July 9, 2022

Liberty Minute #1--The American Majority Among Us

In this first Liberty ๐Ÿ—ฝ Minute, we find there is an AMERICAN majority among us.ย  ๐Ÿ™Œ

With the help of Newt Gingrich's fantastic book, Beyond Biden:ย  Rebuilding the Americaย  We Love, let us dive in.ย  ย 

Key Points from the Episode:

  • A top ten list of statements -ย  a SUPER majority of Americans agree on
  • Don't let the media or Washington elites tell you otherwise
  • Let us create and build the America we love with ALL Americans who share our good will & common interests!ย  ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

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Those are the drums of liberty.
How do we get our country working again? How can we get America flourishing again? Stay tuned for the Liberty minute.
Welcome to the theory to action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time, to help you take action immediately, and ultimately to create and lead to flourishing lines. Now, here's your host, David Kaiser.
Hello, I'm David, and welcome back to this very first, Liberty minute. Indeed, those were the sounds, the drums in fact, of liberty in the background, or what our subtitle should be, how can we get America flourishing again, because nothing is working in our country, almost everything is broken.
So without rehashing all the old political fights the last 30 to 45 years, let's start fresh with what we have most in common with each other.
If we can agree on the most common elements of how our country should work, and can work, and in fact, has worked in the past, together, we as Americans can get our country moving in the right direction.
Now, please notice, I didn't say Republicans or Democrats, or I didn't say progressive radicals or the alt right. I said as Americans. Right now in our country, we are at a bitter crisis stage. The country is bitterly bitterly divided.
And so this is where I found myself in early 2021. And for a year, I was trying to find a pathway forward. And then I read this book, and just the last six months. And as Americans, we need to figure out what works. And then we need to do those ideas and practices. I mean, we need to put them into place. As the podcast is named, we need to take theory and put it into action. Because we need to create a new American Majority. You know, I grew up in the 1980s. I grew up with Ronald Reagan in the White House. And it was a fantastic time in our country. In fact, the whole country was so supportive of Reagan, that in 1984, he won 49 out of 50 states. Now that's getting everything working in the right direction, the economy, the schools, everything was cranking. It was a great time to be in American. And Dang, can we get back that unity? I sure hope so.
For our country, we desperately need to.
So let's start with a small test to see if our first book and this podcast is for you. Let's start with a quote. Quote, here's a small test that will help you to decide whether you could be part of the American Majority. See if you agree or disagree with the following 10 statements number one. Americans should be judged by Reverend Martin Luther King Junior's standard, the content of their character not the color of their skin. Number two, MIDI but abled bodied adults should still have to work to receive taxpayer funded benefits such as food stamps, free health care, or welfare. Number three, America is the greatest country on Earth. Number four criminals who kill police officers should have mandatory life imprisonment.
Number five federal income taxes should be cut for all Americans. Number six, there should be tax credits for products manufactured in America. Number seven valid government issued photo identification should be required to vote in elections. Number eight, people should be able to freely practice their religion. Number nine, all children should have the opportunity to go to the schools that are best for them.
Number 10. Non citizen gang members, such as members of Ms. 13 should face mandatory deportation when they are arrested and of quote. So now let me share with you
Where this test came from? It comes to us from a fantastic book titled, beyond Biden rebuilding the America we love by former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich. Now, you might immediately object and say Newt Gingrich is a complete partisan hack. And I'm not going to listen to anything he has to say, Well, okay. But please realize that the last time the country was actually working, and both political parties were actually getting along enough to solve problems was in the 1990s.
So in fact, let me share a quote from the book and allow Newt himself to answer this objection, himself. Going back to the book, quote, all too often we're told America is divided into red and blue. I'm a conservative, and I have cheerfully spent my entire career as a partisan. However, this book is written to convince you that America is much bigger than red versus blue, Republican versus Democrat conservative versus liberal dichotomy. There is an American Majority, a red, white and blue unity, which the news media and politicians refuse to work with, and perhaps are too ideologically blind to see.
So there you go.
If you're intrigued, and you're not too blind to see not to ideologically blind to see, you will see that there's an America that's much much bigger than red versus blue, Democrat versus Republican.
So let's go back to that 10 Question 10 statement test, and see what Americans buy an overwhelmingly majority.
What they in fact support. Let's go back to the book.
And just to refresh our memory, I'll read them again the following 10 statements number one from the book, quote, Americans should be judged by Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Standard, the content of their character not the color of their skin. Number two needy, but abled bodied adults should still have to work to receive taxpayer funded benefits such as food stamps, free health care or welfare. Number three, America is the greatest country on Earth. Number four criminals who kill police officers should have mandatory life imprisonment. Number five federal income taxes should be cut for all Americans. Number six, there should be tax credits for products manufactured in America. Number seven, valid government issued photo identification should be required to vote in elections. Number eight people should be able to freely practice their religion. Number nine, all children should have the opportunity to go to the schools that are best for them. And number 10. Non citizen gang members, such as members of Ms. 13 should face mandatory deportation when they are arrested.
So that is our list. Let's continue from the book. If you agreed with at least seven of the statements, this book is for you. If you agreed with four or more, you may find this book intriguing. You may find an amazingly different take on America than you would have ever seen portrayed in the elite national media. Otherwise, you may not want to read this book. Although I encourage you to do so. You may simply reject the idea that you could be this far from the thinking of the majority of Americans. But I'm afraid you are an early 2021 Getting rich 360 started working with McLaughlin and Associates on an important project. We asked them to survey people nationwide to find super majority issues that bring together the American Majority across all ages, ethnicities, and political affiliations. Naturally, we are calling it the American Majority project. Consider how the American Majority answered the previous questions in here's where it gets really, really interesting.
91% of Americans believe Reverend King was right about the content of your character being more important than the color of your skin.
74% believe able bodied adults should be required to work for government benefits. 78% say America is the greatest country on Earth. 74% favor mandatory life sentences for cop killers.
75% of Americans favor federal income tax
in federal income tax cuts
87% want tax cuts for products made in America 81% of Americans say photo identification should be required for voting. 85% say government should protect religious freedom 81% of Americans want children to have the choice to go to the schools that are right for them.
And 87% favor deportation for non citizen gang members.
So folks, that is a super majority of Americans of 330 million people. We're getting over 74% on some statements, that of the of that 1010 statement list. So there is an American Majority, this is not Democrat versus Republican. That is this is not red versus blue. Let's go back to the final quote for our liberty minute today.
On those 10 questions, quote, on those 10 questions, we have more many more that fit this pattern, the American Majority ranges from 74.3% to 91.2%. of Americans, the average for these 10 is above 80%. Without the constant, intense and sometimes ferocious efforts of the left, a people oriented American system would be clearly far more patriotic and far more conservative than anything the Washington elites can imagine. An American government that followed the wishes of the American people would have dramatically different policies, in many cases, completely opposite policies, from the current power structure which current power structure, which is hostile to the common culture, and beliefs of most Americans. This book we're reviewing today beyond Biden is an effort to describe the kind of America that is possible if we embrace the values and system favored by the majority supermajority of the American people.
This is a process that is already underway in a number of states governed by conservatives, who are reasserting American values and American goals. Beyond Biden outlines those challenges we face, and the values and policies the American people will support in meeting those challenges, and of quote, so in this first Liberty minute, don't let the elite national media or in fact, any media, or radical partisans in Washington, with incredibly dumb ideas tell you otherwise. There is a national and an American Majority out there. They represent 70 to 90% of Americans on most issues. They are a reasonable people, they are decent, they are fair.
They understand that we are the greatest country on Earth. And that is not arrogant. We can as Americans be a proud but yet humble people. In fact, we are a very proud but humble people. So again, in this first Liberty minute, know that there are many, many Americans out there who represent the super majority on most issues.
And we can have much more in common with them, then the elite media, or Washington wants to tell us about. So have faith in your country, men and women. And do not believe that Washington or the media saying about you or me. We are part of the super majority of Americans. And Liberty is on the march again.
Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at T Mojo academy.com where we have everything we discussed in this podcast as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your mojo on
Hey, folks, David here, we get it that you're crunched for time and you're running pillar to post for your family for your friends and your work obligations. So there's no time to sit down and read anything much less a book. We understand we get it. So that's where we here at the Mojo Academy has stepped in to help please check out our very affordable Academy Review membership program where you will get two books reviewed for you in 25 to 45 minutes. You will get the top ideas from those books in audible format and you will get very quick
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