FREE Nuggets of Wisdom

Jan. 9, 2024

MM#296---Getting Some Grit

Unlock the secret engine of success that's been driving high achievers across the globe: grit. With guidance from Angela Duckworth's groundbreaking research on the power of passion and perseverance, and Carolyn Adams Miller's...

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Dec. 5, 2023

MM#288---The Unreasonable Person - 80/20 Style

Are you ready to unlock a transformative pathway to efficiency and success? We promise that, by the end of this episode, you'll have the keys to achieving more with less, thanks to the powerful 80/20 principle. Not only will ...

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Nov. 30, 2023

MM#287--Those Three Voices? Choose Consistency Every Time

Ever wondered how even the fitness icons struggle with consistency? Tony Horton, the mastermind behind P90X, sheds some light on it! This episode is a revealing journey through his book 'The Big Picture ,' where he admits to ...

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Oct. 19, 2023

MM#275--Lets Get Our Courage On, Shall We?

Ever wondered about the essence of courage and how it powers every other virtue? Well, it's time to lend an ear to our latest MOJO Minute episode, where we embark on a fascinating exploration of courage and its foundational r...

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June 13, 2023

MM#242--Humility 100x Over

Do you ever wonder why humility is considered the foundation of all virtues? In our enlightening discussion, we explore the crucial role humility plays in our lives, helping us recognize our own strengths and weaknesses, and ...

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June 8, 2023

MM#241--Patriotism, Virtue or Vice?

What does it mean to be a true patriot, and how does it differ from the dangerous territory of nationalism? Join us on this thought-provoking journey as we tackle these complex concepts and shed light on their implications. W...

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June 6, 2023

MM#240--The War on Virtue

What's the secret to achieving the American dream and living a flourishing life? Discover how essential virtues hold the key to happiness and why there is a war on virtue in this thought-provoking episode! Our guide in todays...

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March 9, 2023

MM#213--What Are Employers CRAVING These Days?

As we close in on the first quarter of the 21st century, we ask the question, what are employers craving in their new job hires? In todays episode we answer that question with Donald Miller's excellent and educational book, ...

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March 2, 2023

MM#211--The Value-Driven Professional Goes To The School of Character

In todays episode, we continue in our quest to build a flourishing life by undersanding the value we bring to a company and how to be a good team player. Just like our previous MM, Donald Miller will guide on our journey in ...

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Feb. 23, 2023

MM#209--Humility and its Dichotomies

Welcome to MM# 209 of the Theory to Action podcast, where we're exploring Humility and its dichotomies with Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, authors of The Dichotomy of Leadership: Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership t...

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Jan. 10, 2023

MM#196--The New Year Mindset Trifecta--Charity

In this episode, we finalize the introduction in the fundamentals in flourishing, which by developing a good mindset. We do so by drilling down on the second virtue in gaining mastery in this fundamental namely, charity. W...

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Jan. 5, 2023

MM#195--The New Year Mindset Trifecta--Humility

In this episode, we continue the introduction in the fundamentals in flourishing, which is developing a good mindset. We do so by drilling down on the second virtue in gaining mastery in this fundamental namely, humility. ...

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Jan. 3, 2023

MM#194--The New Year Mindset Trifecta

In today's show, we introduce another fundamental in flourishing, Mindset. To be our guide in drilling down on this notion of a positive mindset and more specifically Gratitude, we turn to Michael Hyatt in his book Your Best ...

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Sept. 15, 2022

MM#162--The Dignity of Human Work

Continuing on with our nuggets of wisdom surrounding our work and our notion of human work, in this MM, we turn to Timothy Keller in his very insightful book, Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God's Work Key Points...

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Sept. 13, 2022

MM#161--The Passion of Work

Do you have passion for your work? Do you love what you do for a living? If not, why not? Perhaps, your passion is misplaced. In this MM, we ponder that reflection on a "Gospel of Work" Key Points from the Episode: Do we n...

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