Dec. 19, 2023

Greatest Hits--MM#85--The Unbreakable Goggins replay

Prepare to unlock the warrior within as we gather the most empowering wisdom from our Theory to Action series--Greatest Hits

While David recuperates, we revisit the profound teachings that have inspired many to leap into a life of purpose and vitality.

Today's spotlight is on the indomitable spirit of David Goggins, a former Navy Seal whose tale of unyielding resilience and mental tenacity is both a battle cry and a blueprint for anyone seeking true self-mastery. Goggins, who rocketed to fame following his Joe Rogan podcast appearance, embodies the essence of the warrior's path with his life's narrative, captured in his book 'Can't Hurt Me.' Be forewarned: his story, while incredibly motivating, is delivered with unfiltered rawness and a volley of expletives.

Mindset is the topic of todays MOJO Minute and we feature former Navy Seal David Goggins and his super-human memoir, Cant Hurt Me.

*please note David Goggins is not shy throwing around the f-bombs so be mindful if you are easily offended*

Key Points from the Episode:

  • One Warrior
  • What's the human being greatest potential?
  • Goggin's accountability mirror 

Other resources:
Joe Rogan's interview with David Goggins

Goggins Youtube channel

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Speaker 1:

Unfortunately, David is sick today, so we won't have a new episode for you. However, we have compiled the greatest hits from the Theory to Action podcast for your enjoyment. Welcome to the Theory to Action podcast, where we examine the timeless treasures of wisdom from the great books in less time, to help you take action immediately and ultimately to create and lead a flourishing life. Now here's your host, David Kaiser.

Speaker 2:

Hello, I am David and welcome back to another Mojo Minute. In the past, we've talked about creating a winning mindset and how important that is. We've also talked about our special operations folks and through their rigorous training, they have seemed to corner the market on developing the tactics and tips and strategies to develop such a winning mindset. And in the past, I've introduced you to former Navy Seal Mark Devine and his excellent book, unbeatable Mind. So be sure to check out those Mojo Minutes for more goodness. Well, today let me introduce you to another former Navy Seal, mr David Goggins. This dude is the real deal. You might have heard of him. He appeared on the Joe Rogan podcast some time ago and he has taken the country by storm. I'll put a link in the show notes to Rogan's podcast At least I think I can. Rogan's now on Spotify, so I'm not entirely sure if I can do that, but I will try Nevertheless. Now, david Goggins wrote a book back in 2018, and I read it in two days. Well, let me change that. I listened on Audible Books while I was making a trip from Columbus, ohio, to Chicago, illinois, for a business meeting. But yes, I read it and listened to it in two days, because this book is that good? Now, because I understand. Sometimes we as parents are driving around kids in the car and you might be listening to this podcast. We try to remain family friendly here, but please take my advice you do not want to listen to this book with your kids in the car. And why? Because, mr David Goggins, his best friend is the F-bomb. I'm straight up being serious with you, so be sure to make sure you're by yourself. Or if you are offended by the F-bomb used repeatedly and often, this is probably not the book for you. So with that caveat out of the way, let me share the opening quote from my notes on this book, and the name of the book is Can't Hurt Me Again, by David Goggins. Quote Heraclitus, a philosopher born in the Persian Empire back in the fifth century BC, had it right when he wrote about men on the battlefield. Out of every hundred men he wrote, ten shouldn't even be there. Eighty are just targets. Nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one the one is a warrior. From the time you take your first breath, you become eligible to die. You also become eligible to find your greatness and to become the one warrior. But it is up to you to equip yourself for the battle ahead. Only you can master your mind, which is what it takes to live a bold life filled with accomplishments. Most people consider beyond their capability. And I'm not a genius like those professors at MIT, but I am that one warrior. And the story you're about to read the story of my fd up life We'll illuminate a proven path to self-mastery and empower you to face reality. Hold yourself accountable, push past pain, learn to love what you fear, relish failure. Live to your fullest potential and find out who you really are. Human beings change through study, habit and stories. Unquote. Now, this book can't hurt me by David Goggins is Incredibly inspiring I mean out of this world inspiring Now. David Goggins is raw, he's intense and Just reading it you will feel like he's in your face physically. And. And Goggins has lived an incredible life and you can read all about the details From his unfathomable weight loss transformation story to get into the military, losing some 130 pounds, to becoming a Navy SEAL. To breaking the Guinness World Record for pull-ups some 4,030 pull-ups in 17 hours Ouch Dang Yep. This dude sets records and ultramarathons, and in Doran Doran's races, I know. Did I mention? By the way, he just, on the side, became an Army Ranger. It's just an incredible story. Growing up in Indiana went through horrific, horrific Childhood years and the funny thing is I guess it's not funny, but guess what? David Goggins is still training to this day. I'll put a link in the show notes from his YouTube videos when he's training all the time in incredible conditions. But if you step back and really read slash, listen to this book. When you listen at least for me you know Goggins is very close to the truth About one thing the human being's potential and its shortcomings. And this is the point of today's mojo minute. Our nugget of wisdom today is about the fact that we cut ourselves off Far too short. After all, we like comfort, we human beings like comfort, we seek it and reading this book, I found exploring that human potential fascinating, inspiring and, frankly, just quite scary. Now, if you believe we're all victims of life and we have no ability to change our state in life, or we have no ability to get better you, or to learn and grow as human beings, then this book is just not for you. Repeat, it is not for you. You will be offended, because Goggins will push your thinking and your assumptions. He will motivate and inspire you and he will help you to identify and to create a winning mindset. So if you want to change your circumstances in life and you want to get better and you don't mind someone pushing you outside your comfort zone and then keeping you there, this book is for you. It is a fantastic read. Let me share just one more quote from the book. If you're giving up, instead of getting hard, tell the truth about the real reasons for your limitations and you will turn that negativity, which is real, into jet fuel. Those odds stacked against you will become your damn runway. There is no more time to waste. Hours and days evaporate like creeks in the desert. That's why it's okay to be cruel to yourself, as long as you realize you're doing it to become better. We all need thicker skin to improve in life. Being soft when you look in the mirror isn't going to inspire the wholesale changes we need to shift our present and open up our future. The morning after the first session with the accountability mirror, I trashed the shag steering wheel and the fuzzy dice, I tucked my shirt in, I wore my pants with a belt and once school started up again, I stopped eating at my lunch table for the first time, being liked and acting cool. We're a waste of time. And instead of eating with all the popular kids, I found my own table and ate alone. Unquote the David Goggins account. The accountability mirror is a tremendous tactic, and boy, there's a whole lot of truth there for all of us to digest. So how about your accountability mirror? What happens when you look in your mirror? And perhaps, like mine, my Calendary accountability mirror is a little foggy. It's a little hard to see myself in my accountability mirror. We can't quite make out that reflection so good. So let's do this, then, in developing a winning mindset. Let's wipe off that mirror with some Windex. Let's get it nice and clear, with no spots. Let's square our shoulders then and let's really look at ourselves. Let's, as David Goggins shows us, tell the truth about the real reasons for our limitations, and then we will turn that negativity into jet fuel, and those odds against us will be our damn runway. Let's go, mojo.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed this theory to action podcast. Be sure to check out our show page at team Mojo Academy dot com, where we have everything we discussed in this podcast, as well as other great resources. Until next time, keep getting your Mojo on.