Oct. 23, 2022

LM#16--Paideia + The Virtuous Free Society = Human Flourishing

Today's Liberty Minute πŸ—½ is a celebration πŸ₯³πŸ‘πŸŽŠ of sorts!!

A celebration of Saint John Paul II and his life and extraordinary teachings, most especially because today is his feast day, October 22!

Also, in this episode we will ponder his speech at the United Nations in 1995.
Along with George Weigel for some commentary and context in his papal biography, Witness to Hope.

Tomorrow,Β  we will further reflect on a great gift Saint John Paul II has given to the world.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Universal moral law of freedom in the heart of every human being
  • The United Nations struggling to enforce this law
  • A ground-breaking and extraordinary teaching on the free society, free market and human flourishing in Saint John Paul II's 1991 encyclical, Centesimus Annus. Β 

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