Oct. 23, 2022

CC#14--Teachings for an Unbelieving World (Part 1)

Today's Catholic Corner episode, we discover a great gift!Ā  šŸŽ

This great gift is brought to us by Ave Maria Press in this wonderful book,

Teachings for an Unbelieving World:Ā  Newly Discovered Reflections on Paul's Sermon at the Areopagus by John Paul II

Key points

  • This newly discovered work written by St. John Paul IIā€”then Archbishop Karol Wojtyła of KrakĆ³wā€”in the years just after Vatican II, where he uses St. Paulā€™s sermon to the people of Athens in Acts 17 to ponder and reflect on our own 21st century especially our skepticism and unbelief.Ā 
  • In these thirteen brief reflections we get into the mind of St. John Paul II
  • George Weigel helps --writing in the forward to the book-- to add some color and context to this unique gift given to the world.
  • It is quite ironic that these newly found writings wereĀ  found--of all places--in a desk drawer, left alone.šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøĀ  lolĀ 

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