Feb. 19, 2023

LM#24--My Question to An Economist & Her Wrong Answer

Several weeks ago, I was in Atlanta, GA for a business conference and at that conference I asked one our speakers, an economist a simple yet difficult question.   

In today's Liberty Minute 🗽 we will discuss her wrong answer and examine the correct answer to that question with our expert, economist Stephen Moore and his excellent work, GovZilla:  How the Relentless Growth of Government Is Devouring Our Economy - And Our Freedom

Key Points from the Episode:

  • The economist wrong answer to US GDP growth being cut in half from the years 1946 to 2000 vs 2000 to 2020 despite both political parties being part of both time frames.  Whats changed?
  • We are moving away from a free enterprise system to a welfare state and command and control economy, which throughout all of history, those--command and controls economies  have always failed and failed repeatedly.
  • Americans always manage to get it wrong after we try every other alternative, lets hope we don't run out of time--this time.  We can't afford to get this one wrong.

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