Aug. 9, 2021

Catholic Corner #1--Saint Dominic--The Integrated Life

In this new segment episode titled the Catholic Corner, we touch on Saint Dominic and his integrated way of life.

This new book, The Way of Life:  A Path to Knowing and Loving God   (affiliate link) by Patrick Mary Briscoe, OP and Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, OP, helps to unpack this richness of wisdom.

Key points:

  • Can our faith be regulated to the corner of our lives? 
  • Saint Dominic's way of life
  • How can we serve our neighbor and society and better ourselves each and every day?

Other resources:

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Hello I'm David and welcome back to the theory to action podcast. 

Today we're gonna launch a special new segment titled the catholic corner. 

Because after all if we're talking about creating and leading a flourishing life which is the ultimate goal of

The mojo Academy then faith and the supernatural life will have to be part of that conversation.  

Because after all, how could it NOT be?

Certainly It can't be sidelined or put in the corner as the title of this special segment suggests 

Paradoxically it must be taken out from the corner and infused throughout our lives 

As perhaps a layer upon layer onto our lives.

At least for the christian and more importantly the Catholic this ought to be the case. 

The integration of mind heart and soul to follow God made man who told he is the way the truth and the life would be the ideal pursuit of a flourishing life, wouldn't it?

And the paradox of the corner space is quite fitting isn't it,   For the Christian and catholic know and understand 

God works through paradoxes. 

Think of the famous prayer “is the giving that we receive and the pardoning that we are pardoning that the dying that we are

Born to eternal Life. 

And so with that let us begin and set out into the deep water this new catholic book review segment and help to remove from the corner of our lives our faith and begin to integrate it more fully into our lives. 

And there is no better for me to kick off this segment than to pay tribute to a saint who died 800 Years ago today but yet influences and guides my life and many lives with his spirituality and charism. 

In the year 1221 Dominic de Guzman passed away from this earthly reality 

Now I should stop as good tour guide does when viewing a masterpiece in a famous museum and remind us 

That the church in following her leader Jesus Christ says we are not dying but are being born into eternal

Life when we pass away.

So it is not a sadness as we mere mortals think of it but a gladness 

in fact a joy 

as God made man put it to enter into his kingdom. 

So 800 years ago Dominic de Guzman began his eternal life

His eternal reward.

He was born about the year of 1170.

He fought the Albigensian heresy with his preaching and exemplary life.  

He founded the Order of Preachers

I will put a link in the show notes of his biography.

All this brings me a new Catholic book that I’m reading this month and I will try to share my spiritual reading each month, 

It’s title is “Saint Dominic’s Way of Life, a Path to knowing and Loving God by Patrick Mary Briscoe, OP and Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, OP

As we always do 

lets share a quote from the book, “this way of life offers a rich approach to Christian living.  In the chaos of life, Saint Dominic’s project helps us to order and arrange our lives.  Many people today suffer from a fractured life.   

The struggle to harmonize professional expertise, classroom learning, hobbies, political views, family obligations, friendships and more causes divided hearts and stagnation in believers everywhere.   But Dominics way of life is integrated.   It is a life ordered by wisdom, directed toward the highest things.  

Every believer has to ask himself or herself: What is important to me?  Will I prioritize this or that moment?  This or that cause?  The grace of Dominic’s way of life helps us to clarify and lead.”

Thats some very good stuff there.

Ordered living certainly leads to a flourishing life.   

Certainly leads to asking the important questions about life

Such as Who am I?

Where am I going?

Whats important to me?

My past 17 years at my Dominican parish has been one of great learning, self reflection and growth in the spiritual life.   

I try every day to live that life more integrated.  But it is a battle.   

In this first Catholic corner episode, perhaps we can ask those questions of ourselves?

Who am I?

Where am I going?

Whats important to me?

Perhaps we can live our faith more completely, taking it out of the corner so to speak and integrate it more fully into our life.  

Perhaps if we havent yet, we can take the first step of our spiritual journey.

Finally our lord explained to his believers in the gospel of Luke 

"From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded."

We all have been given much.  We have been given life.  We have been given many and countless graces from our creator. 

Let's us serve our neighbor today and better our society today and most importantly better ourselves in love and in truth today

knowing the incredible joy which awaits us on the other side for his faithful servants!

May God bless you and let's go MOJO!