 indictments from four prosecutors, and every one of the latter with a long record of either left wing associations or democratic service. The mass murderer, charles Manson faced less legal exposure. No one believes Trump would have been indicted on such counts, most of them involving allegations from years past where he not running for president. One count that Donald Trump is not charged with his bribery or taking money while in office, a crime cited as impeachable in the Constitution and germane to the accusations that Joe Biden and his family raked in millions from foreign governments due to the improper use of his prior vice presidency. For what reason did Joe Biden lie that he never discussed his son's business dealings? Why did Hunter complain to his daughter that Joe demanded half of his own grifting income? Why would a vice president serially call disreputable American grifters and foreign corrupt oligarchs? Can Joe's lifestyle ever be reconciled with his reported income? Let's stop real quick here. I wholeheartedly agree with Victor Davis-Anson on this one. My Lord, joe Biden, if he had an honest press that would have reported on all this stuff for the last decade, would absolutely be in jail unless he was pardoned. We have documented so many times on this channel Joe Biden is the most corrupt and the worst president to ever have been in office. He beats James Buchanan from the 19th century, the president that preceded Abraham Lincoln and essentially led us into a civil war, because he did nothing, and Joe Biden certainly smokes. Jimmy Carter largely considered thought to be the worst president in the 20th century and that's without question. Joe Biden's presidency, with its bribery among three or four nations now, will go down much worse than Richard Nixon's Watergate, the reporting press, who have failed to cover this. They're essentially already dead Now. If you don't believe me, I'll just put a link in the show notes of probably one of the most watched videos on this very subject from Prager University's five minute videos called the Death of Journalism. It's a fascinating look about the downfall of the media. Going back to the article Given, such a cement cemetery in the application of the law is conservative or even a political. Americans are apprehensive that any political prominence will draw the attention of government in an effort to either indict or bankrupt them with legal expenses. The last four FBI directors have either emitted they lied under oath or, preposterously under oath claimed ignorance or amnesia about events directly under their control, or they simply stonewalled subpoenas and testimonies about alleged FBI crimes. The former CIA director admitted to lying twice under oath. The FBI hired social media corporations to suppress election cycle news deemed unhelpful to the left. The agency, along with Democratic operatives, helped hatch the election cycle conspiracy of the 2015-2016 Russia Collusion hoax and the 2020 Russian disinformation laptop hoax. The FBI played a central role in many of the 2024 indictments. In other words, the FBI, along with the DOJ, is sought to warp three presidential elections in a row. On the prompt of a Joe Biden campaign official, now Secretary of State Blinken, and a former interim CIA director, 50 former intelligence officials lied to the electorate that the authentic but incriminating Biden computer was a likely Russian plan, a fact known to be a lie at the time but not disclosed as such by the FBI. Now we are only two of the ten arguments in, and already you feel I know I did first reading this piece that those two points alone would be cause to say we have a revolution on our hands. But let's move to point three, or argument three, I should say, the attack on the Supreme Court. Once the court achieved a more or less predictable conservative majority, the left sought to diminish it in a variety of ways. It is called for the packing of the court with leftist jurists to create a new 15-person justice bench. Leftist law professors in the Ivy League, in neo confederate nullification and insurrectionary style, call for the nation to ignore court rulings on abortion and affirmative action. The Senate Minority Leader led a throng to the doors of the court, threatening justices by name. Quote you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. Protesters now mob the homes of individual justices, hoping to intimidate them and alter their upcoming opinions, confident that the Department of Justice will exempt them from any legal consequences, such as felonious behavior. The media routinely accuses conservative justices of improper or illegal behavior without a worry about the emptiness of these charges. A traditional justice now accepts that a controversial ruling can result in media charges that he has corrupt, in shrieking protesters mobbing his home and in a mob assembling at the doors of the court and in disruptions during the court hearings and politicians issuing threats to his person and congressional calls to alter the set tree and a half makeup of the court. And, as always in Ivy League, law professors urging the country to ignore majority decisions in some. Conservative jurists must be careful where and when he goes out in public. Now we have covered this issue with the attacks on the court from Senator Mike Lee's wonderful book Saving Nine. Senator Lee, from Utah, is one the most thoughtful and articulate senators to ever have served in that body. Even he was alarmed at the rhetoric from the Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer A Senate Minority Leader making threats to the court in front of the court disgusting actions from a leader in our political body. But the revolution there, the revolution goes on, with one party not backing down. Now we highlighted this very problem with Senator Mike Lee's book in Saving Nine in Mojo, minute 137. I'll put a link in the show notes. And then now let's move on to the next upheaval, and actually the granddaddy of them all, going back to Victor Davis Hansen's article the media democratic fusion. If one were to listen during the last few years to MBC, abc, cbs, npr, pbs, ms, nbc or CNN, or read the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune or the Los Angeles Times, then one would have believed the following A Donald Trump worked with Russians to throw in when the 2016 election. As part of that skull duggery frolicking amid prostitutes, he urinated on a Moscow hotel bed to spite Barack Obama B. He was mentally incapacitated as president and should have been removed under the 25th Amendment C in 2020. His campaign once more worked with the Russians to create an exact replica of Hunter Biden's laptop, replete with dozens of lurid fake photos and hundreds of cleverly doctored emails to smear the Biden family and aid his own reelection effort. D Trump, as chief conspirator, preplanned a violent and armed insurrection that sought to storm and permanently occupy the government, violently hijacking the balloting and seizing the presidency, resulting in the murder of a Capitol police officer and the subsequent deaths of other traumatized officers. E. For the last eight years, none of Plick's Trump's political opponents have ever destroyed subpoenaed evidence, conspired to hire foreign nationals to compile false and lurid files on him to subvert his political campaigns or use their political offices to help solicit foreign money from family lobbyists. Or F. Trump is the first major political candidate and politician who allegedly overvalued his real assets to obtain a loan that he repaid, the first to have concluded non-disclosure agreements with potential embarrassing liaisons, the first ex-president to remove sensitive files to his personal residence. And the first to phone a state official to whine about the integrity of the vote count. He is the first losing presidential candidate or the major, first major politician to question on a election result or to seek redress through government agencies to rectify the purported corruption of the balloting. In sum, for the first time in American history, nearly all the major communication and journalistic networks have been fused with a political party. They believe the new role of the media is to advance they shared progressive cause, oppose and even defame common opponents and feed their audiences things that are not and cannot possibly be true. The mainstream media has lost all credibility. Now stop to think about those last two sentences that Victor Davis Hansen just said, just wrote, rather, and some. For the first time in American history, nearly all major communication and journalistic networks have been fused with a political party. The first time in history, not in the revolutionary war, not in the civil war, not during the great upheavals at the turn of the century, not during World War One or two or Vietnam, korea, did we have a fusion of almost all media into one political party, even liberal journalist, true liberal journalist, that still have an ounce of integrity with themselves. Even they feel squeamish at what's being written. Just one person that comes to mind Glenn Greenwald. They know something is drastically wrong with their peers in journalism. And oh, that last statement that Victor Davis Hansen writes. They believe the new role of the media is to advance a shared progressive cause, oppose and even defame a common opponents and feed their audiences things that are not and cannot possibly be true, boy. Now one point of fact is one of the most powerful five minute videos ever produced by Prager. You has documented all of this. They documented the absolute ignoring of the Columbia Journalism Review of the Russia Gate investigation done by one of their own, jeff girth. Now, in a four part 26,000 word report about the investigation, the Columbia Journalism Review just absolutely annihilated the major media. Now who is this Jeff girth guy? He's a highly regarded New York former New York Times reporter with decades of apparent of experience. So I would highly encourage you to watch that five minute video. I'll put a link in the show notes to make it easy for you again. Now, I know this is a lot, but the revolution does go on. Let's keep going. The destruction of common law by defunding the police in major cities and by showering left-wing district attorney candidates with millions of dollars in campaign funding that left systematically eroded the law as we know it in our major cities. As a result, downtowns are after dark no-go zones, as once great metropolituses resemble veritable combat theaters. Cities are becoming depopulated as consumers and businesses no longer find it safe to conduct commerce. Criminals and homeless now routinely break the law with impunity. Public violence, defecation, urination, fornication and injection don't even rate as misdemeanors. Now let's stop there. Just look as an example of the once beautiful, immaculately beautiful, majestically beautiful state of California. People are fleeing that state in droves. I don't think they can even keep the moving vans in that state long enough. It's like a there's like a wait list for moving vans to get out of there, and there people are fleeing, no matter the beauty, absolutely beautiful state, and progressives have just ruined it. That state had everything going for it. I mean, from the 1950s and 60s, hell. Even to the 80s things were still going relatively well. But boy, in a quick, hot second. In 30 years, from the 1990s onward, that whole state and its major cities have turned dark. There's diseases now that have cropped up in major industrialized nations, like 12th century and 13th century diseases that are now popping up in LA and San Diego and San Francisco. Now I'm glad to see that Florida governor Ron DeSantis and California governor Gavin Newsom are going to debate about the very direction of our country, with both talking about their policies, because that's certainly going to be worth watching. But seriously, major cities that the progressive left has had, that have ruined throughout our great land, is just terrible. In fact we covered this terrible upheaval in Liberty Minute 12 with the great book by the liberal Michael Schellenberger, who, as a liberal, was sickened at what is going on in his home city of San Francisco. That book's title is San Francisco why Progressives Ruined Cities. Wonderful Book. Be sure to check out that book in Liberty Minute 12. Going back to Victor Davis Hansen's article, we're still under the title of the destruction of common law, and here we pick up the article. The left has redefined violent crime to such an extent that shoplifting is no longer actionable. Flash mobs that take over streets and swarm to loot stores are rarely, if ever, arrested. Security officers who apprehend thieves or intervene to stop violence are more likely to be prosecuted than the criminals themselves. True statement there is no longer any immigration law. It has been utterly destroyed by Joe Biden. Seven million illegal entrance flood into the United States and, along with the Mexican government, make demands on their host to accommodate their illegality In some in blue states and at the federal level, left wing prosecutors and justices decide to enforce or ignore statutes, pile up or reduce indictments, increase or decrease punishments, not on what the law entails or evidence directs, but on the race, class or ideology of the perpetrator, usually in connection with the particular status of his victims. If asymmetry and race, class or ideology is suggested, then the law must modulate in redistributive fashion to contextualize the crime and criminal as a victim rather than the victimizer. The result is the veritable destruction of law in order as we once knew it. Yes, law and order is gone in most states, especially around major urban areas. You see it in the news and read about it every night. If the 1960s revolution was indeed in revolution, then the last 10 years is of. Our current existence is making that look like kindergarten? There's no comparison. Law and order certainly broke down in the 60s and 70s, but my lord, ours has been going on for 10 plus years and the fact is it's only gaining in intensity. Back in the article, the erosion of the military. Rarely has the American people pulled so little confidence in the US military. It perceives the Pentagon mission largely one to green light. Social change through the rapidity of the chain of command, not necessarily to maintain deterrence, much less to win all of its wars. The left has ensured that our armed forces are underfunded, short of munitions, weapons and military officers are used to promote progressive social agendas. Officers expect to be promoted, at worst stalled, on the basis of their views on race and gender. Those who traditionally died at twice their numbers in the general population in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan are ostracized and in near record numbers, leaving, while their friends and relatives are no longer enlisting in the military. Former Pentagon four star officers violated the code of uniform military justice and attacking a sitting president with a harshest invective, invoking comparisons to Hitler and Mussolini. Again predictably from a left wing viewpoint, the public expects the Joint Chiefs to be both appointed on ideological considerations and from time to time even to freelance to contact enemy counterparts should they feel a conservative president is dangerous to world peace. There is no longer any social stigma or legal jeopardy for retired officers and working as defense contractor, lobbyist or board members after revolving from or soon back to the Pentagon, general Milley. Mike Milley should have been fired during the Trump presidency, but sadly he wasn't. Defense Secretary Austin should have been fired after the Afghanistan debacle, and here we have one of the saddest commentaries on the state of the country. But the revolution goes on. Let's go back to the article. The seventh upheaval of the Progressive Left Revolution on Remaking of America are the sexes. The heterosexual male and female marriage in the nuclear family are all to be suspect. There are three sexes or perhaps still more. English proper language pronouns are inadequate to reflect sexual diversity, so adherence to such ossified languages is career endangering. An epidemic of childlessness, singlehood and a collapsing fertility rates are either of no national importance or illustrate the preferred non-nuclear family model. Powerful hormonal drug regimens and permanent radical sex change surgery should be the choices of minors alone, who know best when they choose to transition to another sex. Graphic sexual manuals and drag queens shows with stimulated sex acts can perhaps articulate preteens to dangers of growing up in an oppressive, normative binary society. Sex, but not race, is constructed and thus a matter not of biology but of individual choice. Even with my most liberal of the friends, this radical, radical notion that there's more than two sexes is where this revolution will probably die eventually. Because even the most liberal, even the most progressive, if you are halfway reasonable, if you have any integrity, you will stand up and say no. This is bizarre language, this is mental illness language, and we will not allow our children to be groomed, no matter if it's educationally or culturally. So we will see what happens, but I'm waiting on the reasonable people from the left, the reasonable progressives, who believe in all the things that liberals do higher tax rates. They might even believe in abortion, they might believe in some wild things, but even they are wincing and cringing that there's more than two sexes. This is bizarre stuff. This is our stuff indeed, but let us pray and let us hope that reasonable people prevail and the revolution keeps going and the revolution gets radical and more radical. Let's keep going. Number eight in our list of major upheavals from the Victor Davis Hansen article, going back to the article Peace not class. Racial inequality and the lack of parity are due to whiteness. Racial quotas, segregated dorms, graduations, workshops and safe spaces are exempt from civil rights statutes, given they are necessary to achieve equity. Integration and assimilation are the opiates of the masses. Apartheid and segregation are misunderstood Modalities and thus, if enlightened, sometimes necessary corrective measures. Reparations are to supersede ineffective affirmation of action. Wokeness liberates us to see how race explains everything in America, past and present, at universities and in popular culture. Proportional representation of various ethnicities and races is no longer sufficient remedy that a rep re repertory, hiring and emissions are required to atone for prior generations of discrimination. It is taboo to suggest that cultural conditions, not just race, accounts for inequality. Everything from meritocracy to promptness to physical fitness is racist in nature, requiring DEI experts to expose and inform about the systemic nature of American racism. Our first black president, barack Obama, had eight years to chart a pathway for the American people all around race. He had a unique platform as the first African American president and sadly he didn't provide that pathway. In fact he talked about our worst tendencies. He barely mentioned the very best African Americans this country has ever produced. Frederick Douglass barely mentioned. Booker T Washington barely mentioned. He even had a Supreme Court Justice, clarence Thomas, who was serving in the same federal government with him on the Supreme Court. That opportunity for Barack Obama was missed and it's a tremendous and sad failure and surely that book will be written at some point. Now the final two points from our greatest living historian and dare say I say the hardest working historian is number nine the debt is a social construct. Let's go back to the article from our hardest working living historian. Number nine debt is a construct. Modern monetary theory proved that annual deficits and national debt are just a state accounting challenge. So printing more money is an act that properly diminishes the value of existing capital improperly hoarded by parasitic profiteers, spreading the ensuing cash wealth to the more deserving and victimized. As long overdue social justice At any time, the national debt can be deconstructed by renouncing usurious bond obligations and appropriating private retirement accounts and further inflating the current the currency, if governments are committed enough to said social justice. Now this is the most maddening of all the political issues, because it's math, it's merely numbers and it doesn't lie. You cannot roam from the numbers and, frankly, both political parties are spending like drunken sailors. We've covered this on this channel numerous times. You can go back through the archives and see many, many Liberty Minutes and Mojo Minutes all about this topic. Nobody wants to act responsibly to get this issue resolved and it is bankrupting the country. It's bankrupting America. We're going to throw in a Prager University from Stephen Moore all about the bankrupting of America, because in five minutes he gets. He gets to the root of the issue. We keep sweeping this problem under the rug and now we are running out of room under that same proverbial rug to sweep anything under. Let's go back to the article for our last upheaval Universities. It is now heresy that universities should be places of disinterested inquiry and inductive investigation. They can properly instead become a valuable tool in ridding society of races and sexes, forces, platitudes about free speech and equality under the law and the tyranny of private property, capitalist profiteering and the white male, heterosexual, christian oppression. The universities have lost their ways. Now. The amazing fact that most people forget is just some 30 to 40 years ago. Did you know that even Harvard University in 1982 brought in a panel of conservative writers to talk, to talk about the conservative movement that had just elected Ronald Reagan? And certainly, I would say, 90 percent of Harvard in the 1980s certainly disagreed with every point those journalists and those writers made, but they were curious enough to invite them in. Do you think that would happen today? Not a chance. Do you think even the faculty would allow it to happen? Even if the students with their vaunted IQs, you know the smartest of the smartest, who think they're no more anywhere else and they lack the simplest virtues, which is of humility, do you think those vaunted IQs would allow a conservative to even step on campus. Students know you're kidding yourself if you think that would happen. That's the arrogance, the smugness of the progressive liberals. Let's continue on with our article. So the role of a university is to create a brief, safe space in which graduates can leave without proper trading about the terrible history of the United States and the ways in which it must be disbandled and then be rebuilt by the properly trained experts from the ground up. Counter-revolutionaries or deluded liberals and their quaint adherents to a racist and archaic Bill of Rights have no place on these islands of progressive resistance. None of the above was true at the millennium. All are now true, with more still to come. Yes, thank you, howard Zinn, for corrupting our American history with your drug-induced writing in your book of People's History of the United States. In fact, we covered that horrific book in Mojo, minute 129, where we debunked all the lies that you told in history. We shined a light and exposed that fraud that is your book. You know that, author, howard Zinn. He lied the whole way through the book. Yet now it's the history that is taught to most American school children all over the country and we wonder why our country is in the state of revolution that it is now. So, yes, folks, we are in the middle of a radical, radical revolution not seen since the 1850s or 60s. And this is not like our American Revolution. After all, all revolutions are not created equal. In fact, most revolutions cause more harm than good. No, but our American Revolution was unique. You can review that Prager University, that Uber popular five minute video. I'll put a link in the show notes there. But some 50 to 100 years from now, historians will, if they love the truth and they want to seek and understand the truth, they'll look back at these days with great confusion and I think they will chalk all of this rubbish up to the revolutionary state of our current times. Now let's hope that we're not leading up to a second civil war. Let's hope that second civil war is not on our doorsteps now. We absolutely pray and hope that that does not happen. But to close this Liberty Minute, victor Davis Hansen's article was tremendous in its scope and its writing and its depth and its in its detail. It tells exactly what we are all feeling and what we are all living through Now. I just had concluded a wonderful book about another time of great stress in our country coming out of the 1970s and those liberal times. It was about the Reagan revolution in the campaign and the campaign of 1976. As you know if you're a student of history, reagan did not win in the 1976 election. He primaried the sitting president, gerald Ford, because he was a weak and ineffective president. Reagan took that primary contest all the way to the convention in Kansas City and he came up just short. And then Gerald Ford did something strange he invited Reagan to come down to address the crowd. I won't read you most of the speech, but I thought the second half and the last several paragraphs is a fitting end to this Liberty Minute, because we are facing almost similar circumstances, just with more intensity now than then. Let's go to the Reagan revolution written by Craig Shirley, and to Ronald Reagan's speech and Kemperam arena. And suddenly it dawned on me this is Ronald Reagan speaking to the convention delegates on the floor of the GOP convention in 1976. It suddenly dawned on me those who would read this letter a hundred years from now will know whether those missiles were fired and they will know whether we met our challenge. Whether they have the freedom that we have known up until now will depend on what we do here. Well, they look back with appreciation and say thank God for those people in 1976 who headed off that loss of freedom, who kept us now, a hundred years later, free, who kept our world from nuclear destruction. And if we fail, they probably won't get to read the letter at all because of because it spoke of individual freedom and they won't be allowed to talk about it or to read about it. This is our challenge and this is why we are here in this hall tonight, better than we've ever done before. We've got to quit talking to each other and about each other and go out and communicate to the world that we may be fewer in numbers than we've ever been, but we carry the message that they're waiting for. We must go forth from here united, determined that what great general said a few years ago is true there is no substitute for victory. So there we go there is no substitute for victory. We agree with Ronald Reagan in 1976 and we absolutely appreciate Victor Davis Hansen's writing to describe the radical, radical revolution that we are living through right now. There is no substitute for victory. To turn the tide, to get back to some normalcy, to get back to an America that was just a decade ago, requires victory. There is no substitute for it. So let us appreciate Victor Davis Hansen's article, let's fight the good fight and let us continue to pray, and let us have no substitute for victory in 2024.

Speaker 2:

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