FREE Nuggets of Wisdom

Sept. 26, 2023

MM#271--Tiny or Atomic Habits = Still Flourishing

Do you realize that habits govern more than half of your daily actions? It's time to harness that power and turn it to your advantage. This episode uncovers the science behind the formation of habits, both good and bad, and h...

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Aug. 17, 2023

MM#261--Prayer = Flourishing

Ready to unlock the power of prayer and experience a flourishing life? Prominent author Matthew Leonard, known for his insightful book, Prayer Works: Getting a Grip on Catholic Spirituality helps us reveal the profound role ...

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Aug. 15, 2023

MM#260--A Fundamental In Flourishing--A Rock (or a Rosary) in Your Pocket

Have you ever considered how the simple act of gratitude could revolutionize your life? Today's episode of The Theory to Action podcast implores you to just that, as we explore the vital importance of gratitude in leading a f...

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Aug. 10, 2023

MM#259--Foundations in Flourishing

Feeling stuck? Can't seem to shake off old habits or find new paths forward? Join us today as we unravel a fascinating exploration of neuroscience, habits, and the transformative power of writing things down, inspired by key ...

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Aug. 1, 2023

MM#256--Are You Willing To Improve? To Flourish...Says Yes Every Time

Are you ready to witness a revolutionary shift in the financial landscape? Brace yourself, as this episode unpacks the historic transition from financial capital being the scarce resource to human ability taking the lead. In ...

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June 20, 2023

MM#244--In Failing, We Succeed

Do you fear failure? Or do you appreciate it and learn from it? This week, we're taking a much-needed break from our heavy philosophical discussions and focusing on a more practical topic: fear of failure. Inspired by a quote...

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Oct. 23, 2022

LM#16--Paideia + The Virtuous Free Society = Human Flourishing

Today's Liberty Minute 🗽 is a celebration 🥳👏🎊 of sorts!! A celebration of Saint John Paul II and his life and extraordinary teachings, most especially because today is his feast day, October 22! Also, in this episode we will ...

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Oct. 6, 2022

MM#168--Getting Started Right On The Flourishing Life

Everybody loves a simple list. In todays MOJO Minute, we believe we have found that list for starting you on the road to creating a Flourishing Life. our lightening bolt of inspiration came to us while reading, Robin Sharma's...

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Sept. 27, 2022

MM#165--A Queen's Flourishing Life

In this MM, we celebrate the life of Queen Elizabeth II, she certainly lived a flourishing life. Key Points from the Episode: Her life of devotion to her family Her life of faith to her God and her life of service to her coun...

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July 7, 2022

MM#142--Deeper Flourishing

In this MOJO Minute, we revisit Martin Seligman and his book, Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being for some Deeper Flourishing! Key Points from the Episode: Check out MM#100 for our introducti...

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April 26, 2022

MM#116--A Hero's Story + Bust'em = Flourish, Flourish, Flourishing

In this episode, we share how small businesses can change and clarifying their marketing to help tell their story and in the process of doing so, we discover that each of us is on our own hero's journey. A huge thank you to D...

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March 15, 2022

MM#100--To Flourish...and Thank you!

Wow! It’s MOJO Minute # 💯 Kinda special milestone! 🎊👏 So with that special milestone lets discuss my favorite word: Flourish And in doing so, we will enlist the help of a great author and expert in this area, Martin Seligma...

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Jan. 1, 2022

MM#78--Happy New Year

Happy New Year! In this first MOJO Minute of 2022, we kick off the new year with a new theme! Key Points from the Episode: Consistency beats Intensity Do the Work per Steven Pressfield Make it stupid small per our friend Ste...

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May 4, 2021

MOJO Minute #1

we kick things off in this first inaugural episode with why we strive to be our best selves. quotes from: Jim Rohn Steven Pressfield Charles Scholtz James Allen Want to leave a review? Click here and if we earned a five star ...

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